I dare to challenge all humanity in their concept of the universe; in their views toward the universe as well as this world. I am challenging the
myths of what lies beyond the borders of this world. You have been indoctrinated to believe the world you inhabit is a place of beauty, when in fact
it is dark. You have been indoctrinated to believe the universe is black, when in fact it is a blue ocean of light. I dare to challenge the human
race. I will now prove the world is a dark place; where in fact, the knowledge of the human species remains in the dark towards an environment they
have never experienced. Yes, this is narcissistic and will aggravate you, but, here comes the evidence.
Inside this world, only when the sun rises beyond the horizon, does a human grasp the color of the petals on a flower, the colors of blue, purple,
yellow, red or pink. Only in the light of day, does a human perceive the color of tree bark as brown and the leaves as green. Only in the light of day
does a human perceive the true color of the source.
During the shadows of darkness when the sun is received by the other half of the world, the natural color of the airs within the world takeover yet
again. Assuredly, the imagery that surrounds in the airs without sunlight is the natural darkness of the airs, and it these airs that deceive the
human mind of what the human eyes see in the light.
As mentioned, when the sun illuminates the colors of your world during the day, you see the true color of the source – you see the true color of
human eyes, the flowers and the birds; you see true color of the source only during the light of day. The true color of the oceans that stretch below
the surface of the soils you walk can be seen from above and the tinges of green in spring lakes can be perceived. The color of the ocean can be seen
from above and the true color of the ocean above can also be seen from below on ground. Yes, the universe is an ocean of blue airs and the true color
of what you see on land, below or above is always the true color you see during the day. Humans are deceived.
The ocean surrounding the sun by day is filled with light, and it is the light from beyond this world that permits the human to perceive the colors
within this world or beyond. The ocean surrounding the moon remains the same, but without the direct exposure of the sun, the dark airs of this world
provide a tinted layer of deceit that fools one into believing the universe is dark. Yes, but you see the light of the stars amongst the abyss of
blackness you say. I say, underneath the street lights of a city you see only a very small portion of the lights in the constellation, yet the stars
are their in abundance. It is only when you leave the city into outlying areas that the lights created within the world do not diminish the lights
from beyond this world. Indeed, the lights of a city are no match for a sun of the universe. The stars perceived by night are just as much there
during the day, but amongst the powerful sun all you can see is the ocean that surrounds the sun. But the airs within this world are every bit as much
like the airs beyond this world, they are transparent; and therefore the windows before your eyes by day are the very same windows before your eyes at
night. Humans, you have been deceived by an illusion of darkness within the world, and not from beyond.
If you hover in a helicopter above the oceans by day, the beds of water will seem lifeless from above, unless one dives into the water and they will
see there exists an abundance of life and color within the water below the soil of land. To look above into the oceans beyond the airs within this
world, it will seem as lifeless, yet again, if one dives into the waters of air within the blue prisms of light they will see an abundance of color
flourishing with life inside the universe. Human eyes and ears are deceived by the human mind.
Do you still challenge the airs within the world you inhabit are not dark? I dare you to confirm they indeed are. Even during the prime of day when
the rays of the light beyond this world enter this world, even then, as it cuts through the trees - the shadows of dark air remain among the ground,
and even as the rays split through buildings - the shadows of air will make imprints of darkness among the concrete. Even at the prime of day all one
has to do in an office or home is merely close the drapes to the window and the room becomes darker. The dark airs of this world absorb the rays of
light from beyond.
The light in the universe that gives all human beings and animals the perception of life within the operating system of this environment is just a big
white light you say, nothing spectacular you say. I dare you to investigate the three primary colors perceived in this world are RGB, which is red,
green and blue. When these three are mixed “unequally”, you will create every shade of color perceivable in the spectrum of human sight. When
these three colors are “equally” mixed, you get WHITE. The source that gives life to all colors imaginable is in that big bright white light that
not only allows humans eyes to perceive the true color of the source, but to exist.
This world has a layer of very dark air that surrounds the airs within, and this dark layer of airs are where the satellites hover without the
influence of gravity caused by the airs within the world. What would an astronaut see if they truly escaped the confined airs that surround the airs
within the environment of this world? They would be surrounded by an ocean! You challenge this all you want, but for everyone who reads this and
remembers seeing the moon during the light of the day, they will now understand why the moon seems faded in the airs above during the day as an object
would in a body of waters.
The universe is filled with lights, it is the airs within the world you inhabit that are dark. One test with drapes at the window during the light of
day is all that is needed. The universe is not a composition of space and time, but of thought and positioned memory. Imagine a massive growing
crystal ball where whatever is created within the crytsla ball remains in the same position within - as the crystal ball grows at every angle
exponentially. This is why the stars and the sun and the moon revolve in similar fashion throughout the seasons, they are maintained in a position
within a grid of the universe. Whatever is thought is created, whether instantly inside the universal spirit or gradually within the confines of a
physical world with physical limitations. It is thought that guides the growth of the universe without end - and it is the memory within the universal
womb that stores whatever is created within a position as it expands. To travel through time a spirit would flow through the memories to animate the
sounds and sights much like one would control the replay of a movie with a remote control, at normal speed, reverse or fast forward. Time travel is
physically impossible, but in spirit, animation and memories move at the speed of thought – and faster than light or sound is the speed of thought
which can traverse the universe instantly.
Welcome to truth about the universe you gaze at daily. You were born inside the environment of this world and the cells that form your mind and body
from nothing more that a speck of air are magnetically attracted to the soils that created your mind and body. However, your spirit of conscious
awareness was born within the airs of this world, the natural environment of the spirit, and upon detachment from the physical body, your spirit will
be magnetically attracted to the airs of this world causing you to hover above the soils, above the body. This is where the illusion of this world
once again deceives the spirit to remain within this dungeon of deceit. The spirit sees the airs of this world and the airs beyond seem as one layer,
not two anymore, but now one. The dark airs of this world cause the spirit to be deceived that the abyss is beyond. However, this is the abyss!
If it looks like a chicken, it clucks like a chicken – it is a chicken. If this world has experienced war and injustice since the beginning and
continues the conflict throughout the ages until this very day, the actions alone confirm where you are. Think hell is a place of fire, brimstone and
lava? I tell you one worse, and that is a place of darkness. Where the spirit can feel nothing, see nothing, hear nothing, taster nothing, but yet be
only able to perceive their own thoughts, it will cause gnashing of teeth and wailing in figurative language, it will cause the spirit to go mad
desiring anything, ANYTHING! Even the flick of fire in darkness would be welcomed as a gift, even the hell which was created as a human concept would
be welcomed as a gift to be free of darkness in a custom form fitted casket.
Where are you? Take one guess! Humanity is deceived, not only by one another, but by themselves are they deceived. You don’t even recognize the true
color of the universe that stares you down every single day of your current physical manifestation. So how do you plan to escape the prison of
sorrows? Where all maintain sadness within, while portraying a smile as a manner of happiness to fit into the illusion of proper living?
I am not concerned about those who defy the logic of their own eyes, I offer this to those who seek for something more, to gain human comprehension of
an environment that is not human. I tell you now, only in your movies do they depict astronauts leaving the airs of this world and entering the abyss
of darkness beyond. Truth be told, the evidence is to the contrary. If their stories of meteorites and asteroids were true, and those rocks were
flying around at the speed of light and capable of puncturing metal on impact, then who in their right mind would attempt to navigate in total
darkness to a moon when millions of flying rocks could pound the shuttle at an instant? You have been deceived. The USA was in a cold war with Russia
when JFK promised to land on the moon, and because one Russian astronaut broke the boundary of air within and ventured into the dark airs without
gravity that separate this world from the oceans beyond, the government of the USA competed with propaganda. No man has ever landed on the moon, it is
hearsay of an overactive imagination.
If they had, they would tell you the world you call a moon not only has mountains, waters and vegetation, but is has animated life there as well as
here. If astronauts surpassed the barrier of airs surrounding this world into the oceans of blue air, they would look back and see something amazing.
While the light of the sun directly connects with the world, the astronauts would see the oceans as running troughs of water, they would see the lands
as in high contrast color as not seen while on land. And if astronauts did escape the outer rim of secondary airs, and they seen the world from the
side that was not facing the sun, they would describe this world as a black marble of air, this is exactly what they would describe.
You have been deceived since the foundation, and there are reasons for this. What you have just read is truth. I guarantee you now, the human psyche
naturally suppresses truth and embraces lies to appease a fragile ego, but the spirit instinctively recognizes truth every bit as much as the spirit
embraces the spirit plane of the human collective conscious - the airs within which broadcast the images in the dream world and maintain the memory
and thoughts of every inhabitant within. I offer you a truth that will be embraced by those seeking the truth and will be mocked by the arrogant who
remain in darkness and continue to live with the desire to fuel ignorance.
The easiest way to deceive a human is to simply speak to them; the lips seldom utter what the heart desires and vice-versa. The easiest way to deceive
is to provide evidence in a manner the commoner can not perceive, it establishes authority and acceptance in blind faith. Trust none! Not one human
tells a story to benefit the masses before benefitting their own.
It is inherent in the design of the suit you have temporarily engineered to experience existence within the environment of the operating system of
this world for now.
It is part of the design - and all are a cut of the same cloth, whereas the cloth is mere soil producing apples – and all apples are from the soil;
but some are the real bad ones spoiling the basket. Truth!
I defy the scientists of the world, the religious leaders, the government officials, they all lie as they are designed to do so, and I guarantee you
justice is best served outside of a courthouse where the body of wood and people execute an objective that is discerned by politics.
Economics rule the world do they? Hypocrisy rules the world is what I say. How can one see a blue ocean surround the sun and deny what their eyes have
seen? How can millions capture pictures of “inner-worldly” flying saucers and be deceived by a few arrogant liars in a body of natural born liars
who were not there providing official knowledge of the event as an event to the contrary? I assure you, any one person who dares to say that there
are videos to prove man has been to outer space is a hypocrite who will in the same breath also deny those with scepticism who capture an advanced
flying machine in the airs within this world. Even a pupil of high school can learn the technologies of today’s graphics and create evidence they
have been to another planet or outer space. You have been deceived from experiencing eternal life beyond. Listen up! All of you, listen up!
Best Regards
One who defies churches, government, police, military, corporate governors and all agents of lies that break down the spirit and oppress the hearts of
many into obedience.
P.S. If you have questions, I can only type so fast and dedicate so much time to each poster, it is preferred if you ask me in private. [snipped
personal information]
edit on 14/2/11 by argentus because: (no reason given)