posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 10:12 PM
strange thing on the base. They dug a HUGE hole & moved the earth into a big square mound (quite a bit taller than a one-story building). Its covered
w/ grass, so its been there for a while. I will take pics on Sat. & post them. I will also try to get closer to the buildings & other strange projects
going on, but they are all on blocked-off streets. Why so many drainage projects, etc?? & strange markers lining one side of the road leading to
base. skinny, white poles about as tall as a person (will measure Sat.) w/ orange tips & writing/ symbols on the orange part. like I said I will take
pics. Many parks & gymnasiums have been built on one part of the base through the years, which makes me uneasy b/c of the fact that all public lands
(like parks)can be seized for labor camps. Also, why so many new buildings & construction on a CLOSED base?? Our city is kind of strapped for money,
so I dont think its taxpayers money financing these projects. And if it is, I dont know why there hasnt been an outcry by the taxpayers for these
inane projects when money could be better spent here. But anyway, I will post the pics probably Sat. by the way, the base is in Myrtle Beach if
anyone has any info on it.
[Edited on 21-3-2003 by Luck]