reply to post by antar
Yes, whether to stay indoors or get outside is very much a matter of where you are, so knowing your immediate locale is very important. Here where I
live, for example, going outside would be deadly because there are so many balconies on the multi-story apartment blocks here that could just come
crashing down into the streets, and then there's the two-lane tramway down the middle of the road with its high-ampere power cables, plus traffic most
of the time... So if we ever have a serious quake while we're home then we'll be staying indoors and just hoping for the best.
In the recent quake in Christchurch, we all saw what happened to cars and buses that were in the wrong place at the wrong time when building parapets,
balconies and even facades came down. They were simply flattened.
However, if a person is in an area where there's open space and nothing big around that might fall -- including trees! -- then outside could well be
better. However (again), I've read of things like cars, tractors and even oil drums that can go rolling around during a large quake, and as a full oil
drum weighs a few hundred pounds I sure wouldn't want to get skittled by one of those.
So the smart thing is to look at your surroundings and take note of anything that might fall or roll, or anything that might be electrified. Clearly,
it's best to stay away from any gas or water mains as well.
One of the best pieces of advice I read (from a site about California quake preparedness) was to keep a pair of walking shoes in a sturdy plastic bag
by your bed, and have a small but powerful flashlight in the same bag. That way if a quake strikes at night and you have to dive for cover by the bed
(NOT under it, but in the "triangle of safety"!!!), then when things quieten down you can slip on some shoes that won't have splinters of glass or
whatever in them and then grab the flashlight and do whatever you have to do next. Because without good, safe shoes to put on, you're already in
It makes great sense to me.
edit on 3/3/11 by JustMike because: Oh, tempores, oh mores, oh typos!