I would just like to state a version of my beliefs to see what happens. Maybe this will prove interesting.
1) Every religion, no matter how big or small,whether purposeful or accidental invokes the same "god" (aka universal conciousness/one-ness)
2) They do this with ritual, prayer, sacrifice, etc and most do no realize the feelings they have inside and through them aren't holy/divine/etc, they
are just experiencing the existence of the web of "souls" that has existed and bonded us since time immemorial.... something "forgotten" as time
passed and people began manipulating these spiritual feelings for their own greed and lust for power (aka organized religion--not faith, spirituality,
connectedness, --organized religion) I have a feeling most "prophets" had the right idea when they were alive (if they indeed lived), but their work
was sadly misconstrued by their followers as time passed.
3) Mystery cults, brotherhood organizations, Illuminati, whatever you wish to call them... are just offsets of people trying to keep these fundamental
truths alive, BUT these groups are marred with the same greed and lust for power in some of their members as organized religion was millenia ago-- so
the message is convoluted at best. Those who seek wisely may use these pathways to gain knowledge "under the radar".
4) By careful study of your surroundings, and one's truth SELF...through meditation or observation a person can connect to this universal
conciousness... This could be known as "illumination". You see the world for what it is and not what others have told you... You realize endless
possibilities exist on thisd plane and the next... You understand we are all one. This can be used for "good" (positive 'karmic' reaction) or "evil"
(negative). However, both of these concepts are neutral, whether acceptable in our earthly minds or not. Nowhere and now here are one in the same. (I
still am not able to fully accept this notion of being neutral).
5) To achieve any sort of lasting and fulfilling happiness one must correct their childhood dramas that linger on through adulthood. I don't mean
acting childish, because if you act like a child you are open, honest, forthright, playful, and observant. ...and What is wrong with that? --- What I
meant is, one has to examine themselves in the most honest way possible and change their foibles into positive character traits. This is extremely
difficult to achieve and by watching how others interact/act towards others you will see that I am right... Most die before reaching the summit of
their issues. And some would believe this means reincarnation to learn the lessons not yet worked through... which is definitely a strong possibility
in my mind.
6) Listening to your heart is done by sitting quietly, serenely and letting it "come to you"... This is far different than imagining. It's a
completely surreal feeling when a "thought picture" first makes its debut in one's mind instead of words or sound.
7) I haven't got it all figured out. I am actually somewhat fearful of going so far I can never return. I already struggle living alongside people I
consider so sadly ignorant. I wish I could help everyone find true happiness, but I realize we are all on our seperate paths to learn specific lessons
that benefit us uniquely. This path can only be fulfilled by those who are willing to traverse it.
Have a wonderful day. Power to the People! All the Best.
edit on 15-2-2011 by donatellanator because: used the wrong word XD