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how quick would the goverment open there arms to aliens..

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posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:06 PM
if the aliens promised to show any type of new technology we wanted, in exchange the government would have to admit there existence and more. ('

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:17 PM
My question is why? Why would the aliens care if the gov't made their existense known to us when they can easily do it themselves for no cost to them at all? We get thier technology and all we have to do is announce to the world that they are here...sounds like we get a pretty sweet deal and they get nada.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:25 PM
well for arguments sake, lets say they want to be diplomatic about it, and/or lets say thats they've been monitoring our airwaves for some crazy reason and do really care how we think and feel after all thses years, cause for them to just drop in on use would surely cause somekind of craziness and confusion here, plus im sure the citizens would love and treasure hearing it come out of the governments mouths. after all these years of denial.


posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 02:19 PM
well, if were dealing with a race of genuinely kind and harmless aliens, and we can guarantee that no harm will come to us after they make and estiblish a relationship for in exchange for their technology, I'd think that the gov't move as quickly as possible.

But, the gov't is all about control, and if there were an alien race here with far more advance tech than us, well, that would make them look very out of control. The gov't also has a pretty firm grip on religion and alot of religious fanatics would be very hard to control once the alien race is truly exposed. There are so many things that can and would go wrong once they reveal the aliens that have to be taken into account.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 02:27 PM
i know exatcly what you mean by everything going wrong, not to mention big businesses that would worry about losing money on old technology, if say for example we got something to help us with out oil situation or new kinds of energy sources that would render them obsolete until they could figure out a way to make moeny of the new stuff. so the government i think would be stuck in a rough situation. also liek u said the whole power thing would probaly be the first thing on there heads. but would the government be be willing to spread this through out the world or somehow contain it in the u.s. which would lead to more trouble? and would the government be willing to let something that resourceful out of there hands so they would not have to admit that aliens do exist. or take the chance on them going to say russia or some other country and give them the same proposal?

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 03:09 PM
Sadly enough, I think the mindset of our current government would try to contain the alien contact to go thru the US gov't alone as much as possible. I would think that they would say they are worried that the alien tech would fall into the "wrong hands" and could then be used against the US. But that will be irrelevant because the aliens would probably not allow such a thing to happen if they do indeed have good intentions. They would have done thier homework enough to know that we may be the most powerful nation, but certainly not the most cooperating nation on earth. For that reason, I think that a genuinely kind race of aliens with no intent on world domination themselves would not want to make contact with us till we are no longer that type of society (which I'm afraid will never happen).

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by whos_out_there
if the aliens promised to show any type of new technology we wanted, in exchange the government would have to admit there existence and more. ('

The government probably already knows about aliens. They probably have contact with them and have exchanged technology.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 03:59 PM
Oh, yeah... the aliens are much smarter than those barbarian humans on a so called planet Earth... they just wouldn't give us any technology. Why? Because we could turn it against them, and they would not be so happy about it. The best thing currently is for them to stay away from any contact for a long period of time.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 04:05 PM
Right off the time they land here. They will greet them with open arms, and tanks. (Open arms..get it? Weapons are also called arms? hahahahah (not funny )

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 04:10 PM
who is to say it hasn't been done.......................

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 04:10 PM
Maybe what the EBEs want in exchange (i.e. authorized abductions) isn't something they'd necessarily want public? (of course, you'll have to put away your feeling of them being so technically superior as to be god-like...
, that many here seem to share).

Perhaps a deal was already made?

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 04:24 PM
... authorized abductions... quite frightening, but could be easily true, I suppose.

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