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the closed military base near my house

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posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 10:12 PM
strange thing on the base. They dug a HUGE hole & moved the earth into a big square mound (quite a bit taller than a one-story building). Its covered w/ grass, so its been there for a while. I will take pics on Sat. & post them. I will also try to get closer to the buildings & other strange projects going on, but they are all on blocked-off streets. Why so many drainage projects, etc?? & strange markers lining one side of the road leading to base. skinny, white poles about as tall as a person (will measure Sat.) w/ orange tips & writing/ symbols on the orange part. like I said I will take pics. Many parks & gymnasiums have been built on one part of the base through the years, which makes me uneasy b/c of the fact that all public lands (like parks)can be seized for labor camps. Also, why so many new buildings & construction on a CLOSED base?? Our city is kind of strapped for money, so I dont think its taxpayers money financing these projects. And if it is, I dont know why there hasnt been an outcry by the taxpayers for these inane projects when money could be better spent here. But anyway, I will post the pics probably Sat. by the way, the base is in Myrtle Beach if anyone has any info on it.

[Edited on 21-3-2003 by Luck]

posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 10:17 PM
I have done a great number of environmental projects associated with the military. I can tell you without hesitation that the greatest environmental criminals on the planet is the US military. There are numerous military bases in the US that easily qualify as Superfund sites, but because they are federal property, will never be listed as such.

You dont say what the nature of this base was (army, airforce, heavy armor, air strip, ect), or its age. However, I have think of literally hundreds of environmental nightmares on most US bases that would require the kind of excavations that you describe.

The poles/markers you mention, are they inert (IE, just plastic poles) or do they look to have any kind of equipment attached?

posted on Mar, 20 2003 @ 10:23 PM
Sounds really interesting, I'm curious to see the pics you take and any more info you gather. Keep us posted on this.

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