posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 06:14 AM
Hello my fellow ATS'ers.
Well first of all sorry that I've been unable to update this thread daily, but I got shipped off to a desert town called Sebha during the week and
had no Internet connection. I got back into Tripoli last night and have been chatting to all my friends and colleagues spread throughout Libya.
Tripoli itself is open for business as usual, with no trouble at all, lots of pro Gadaffi supporters in cars with pictures of the Colonel and Libyan
flags driving around and beeping horns.
Outside Tripoli is another story altogether. First off, don't believe everything your hearing on CNN/BBC, for the best news reports try AL Jazeera
friends in Benghazi tell me the people are now in control there, barracks have been over-run and alot of local soldiers have joined with them, as
Colonel G has been using Mercenaries to fight the population, as his own troops refuse to. Also in Benghazi all commercial flights have now stopped
from the airport. this may change as time goes on.
The same is said in Tobrouk and Al Bieda. there were Protests also in Misurrata, but they were human right protests not regime change protests.
I also heard that there was trouble in Zawia, 50km to the west of Tripoli and there were a few deaths there.
I'll add more news as I hear it.
Anyone in Libya reading this stay safe.