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So how are we going to defeat the Reptilians!? I got an idea! How about you!?

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posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by true-life
Cliff High has done some research on this - something to this effect:
- You have to realize how the reptilian mind works - it is based on repetition, going by past behavior. The main problem that the reptilian brain has that it likes predictability. What it has difficulty handling is unpredictable situations or persons. Its strength is violence and knowing the outcome.
If you can find a way around this - you have find your solution.

Wait, how do people know this if reptilians haven't been found and those who claim to see them have either ran away or whatever can't possibly study them for long.

Plus your talk about liking repetition and having difficulty with stuff that isn't similar day after day describes a symptom and trait of those with Asperger's Syndrome. Are you claiming those with AS are reptilians now too?

I just don't get how it can be taken as seriously as this thread has so far. Maybe I'm missing something here but still, interesting read even if it's all a little "out there" and unsupported by anything other than conspiracy.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:48 AM
reply to post by youthsavior

I'm going to have to go past back articles I've read and kept.....there is something they avoid like the plague. When I find it, I'll let you know as soon as I can.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 09:17 AM






If you use that little slider on the right and slide it up to the top you can see what section we are in...never mind I'll copy and past it here for you. You older members should know better.


ATS Skunk Works: This forum is dedicated to the all-important highly speculative topics that may not be substantiated by many, if any facts and span the spectrum of topics discussed on ATS. Readers and users should be aware that extreme theories without corroboration are embraced in this forum. Discussion topics and follow-up responses in this forum will likely tend to lean in favor of conspiracies, scandals, and cover-ups. Members who would seek to refute such theories should be mindful of's tradition of focusing on conspiracy theory, cover-ups, and scandals.

What is proof? Because Bob said so? Because Obama said so? All fact regardless of evidence is speculative and simply an attempt to explain the world around us which in some beliefs doesn't even exist.


Reptilian humanoids in world mythology include:

* Boreas (Aquilon to the Romans): the Greek god of the cold north wind, described by Pausanias as a winged man with serpents instead of legs.
* Cecrops I: the mythical first King of Athens was half man, half snake
* Dragon Kings: creatures from Chinese mythology sometimes depicted as reptilian humanoids
* Fu Xi and Nüwa: serpentine founding figures from Chinese mythology
* Glycon: a snake god who had the head of a man.
* The Gorgons: Sisters in Greek mythology who had serpents for hair.
* Some djinn in Islamic mythology are described as alternating between human and serpentine forms.
* The Lamia: a child-devouring female demon from Greek mythology depicted as half woman, half serpent.
* Nāga (Devanagari: नाग): reptilian beings from Hindu mythology said to live underground and interact with human beings on the surface.
* Ningizzida, Lord of the Tree of Life, mentioned in the Epic of Gilgamesh and linked to the water serpent constellation Hydra.
* Quetzalcoatl or the "feathered serpent", the creator god and sky god of the Aztecs; variously depicted as a man, a serpent, or a reptilian humanoid.
* The Serpent: character from the Genesis creation myth occasionally depicted with legs, and sometimes identified with Satan.
* Sobek: Ancient Egyptian crocodile-headed god
* The White Snake: a figure from Chinese folklore
* Zahhak, a figure from Zoroastrian mythology who, in Ferdowsi's epic Shahnameh, grows a serpent on either shoulder

In cryptozoology

Purported reptilian humanoid cryptids include:

* The Cherufe in Chile
* The Lizard Man of Scape Ore Swamp in South Carolina
* The Loveland Frog (or Loveland Lizard), in Loveland, Ohio
* The Thetis Lake monster in Canada

I found this little excerpt this morning any thoughts?

Wilhelm Reich

They killed Wilhelm Reich in prison in 1957 for Re-discovering Ether Orgone Energy. An Ancient energy understood in times past, but buried and forgotten over time. Reich knew what this energy could do, what it was capable of, that it was a living energy that can heal, cleanse, and destroy wicked, negative energy.

He learned how to use this same energy to destroy wicked aliens and their UFOs....

Reich Said : "ORGONE DEADLY "They cannot tolerate Orgone energy AND They FEAR IT." Their tissues and blood can not take it. Sad lonely chapter of human race. Reich -"No one believes me" he said in a video log.

The Bible Codes describe it as causing them the plagues of Erythema and Necrosis. Erythema describes an inflammation of the tissues, causing red patches and a reddening of the skin. Necrosis causes decay...described as death of tissue, mortification, state of death.

Some of his notes have been about some of his work with Orgone energy..."

"I had hesitated for weeks to turn my cloudbuster pipes toward a 'star', as if I had known that some of the blinking lights hanging in the sky were not planets or fixed stars but SPACE machines. With the fading out of the 'two' stars, the cloudbuster had suddenly changed into a SPACEGUN" Wilhelm Reich Contact with Space 1956

With his work and being led by the Most High Himself we have perfected the Space Gun into what we call Bucket Blasters, Pipe Blasters and Batons. Our proven Orgone causes UFOs to crash and burns and destroys aliens!! It also purifies the air and cleans your atmosphere of chemtrails.

Stuff They Don't Want You To Know: Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy

We can Destroy the NWO!!

Wilhelm Reich - Re-Discovered an ancient energy, an overview of some of his work

Reich was the author of "Ether, God and Devil" and "Space Contact" along with many other works the government burned and suppressed. He re-discovered both POE (positive orgone energy) and DOE (dead orgone energy) and that's probably what started the government's attack against him...he was getting to close to the DOE agenda and how they are able to fly supernatural UFO crafts. His work talks about Orgone and the effects of it via aliens and crashing UFOs even though his youtube videos don't bring up that aspect. We Need parts 2, 3, 4,...

When Reich developed the Space Gun he was working in alliance with President Eisenhower. But back in Eisenhower's rule as president he became friendly with the very aliens he had aligned against and signed contracts with the aliens and began working with them...and THIS is why they persecuted Reich and destroyed and suppressed his work on Orgone energy.

We need balance...we need both POE and DOE that's the way Yah created this Earth and "they" are trying to subvert this balance by destroying and oppressing one side to dominant the other. That's why in the Bible Codes I will see the term 'balance.' We are putting, among other things, BALANCE back into and around the Earth.

Join the Resistance!!

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by Agarta

Amazing post! Thanks a lot for the info! I'll be sure to do some research on this "orgone energy" and it's effects. A lot of people on here seem to forget, that I'm not making claims, but asking a question.

posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 05:13 PM
how are we going to defeat them if we cannont find them...


posted on Feb, 16 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by purplemer

Actually, finding them is not a problem. We can find them extremely easy. They can not breath our atmosphere, so, a little research into caves and caverns that are not open to the public or are military guarded(regardless of the government) and you have an entrance they are about 3 miles down. Those hybrids called shape shifters that can breath our atmosphere will shift when attacked or attacking because they are vulnerable in their human form so they will "out" themselves. Unfortunately, there is a distinct possibility that in the World of Agarta(my user name also spelled Agartha (hollow Earth theory)) may be their central command. There are multiple races and species that live there. Some would stand up with them and some would stand with us unless, we maintain control here and enter hollow Earth with peace. However, we will never make it into these caves much less Agarta as long as they are protected by the military's of the world.

edit on 16-2-2011 by Agarta because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:24 AM
I know what forum this is in, I just fail to see why or how anybody could make a claim about what reptilians like and hate with people perhaps taking what that other member said the wrong way and accusing people with AS as being reptilians.

Fact is, unless somebody has actually seen a reptilian up close, studied or questioned it intensely and can then report findings on here or elsewhere whether people believe them or not, that kind of assumption is dangerous and a totally disparaging and besmirching attack on people with AS who hate the fact they have that illness in the first place without the potential of being accused as some kind of blood drinking, evil reptile on top of that.

Should I point out a slider to you that explains the words "patronising" or "condescending"?

And no OP, I wasn't talking about your reason for starting the thread and I was actually pretty interested in it all until that post which explained a symptom of the so-called reptilians which I know for a fact is a symptom that my own girlfriend has because of her disability and thought that kind of thinking could be as dangerous to the easily swayed and paranoid as saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Until the post I quoted (which if you noticed, wasn't even one of your posts so how you can confuse that I'll never know) and the blatantly insulting of intelligence by Agarta below my first post in this thread, again, I was interested because despite lack of hard evidence, I do in fact have a feeling reptilians exist as a species as stated in various conspiracies. Which also shows that not only is Agarta the words I described him/her as, he/she is also making guesswork and assumption, even labeling and profiling, without even knowing me or my own ideas on what does and doesn't exist or what I do and don't count as "evidence".

The very point that I would listen to someone named Bob (I assume Lazar, who admittedly I hadn't known much about before joining ATS a month ago) or the US President for "evidence" (I'm not even American so why would I look to Obama for anything anyway?) shows that some people really do need to step back and think before they type.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:01 AM
I have done a little reading on reptillians and in all fairness i don't think they are at all real.

just because there has been sightings of unknown creatures that supposedly look like reptiles does not mean that races of ET reptiles are living under the earths surface waiting for the chance to attack.

it reminds me of the gears of war storyline with the locust emerging from the ground to try and take over the world. Its all a bit far fetched.

anyone can believe what they want and if you do believe in them so be it but to make a thread about ways in which to defeat them when they attack is a bit to far in my opinion.

fair enough , put forward your thoughts, facts and evidence to help prove that they might actually exist but all you have done in this thread is state ways to defeat something that so far as we know does not exist at all.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by curious7
I know what forum this is in, I just fail to see why or how anybody could make a claim about what reptilians like and hate with people perhaps taking what that other member said the wrong way and accusing people with AS as being reptilians.

Fact is, unless somebody has actually seen a reptilian up close, studied or questioned it intensely and can then report findings on here or elsewhere whether people believe them or not, that kind of assumption is dangerous and a totally disparaging and besmirching attack on people with AS who hate the fact they have that illness in the first place without the potential of being accused as some kind of blood drinking, evil reptile on top of that.

Should I point out a slider to you that explains the words "patronising" or "condescending"?

And no OP, I wasn't talking about your reason for starting the thread and I was actually pretty interested in it all until that post which explained a symptom of the so-called reptilians which I know for a fact is a symptom that my own girlfriend has because of her disability and thought that kind of thinking could be as dangerous to the easily swayed and paranoid as saying all Muslims are terrorists.

Until the post I quoted (which if you noticed, wasn't even one of your posts so how you can confuse that I'll never know) and the blatantly insulting of intelligence by Agarta below my first post in this thread, again, I was interested because despite lack of hard evidence, I do in fact have a feeling reptilians exist as a species as stated in various conspiracies. Which also shows that not only is Agarta the words I described him/her as, he/she is also making guesswork and assumption, even labeling and profiling, without even knowing me or my own ideas on what does and doesn't exist or what I do and don't count as "evidence".

The very point that I would listen to someone named Bob (I assume Lazar, who admittedly I hadn't known much about before joining ATS a month ago) or the US President for "evidence" (I'm not even American so why would I look to Obama for anything anyway?) shows that some people really do need to step back and think before they type.

Hi Curious7,

First, I would like to offer My sincere apologize,
I grouped your comment as an attack on the thread as it seemed to be. The way it was worded, as I saw it, was not asking for more information simply an attack. I now realize with your above statement in conjunction with your original post that it WAS information gathering. So please let me help you to understand where the ideas come from. There are multiple sources of contact and conflict throughout history as you can see in the very same post in which I made my mistake with you. Most of the modern information on the "reptilians" was made public 8 to 15 years ago(grouping it all together) through testimonials and video. As I stated in another post I have been away from computers for about 4 years. Since returning I have found the Search engines(especially Google) to be less than helpful, as many of my searches for things I know to be on the internet are not to be found. I will attempt further to find you information on the contacts and get you links. As for the "Single mindedness" and the repetition in their behavior, it was given in evidence in these disclosures. However, as an arm chair Herpetologist(reptile study) I can tell you that the behavior is consistent with all carnivorous lizards and some species of snakes and this may, in reality, be where the idea for the behavior came from. I too, find people who attempt to expose people as reptilians as pure speculation with the attempt to discredit. I feel that, maybe in our attempt to prove their existence, Some of the ideas were taken too far and applied in this speculation. Bob was just an anonymous name I threw out to show a point of speculation. However please do go and listen to Mr. Lazar as he has some good points of information. The reason I mentioned Obama was that, in the Alien Disclosure situation(Which is important in this instance) you will find that the World Governments and the Vatican are pushing Obama for disclosure. Because of this, we do not need Obama to announce it, the World has inadvertently answered this question and shows that the U.S. Government has been Gagging the rest by their assumed authority. So you saying why should I listen to Obama is exactly my point. We don't need it. It's not that they exist or not, we need,what we do need are the species and agendas in fact. Again, I apologize for the wording and attitude backed statement I grouped you with.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:27 PM

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:41 PM
I thought it was comonly known you wait til winter as they hibernate like bears and you attack them in the lairs. It works on all creaters even vampires. Why fight a vampire one on one when you can just wait til hes in hs coffin. They even attack cyclops while they sleep in their den and put his one eye out.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:51 PM
Reptilians ey?

Yeah fantastic specimines.
Shame reptiles rely heavily on certain enviroments isn't it.

Start using your loaf!
Sometimes the obvious is so overlooked.
I can't say more than that. I'm not allowed.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:04 PM
when I was a child some folks kept pet turtles
then pet turtles became illegal because they carried 'salmonella'.

turnabout; could we smear salmonella on ourselves so the reptilians would get ill after handling us?
just a thought...

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by jazz10
Reptilians ey?

Yeah fantastic specimines.
Shame reptiles rely heavily on certain enviroments isn't it.

Start using your loaf!
Sometimes the obvious is so overlooked.
I can't say more than that. I'm not allowed.

Reptiles, yes after a fashion. They are even found in cold climates.
Reptilians, Have the ability to create their environment and possibly no longer have the need to hibernate.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by works4dhs
when I was a child some folks kept pet turtles
then pet turtles became illegal because they carried 'salmonella'.

turnabout; could we smear salmonella on ourselves so the reptilians would get ill after handling us?
just a thought...

unfortunately salmonella effects us too.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Also remember their are flesh eating Reps. and Veggie eating Reps. on Earth. (not sayen that that determines if they are cool or ignorant to humans) So who knows maybe there are mild tempered and high tempered types. I also dont think its fair to group them all as 1 evol race until proven. You may be hurting potential allies with such ignorance.......

I think many began to visualize large creatures with snake or lizard like attributes and automatically get scared
--FEAR-- Keep in mind there may be ET good who look like something scary in a Earth movie and they may be the most peaceful. Yet if some approach and look like allow genetic observation of them and test comes back as they are = to human MANY WILL FEEL SAFE. W/O evaluating the potentials hidden beneath what is seen. DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER, REMEMBER.

edit on 2/17/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:21 PM
We can get Obama to motivate us with a 'YES WE CAN' speech!??

Love energy isn't gonna do s*** if you don't really mean and believe in what you're doing.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:27 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

Absolutely correct, As I see it they have a "Government" as well. ie, the longer the tail the closer to royalty. That does not mean they are all subservient to it.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by Serizawa

Love energy has made some kill themselves w/o it.
Love energy has caused reverse effects on racisim.
Love energy has allowed for EA species to thrive.
Love energy can make a lonley soul 1 day feel like a happy person the next day just by meeting a friendly new lover
Love energy has helped create laws to protect children from evol adults.
Love energy is what has kept the sapien sapiens from totally killing off each other. Because a few have love in their hearts who are in high rank positions who cared about others.
Love energy can bring a man/ woman close enough to reproduce and love whatthey have produced.
Love energy helped many of you develope as children wether you received LOVE from your parents or supervising adults.
HELL love of money makes the evol of EA go crazy and kill for it.

In short LOVE ENERGY is powerful and can even be heard within the heavens WHEN THE LACK OF IT HAS TAKEN OVER.

SO who knows FOCUS IT.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Agarta

How can we defeat something that doesn't exist?
In all these reptillian threads there has not been one shred of evidence that they are real!
All the excuses that are posted as to why we can't see them, or they can change the environment around them, etc., etc, are all straight out of comic book fiction. This is where they originated from, from some artists drug addled mind! And all you people who read them as kids believe it is real! Wow, must have been some good # you got to smoke.
When I see Doc Crocodile walking down the street then I will believe it.
Until then, the same as any god, demon, ghost or whatever, they DO NOT exist except in your own little worlds which you are locked into.

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