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Mother shot twice with a Taser after she was arrested for leaving baby in car to go to tanning salon

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by undo

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter
well well well,
what can be expected when mtv / vh1 / facebook / myspace / ps1-2-3 / xbox are the parenting tools for a generation?
It's only going to keep getting better and better the further we move away from being in touch with the earth and being human. Hopefully the big reset button gets sat on soon.

and i ask you, if you think this is bad, why are you not out calling for the extermination of entire nations where the people starve to death enmasse, including the children and babies, because the drug cartels and drug runners, take everything that's not nailed to the core of the earth.
edit on 15-2-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

A little over the top there wouldnt you say Undo?
I love the position of one single person and incident translates into a global event to be handled,
It's worn and tiring, this handing out of excuses for tolerance of stupid and harmful,
she was stupid, very very stupid, and selfish in thought,
could it be unlearned? probably.
Is it my responsibility? Oh no no no,
And I do refer back to my original insightful and compassionate post.
An old wise woman once told me, you cant polish a turd and you cant fix stupid.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Lets dispense with the tired old notion that responsible pot users would be included in the mix of folks who should have their kids taken away.

I just have to respond to this here: You do know you opened your post with an oxymoron, right? I would take a child away from a pothead or anybody who uses illicit drugs before taking a child away from someone who made a stupid irresponsible mistake!!! Why, just like alcohol impairs judgment, so do illicit drugs. You cannot be responsible if your judgment is impeded.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Lets dispense with the tired old notion that responsible pot users would be included in the mix of folks who should have their kids taken away.

I just have to respond to this here: You do know you opened your post with an oxymoron, right? I would take a child away from a pothead or anybody who uses illicit drugs before taking a child away from someone who made a stupid irresponsible mistake!!! Why, just like alcohol impairs judgment, so do illicit drugs. You cannot be responsible if your judgment is impeded. are you ready to kick down the doors of everyone who has beer in the fridge as well?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter

this is what you said, that i responded to:

Originally posted by HappilyEverAfter

well well well,
what can be expected when mtv / vh1 / facebook / myspace / ps1-2-3 / xbox are the parenting tools for a generation?
It's only going to keep getting better and better the further we move away from being in touch with the earth and being human. Hopefully the big reset button gets sat on soon.

i was thinking...wait, how does watching mtv end up with pushing the big reset button, and why is it that a person who has a facebook end up with pushing the big reset button, and furthermore, why does playing xbox, end up with pressing the big reset button. to me, it sounds like you're saying the sins of the people of the USA are so horrible, they need to be wiped with the big reset button, yet in other places in the world, entire villages are massacred, and people starved enmasse by drug lords.

A little over the top there wouldnt you say Undo?

yes in fact, i would say it's over the top and it was a direct response your position. i don't get how you think people posting on facebook should be punished with big reset button. something's wrong with your internal thermometer.
edit on 15-2-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:35 PM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow

Originally posted by ldyserenity

Originally posted by dolphinfan
reply to post by Sri Oracle

Lets dispense with the tired old notion that responsible pot users would be included in the mix of folks who should have their kids taken away.

I just have to respond to this here: You do know you opened your post with an oxymoron, right? I would take a child away from a pothead or anybody who uses illicit drugs before taking a child away from someone who made a stupid irresponsible mistake!!! Why, just like alcohol impairs judgment, so do illicit drugs. You cannot be responsible if your judgment is impeded. are you ready to kick down the doors of everyone who has beer in the fridge as well?

Well no, if they're not drinking too much and it's not around their children, but my point is with illicit drugs ANY amount is going to impede judgement a beer will not a six pack might. lol. Depending on the person you know.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready

Since you like hypotheticals: What if the car had died and the baby had cooked? ... What if nothing happened at all, but the baby woke up and screamed for 30 minutes, feeling abandoned, and a similar situation repeated itself over and over for the next 12-15 years until that baby finally found some love in a local gang, and came and robbed your house and killed your spouse as his initiation?
edit on 15-2-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

First, the baby was a girl... Please don't use 'generic he'. Man does not include woman, and he won't do to refer to just anyone...
I've heard children and Americans talk about cows which are being milked as 'he'! Why????
Second, would someone please tell me if I am wrong, but how could the baby have 'cooked'? Isn't it winter in Florida at the moment? I've read that she ran the engine so that the heater would work.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

There are many things that can cause someone with bad judgement to neglect or otherwise abuse a child, drugs being one of them. A year or so a gent left his kid in the car in the summer and went into a buddies house to play video games and came out and the kid was dead.

If you are taking illegal drugs and that makes you unable to properly care for your child, if you gamble away all your money and can't pay for food and hence properly care for your child, the kid does not belong with you. If you are spending so much time reading the Bible that you neglect your kid, the kid does not belong with you

I'm for liberty and responsibility. I could care less what you are doing. The welfare of the kid is what matters. This gal is a, now three time loser. She has repeatedly shown herself to be unable to show proper judgement in the governance of her life. She should not be given the opportunity to raise a child.

Should they have tazed her? I don't know, I was not there. I could care less if she was tased.

If vegas would put odds on it, I would lay money on the odds that she'll be pregnant within a year.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by Vicky32

I think you missed the first few words:

Since you like hypotheticals...

My post was a hypothetical, but thanks for being so sensitive. The English language doesn't have a genderless pronoun except for "they" and that is considered plural, so we are forced to use either "he" or "she" and either way the sensitive part of half the population could be offended, so I tend to not worry about it. I do agree with not referring to cows as "he" though, but most people assume all cows are just cows, they don't realize there is a separate name for males and females, and would have no idea what a "steer" is anyway. (Bull is only appropriate a very small percentage of the time.)

And, winter time in Florida still has an intense Caribbean sun, southern Florida is a sub-tropical climate, and cooking the baby was only one of the many concerns with leaving a 7 month old in a car seat in a running car in a parking lot! Theft, CO poisoning, kidnapping, puking (which happened), wriggling out and strangling (which almost happened), and probably a dozen other things.
edit on 15-2-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

I could care less if she was tased.

that's because you cant imagine yourself or anyone you know, being tased. problem is, you can be a law abiding citizen and still end up being mistakenly accused of crimes you didn't do, mistaken for someone who commited a crime that you didn't do, and so on. tasing kills people. you understand that part right?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by undo

I've been tazed, and I was still applauding her hazing. I've been maced with several varieties as well, but I still laugh when it happens to someone else.

Also, tazing very rarely kills anybody.

And, for the record, I had an acquaintence try to use his tazer and he was shot and killed a few weeks ago. Check my profile page for a link to the thread on ATS. I am not a fan of tazers in general, I think officers rely too heavily on them and don't pull their guns quick enough. Actually, in the past year, I can think of 3 officers in Florida alone, that were shot and killed after using their tazers.

I guess, I hate tazers 99% of the time, and the OP situation is about the only situation where I am amused by their usage. Interesting.
edit on 15-2-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by undo

for clarity:
we, as a people, as a species,are almost totally disconnected from our humane spiritual component,
we are diluted, distracted, impersonal, apathetic, hardened, ignorant, self centered, immediate, irresponsible, impatient, electronic, digitized, point and click, time accelerated, pushed, sponges,
sucking up whatever the latest flavor of the month is pushed via the combined media at us.
The compass is broken, the heros and role models are drunken beach kids banging eachother with the responsibilty of who has to work to open the provided booze to make the show interesting enough to hold captive the soft icecream minds sitting at home watching it in hopes of emulating it, and then just wait an hour and we can check out the teen moms abandoned by the sperm donor illiterate pants on the ground papi's,
and in between shows lets log on a check in with our real 855 friends who arent really our friends because we have no actual emotion or time or interaction invested, all we have to do is point AND CLICK,
it's easy it's perfect,babies raise themselves, people dont need to plan or be responsible, money comes in the mail or the government just prints more, we can kill people all day long every day behind the safety of our tv screen, using our remote control, (doesnt sound like training for a drone attack or anything now does it),
there's no human investment, no human interaction, and if there is it's limited, very limited,
all the technology is focused on entertainment, ease, entertainment, the self, not selflessness.
That mother, plane ol stupid, just stupid stupid stupid, tanning overides baby,
how great would it have been and how many tears shed should the window have been broken out and the baby TAKEN,
so villages and drug lords yes are a terrible thing, but it's just another location where the same kind of stupid and selfish and nasty thrive and survive, but we werent talking about that now were we?

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

if they are gonna send men and women out to enforce the laws, and know there's a chance they could be shot and killed, why are they not in full body and head/face armor? then they wouldn't need to taze moms and shoot people mistakenly for having a cellphone in their hands. their lives would be saved and so would the community they are trying to protect.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by undo

She could have died with a taze. The kid could have died in the car. The kid had no ability to control her being in the car. The woman had complete control over her actions which led to her being tazed.

That innocent people get tazed by the police is immaterial to this thread. This woman attacked a police officer. Now you may want to start a thread about the merits of tasing, but this ain't it. The woman attacked a police officer and he did what was within his rights to restrain her. Fine, take the taser out of his tool kit. I'm perfectly happy with him using his baton on her and giving her a good old fashion, non-electronic beat down.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:01 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

Yes that is true all of what you said, I was merely stating a scientific fact that drugs do in fact impede your reaction time/judgment and a myriad of other things. Yet I don't think all drug users should be tazered. Nor should this woman have been.

And word to the wise, just because they (The MSM and Police) say she resisted arrest, does not in fact mean she did. Ever heard of the Blue code of silence in the Uniformed officer's? It's like Vegas. Whatever happens in the blue stays in the blue, take it for what it's worth. I mean I was shoved by an officer I was not even under arrest TYVM. So I am skeptical.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by dolphinfan

A stick to the bean quickly calms.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

it would probably kill me. i have neurological damage from gulf war syndrome.
diabetics with diabetic neuropathy, have extensive nerve damage. tazer could be all she wrote.
same with people with alzheimers, heart conditions, neurological diseases like MS, epilepsy,
undiagnosed heart conditions (like a young girl who died when her brother tickled her, and she had a heart attack
and died). the fact it messes with your neurology is the part that makes it so dangerous in the first place. your body
is electrical, and your brain is the biggest electrical circuit of all and it controls all your body functions.

edit on 15-2-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:15 PM
ADDENDUM: no i was not in the war.
gulf war syndrome is contagious.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:15 PM
Personally I think cattle prods to cattle are inhumane, I wouldn't tazer a sheep. But that is just me. I know most are not as far along to enlightenment as I, this is also why I would rather be a hermit, as well.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by undo

If someone has those ailments, I would suggest they don't attack cops, and they find a more reasonable solution to their problems. The woman didn't get tazed because she left the baby in the car, she got tazed because she wouldn't calm down and discuss the situation rationally with the cops, and in fact she instead attacked the cops.

Like I said, I am not a fan of tazers. Ideally they are only to be used in life threatening situations, and only as an alternative to deadly force. So, in fairness, if they do kill the subject, that is still acceptable, because the cop chose the tazer in place of a handgun, which certainly would have been fatal.

I can highly agree that tazers are often used to subdue or control, and that is inappropriate, entertaining, but inappropriate.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:22 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

no no, listen, what you're looking at is a portable electric chair on low setting, that gets set higher (multiple taser blasts) if the police officer is himself/herself, stressed, or the person being tasered is like bonkers. it's like shooting a person on pcp. they just keep coming. being crazy should not be a death sentence. being ill, should not be a death sentence. that's why we have doctors!

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