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What do you believe?

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:39 PM

I would just like to state a version of my beliefs to see what happens. Maybe this will prove interesting.

1) Every religion, no matter how big or small,whether purposeful or accidental invokes the same "god" (aka universal conciousness/one-ness)

2) They do this with ritual, prayer, sacrifice, etc and most do no realize the feelings they have inside and through them aren't holy/divine/etc, they are just experiencing the existence of the web of "souls" that has existed and bonded us since time immemorial.... something "forgotten" as time passed and people began manipulating these spiritual feelings for their own greed and lust for power (aka organized religion--not faith, spirituality, connectedness, --organized religion) I have a feeling most "prophets" had the right idea when they were alive (if they indeed lived), but their work was sadly misconstrued by their followers as time passed.

3) Mystery cults, brotherhood organizations, Illuminati, whatever you wish to call them... are just offsets of people trying to keep these fundamental truths alive, BUT these groups are marred with the same greed and lust for power in some of their members as organized religion was millenia ago-- so the message is convoluted at best. Those who seek wisely may use these pathways to gain knowledge "under the radar".

4) By careful study of your surroundings, and one's truth SELF...through meditation or observation a person can connect to this universal conciousness... This could be known as "illumination". You see the world for what it is and not what others have told you... You realize endless possibilities exist on thisd plane and the next... You understand we are all one. This can be used for "good" (positive 'karmic' reaction) or "evil" (negative). However, both of these concepts are neutral, whether acceptable in our earthly minds or not. Nowhere and now here are one in the same. (I still am not able to fully accept this notion of being neutral).

5) To achieve any sort of lasting and fulfilling happiness one must correct their childhood dramas that linger on through adulthood. I don't mean acting childish, because if you act like a child you are open, honest, forthright, playful, and observant. ...and What is wrong with that? --- What I meant is, one has to examine themselves in the most honest way possible and change their foibles into positive character traits. This is extremely difficult to achieve and by watching how others interact/act towards others you will see that I am right... Most die before reaching the summit of their issues. And some would believe this means reincarnation to learn the lessons not yet worked through... which is definitely a strong possibility in my mind.

6) Listening to your heart is done by sitting quietly, serenely and letting it "come to you"... This is far different than imagining. It's a completely surreal feeling when a "thought picture" first makes its debut in one's mind instead of words or sound.

7) I haven't got it all figured out. I am actually somewhat fearful of going so far I can never return. I already struggle living alongside people I consider so sadly ignorant. I wish I could help everyone find true happiness, but I realize we are all on our seperate paths to learn specific lessons that benefit us uniquely. This path can only be fulfilled by those who are willing to traverse it.

Have a wonderful day. Power to the People! All the Best.

edit on 15-2-2011 by donatellanator because: used the wrong word XD

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Maimonides states that the popularity of Christianity and Islam are part of God’s plan to spread the ideals of Torah throughout the world. This moves society closer to a perfected state of morality and toward a greater understanding of God. All of this is in preparation for the Messianic age. I'm Jewish! I love learning about my faith and god.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by FrenchFryRio
Maimonides states that the popularity of Christianity and Islam are part of God’s plan to spread the ideals of Torah throughout the world. This moves society closer to a perfected state of morality and toward a greater understanding of God. All of this is in preparation for the Messianic age. I'm Jewish! I love learning about my faith and god.

What do you think will happen in your "Messianic age"?
edit on 15-2-2011 by donatellanator because: not what i wanted to say

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:46 PM
reply to post by donatellanator

Well of course! I'm strict on my views and the laws of God! He is a jealous god. There is only one god and way to follow god. God did create the other religions for a purpose. I had a dream where I found out why but then i forgot it. doff!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by donatellanator
Here you go my fellow member on this site! Click the link!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by FrenchFryRio

Have you ever considered why "he" would be "jealous" when human characteristics are far below the reaches of divinity?...

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:49 PM
reply to post by donatellanator

because he wants us to be happy and better off!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by FrenchFryRio
reply to post by donatellanator

because he wants us to be happy and better off!

Your thought makes no sense to me. "He" is jealous because he wants us better off? Do you know the factual definition of jealous? Why would G-d care? Doesn't he realize we are on this planet to learn a lesson whether good or bad?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:08 PM
God is instinct/intuition, that at one time used to have a voice within everybody.

What existed before consciousness was the "bicameral mind". Jaynes argues that human beings, as they started to learn rudimentary language, began to undergo a form of auditory hallucination when they were stressed. They would hear a voice in their head commanding them what to do: "fight", "run", "drink", "rest", "hunt", "shelter" etc. The hallucinated voice was that of the tribal chief or some authority figure. The person carried out the command unquestioningly. No consciousness existed to allow the command to be pondered, challenged or contemplated. It was simply executed robotically. Even when the tribal chief died, his hallucinated voice would still be heard for a long time after. In this way, it would seem that he wasn't actually dead. Was the tribal chief promoted to the status of "god" at this time? (This was the origin, Jaynes suggests, of the belief in life-after-death and therefore the human religious sensibility.) As society grew more complex, additional voices arose to reflect additional chiefs and gods

This explains how humans may have became religiously inclined, regardless of any outside interaction i.e..the remote Amazon tribes, a culture rich with religious mysticisim.

Read for yourself. Always.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by SunTzu22
God is instinct/intuition, that at one time used to have a voice within everybody.

Read for yourself. Always.

I like your post! Do you think "god" still has a voice within people who are willing to listen? By that I mean, do you think this "voice" is real in any way?
edit on 15-2-2011 by donatellanator because: blarp

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by donatellanator

Through various different practices: yogic meditation, kung fu, qi kung, ect.. One can learn to excrete various glandular fluids into the bloodstream. This travels to the brain and has an astonishing effect on the neuro activity, in which all parts of the brain set up feedback loops with each other.

Once you learn to master one of these practices, it is possible for you to physically "hear" a voice in your head. It will be exactly like the one that tells you to eat when your hungry and to drink when your thirsty. The same voice that tells you someone is staring at you from behind.

Almost kind of schizo, but there it is.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by donatellanator

Originally posted by SunTzu22
God is instinct/intuition, that at one time used to have a voice within everybody.

Read for yourself. Always.

I like your post! Do you think "god" still has a voice within people who are willing to listen? By that I mean, do you
think this "voice" is real in any way?
edit on 15-2-2011 by donatellanator because: blarp

I know God has a voice within people, it just depends on the if the person is listening or not. Prayer or meditation, studying ancient texts like the Bible, Koran, etc... in a quiet place, while asking questions they'll be answered in mysterious ways. God works in VERY mysterious ways and some of us, including me, are born with a thick candy shell and sometimes it takes more than one try at it.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:31 AM
reply to post by FrenchFryRio

Wait, if there's only one god, how is he jealous? of nothing?
Besides, "made in *our* image"?

What people say is god and what the bible says is 2 diff things.

btw, im not bashing, well, on purpose.
just trying to show you some of the fallacies in that logic.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by chancemusky

I agree. We (as humans) add humanistic characteristics to something that has no bounds. To me "god" is just the interconnectdnesss of everything. How could that be jealous or vengeful? Why should we be "god-fearing" Americans?

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