posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by watchitburn
The sad truth is our elected officials can't seem to stomach any real solutions so we are doomed to continue to run with a deficit until the economy
can recover to a point where some added revenue can be generated.
Since they can't or won't make the cuts, they should at least get out of the way of business by removing all the regulations they possibly can, so
free enterprise can get back to generating some growth. (Hey, less regulation works in China - we definitely don't want to go to that extreme, but we
should take a lesson from them.)
The problem with that, is the left are not going to let you repeal anything that protects the environment no matter how false their beliefs are (may
cut into their climate change money). The right is not going to repeal any regulations that helps the big money corporations (IE S510).
So this means more of the same until either the economy collapses under the weight of debt and printing by the Fed, or by the grace of God some free
enterprise find a way to grow in spite of the regulations and we boot strap ourselves out (not likely).
Thanks again.