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Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker Readies National Guard Against Unions

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posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by Califemme

REPLY: If that is factual..... like he's the first to do that? Listen, why do companies/corporations get tax breaks? To assist in the decision to set up shop in one community versus another. The tax breaks help defer the cost of whatever it takes to get the doors open, employ people, produce a good or service for your fellow man (and make .... oh no....... a P-R-O-F-I-T,) and the community benefits from the taxes form everyone involved It's called a "Return On Investment," and it works for governments just as it does for individuals.

What most people in the local governments don't realize is that if their local tax structure was lower to begin with, companies wouldn't need tax breaks, and more people/companies would want to move there on their own. DUHH!! Geez... look at any right to work state and compare their economic situation versus places like Cleveland, Detroit, etc......
They had no budget crisis when governor Walker took office and the proof is contained within the Wisconsin Legislative Fiscal Report. Just look at the report, it seems like some of you people aren't reading the report. Numbers don't lie.

REPLY: Sorry... Wisconsin was in debt around 2 Billion before he took office.

REPLY: That's a source you use for news and accurate information? You use the Huffington Post, too? Remember.... "progressive" now means what it used to back in the 40's and 50's .... Communism.

edit on Fri Feb 18 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: to make post more readable

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 12:59 PM
The Wisconsin protests are BS! All the government did was ask them to contribute a bit more, because they don't pay any taxes, or Medicare.
edit on 18-2-2011 by CanadianDream420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
You all can sit here and debate and rage back and forth about unions all day long, but you are overlooking the most important fact - this is the FIRST instance of a "martial law" - the mobilization of the National Guard against the citizenry - and it is being imposed by the conservative camp - a Republican governor (WI now, and likely OH next) and his fascist fan boys are the ones imposing this.

The last time this happened was at Kent State University, Ohio, in 1970, by a Republican governor, and we know how well that went.

This not anti-war related. This is NOT martial law being declared on the citizenry; this is the Governor of his state protecting the citizenry from these pro union thugs who have converged on the capitol. And the Democrats ran. When the going got tough, they ran!

There is a huge difference between this and Kent State. This is not about war, or blacks vs white or even rich vs poor. This is about Taxpayers vs Public Employee unions. Get it straight or get out of the discussion altogether.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Califemme

There is a huge difference between this and Kent State. This is not about war, or blacks vs white or even rich vs poor. This is about Taxpayers vs Public Employee unions. Get it straight or get out of the discussion altogether.

I disagree this is an assault on the working class; an attempt to turn all govt. employees that didn't support Walker into Walmart style employees. It won't stop with just public employees this is about unions in general. Get it straight yourself! BTW, cut and pasting Limbaugh Letter talking points should be considered plagiarism.

edit on 18-2-2011 by whaaa because: ghj467

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 02:16 PM
Those "pro union thugs" are school teachers fighting to keep their rights. Are they such a big threat the police can't handle them and need the Guard units? This is just a political stunt. It sets a dangerous precedent that anytime protesters are out you can sic the Guard on them - you know, for "peace".

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by whaaa

Originally posted by Califemme

There is a huge difference between this and Kent State. This is not about war, or blacks vs white or even rich vs poor. This is about Taxpayers vs Public Employee unions. Get it straight or get out of the discussion altogether.

I disagree this is an assault on the working class; an attempt to turn all govt. employees that didn't support Walker into Walmart style employees. It won't stop with just public employees this is about unions in general. Get it straight yourself! BTW, cut and pasting Limbaugh Letter talking points should be considered plagiarism.

edit on 18-2-2011 by whaaa because: ghj467

Your opinion is that this is an assault on the working class. Fortunately you are wrong. The actual assault on the "working" class is being waged BY unions, get it?? The TAXPAYERS are THE WORKING CLASS, not these unions.

You are correct in that this "is about unions in general" and we taxpayers have had enough! We'll bust every union possible as quickly as possible as it takes to get this economy back on track. You wanted CHANGE?!? Well here it comes. I'm guessing you won't be happy about it, but neither were we when Obama came into office and put us into a 14 TRILLION DOLLAR HOLE.

Last but not least, I don't cut and paste, and certainly not Limbaugh's comments. These are my own INDIVIDUAL thoughts and opinions. Just because you don't agree with them, doesn't mean you get to "lump" me in with your leftwing delusional fantasies. And, the next time you accuse me of plagiarism, you'd better be able to back up your claim. I expect an apology.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by Blackmarketeer
Those "pro union thugs" are school teachers fighting to keep their rights. Are they such a big threat the police can't handle them and need the Guard units? This is just a political stunt. It sets a dangerous precedent that anytime protesters are out you can sic the Guard on them - you know, for "peace".

The National Guard is there to protect the general public FROM the unions, not the the other way around.

The only people out in the streets and protesting are PUBLIC UNION EMPLOYEES. Did you not notice everyone else was at work or home with their kids since they could not send them to school because teachers WON'T do their jobs?

I say fire them all. Then, have open applications for teachers tomorrow morning. I'm sure there are plenty of senior citizens, out of work or stay-at-home moms and others with the required degrees who would LOVE to start working asap.
edit on 18-2-2011 by Califemme because: I must.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 06:53 PM
reply to post by MMPI2

Considering that the Legislature and Governor are only trying the do what the voters elected them to do (the House, Senate and Governor all went Republican for the first time in a really long time), so the union protesters are really protesting against the voters.

insurrection |ˌinsəˈrek sh ən|
a violent uprising against an authority or government : the insurrection was savagely put down | opposition to the new regime led to armed insurrection. See note at uprising .

If the protests go beyond being peaceful, calling out the National Guard would be expected.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 07:38 PM
reply to post by CharlesMartel

Need I point out the obvious?

The "union protestors" are, themselves, Citizens of the State of Wisconsin, and therefore, likely to be voters as well!

To claim that the State National Guard is being called in to "protect the "Taxpayers" from the protestors, is little more than divisive drivel.

Tinfoil hat moment, people:

If you ever felt secure in the rock solid belief that members of the American military would never "turn their weapons on their fellow citizens"... Pay close attention, This is how it will be done!

All it requires is for you and/or your fellow citizen/taxpayer to be declared a "dangerous (union, left-wing, right-wing, terrorist, or whatever-sympathizer) protestor", and they will, dutifully, block you, beat you, arrest you, and/or kill you.

And thus it starts.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by ~Lucidity
If he starts a trend of busting the police unions (and with them the pensions) and then we go to a privatized police like Xe because of this, then my predictions over the past year or so will have come true.

They want to bust ALL the unions in this country, and with them the pension, and the state and federal ones are among the last strong ones.

Yes. The trend to privatize govt functions allows public money (taxes) to go to private corporations. Doing away with collective bargaining would give this a "fast track". Tax dollars would go to private schools (religious, corporate run, or merely privately held), private police/fire,

And any notion that American public functions would be run by American corps is quaint.

Doing away with traditional pensions means millions of individual retirement account management fees, etc, for the financial interests to gain more of middle class wealth. Same for Health Savings Accounts.

In the interests of multinational corporations, America will become just one more market. Multiculturalism has not broken this country; multi-national corporations have,

Well, maybe Americans will finally realize that they've been long sold (out) to the global market, and our elected leaders are really boards of directors, having a say in what company gets the dollars.

Don't Tread on Me? Try saying that to the corporation that governs your life.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Bhadhidar
All it requires is for you and/or your fellow citizen/taxpayer to be declared a "dangerous (union, left-wing, right-wing, terrorist, or whatever-sympathizer) protestor", and they will, dutifully, block you, beat you, arrest you, and/or kill you.

I am afraid that at this point in our history (Ohio National Guard at Kent State in 1970 being a long ago precedent), this could prove true. Will the United States be an Egypt or a Bahrain? Sadly, I'ld say Bahrain.

...especially after the Republican Party sends in their loyal Tea Party shock troops to Wisconsin to arouse emotions.

edit on 18-2-2011 by desert because: spelling

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:10 PM
reply to post by desert

"especially after the Republican Party sends in their loyal Tea Party shock troops to Wisconsin to arouse emotions." Do ya mean Jesse Jackson?? He's a Republican??

If this has already been stated, please forgive... The Wisconsin statewide pension is, and has been in poor shape for some time. Blood from a rock kinda deal.

If there are and economics teachers protesting , they need to be sued for fraud!!

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:55 PM
reply to post by nocents

Jesse Jackson supports the protests. The TPM will go there in a counter-rally, to "fight" the "union thugs".

There will be no need for agents provocateurs. The TPM protesters are not in the employ of anyone. They give their services freely.

edit to add....That collective bargaining would be done away with does not give the groups a chance to sit down with the employer to work out a deal to mutual benefit. Tyranny.
edit on 18-2-2011 by desert because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:55 PM
This is really kind of simple.

Pass the law as they have the votes to do.

Fire the teachers that took off that sick day and didn't provide clear, sufficient evidence that the teacher didn't see a doctor that day.

With all the unemployed around the nation, they should have no problem hiring interim teachers to fill those slots, and the back of that union will be broken.

In this modern age, unions are as archaic as wagon trains.

Labor is a commodity. Competition for labor - good labor - will always provide sufficient pay and benefits.

Of course, the sorry-assed laborers won't benefit, because there's plenty of them around, and only a union can keep them working.

Which drags down the entire standards of work ethic, experience, and performance.

Unions are for retards who fear they're inferior and have to resort to gang mentality to get by in life.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by FarArcher
Labor is a commodity. Competition for labor - good labor - will always provide sufficient pay and benefits.

Try telling that to US workers who became unemployed due to competition with the illegal labor insourced by business and the outsourcing of good work.

I've got the perfect way to deal with all our differences...let's all gather 'round and sing Kumbaya. Makes about as much sense as what the opposing side proposes.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by desert

Originally posted by FarArcher
Labor is a commodity. Competition for labor - good labor - will always provide sufficient pay and benefits.

Try telling that to US workers who became unemployed due to competition with the illegal labor insourced by business and the outsourcing of good work.

I've got the perfect way to deal with all our differences...let's all gather 'round and sing Kumbaya. Makes about as much sense as what the opposing side proposes.

edit on 22/2/11 by 1088no5 because: addition

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:12 PM
I had to join this website just to get it on this.

First off I am state employee FOR Scott Walker and what he is doing.

Do I understand that his makes my paycheck smaller, of course I do. But, you have to realize that where I work employs thousands of workers (large university) that do MAYBE 30 mins of actual work each day and all of these people are rewarded with NO DEDUCTIBLE.

I wouldnt pay these workers more than $7/hr, but many are making $20/hr and have spent their last weeks sitting in meetings (DURING WORK HOURS) saying how they should blast Scott Walker in the face and express their hope for his assassination.

This are the types of people Scott Walker is trying to bring back down to earth....I pray this passes so people here MIGHT start to be judged on their performance and not just wander the halls, refusing to pick up phones, sitting around at pot lucks praying their governor gets murdered.

Absolutely horrid.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Gooey6

I don't believe a word you say, I think you're a shill who registered mutliple nics on this and probably other sites just to keep promoting Walker's (and Koch's) union busting tactics. You're using the same smear-based language as those clowns. I'm sure that what they do at union meetings, openly discuss assassination.

Take the act somewhere else.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by Gooey6

Gooey6, While I definitely don't condone their tone for praying he gets assassinated how can you not understand them being upset about this. Of course, Walker is changing the game entirely but he's not budging an inch on it and is forcing unions out entirely. What he's trying to do will end up costing thousands their jobs.

Can you confirm that prior to his position the state of WI had a positive of 120 million dollars? Why are they now looking at a deficit? Also how come no other REAL cuts to the state spending have been proposed by Walker? Are we too assume that those who pay their taxes are the ones who have to make sacrifices and those in office can continue to impede on our right to live a happy healthy life with a roof over our heads and some food in our stomachs?

C'mon really man you can't be that naive.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

LOL, most people don't believe me...there is a small coalition of people on our campus that have looked past party lines and took a step back and realized how much better state employees have it than private sectors. If you don't believe me that's fine.

But I get to see financials for our financial aid departments as well as account receivables and there are a lot of issues here that are wasted money. For example, $700 per desk on 4 new desks for an accounts receivable office, the other desks were only 1 year old.

I know it's easy to dismiss me as a liar that doesn't work here...oh guess what, our managers routinley show up for their shift that starts @ 7:45am at about 9:30am and leave at 3:00 when their shift ends at 4:30pm...

I'm sure this comes as a shock to those that havnt held a state job, but this is the norm. Believe it, or not.

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