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Does anyone have a plan?

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posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 10:39 AM
Does anyone have a plan on where to assemble without
government sponsorship in case the world goes to Sh**?

Are there any groups here that have made such precautions?

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 10:44 AM
Go to High Point State Park in NJ if all Hell breaks loose if your in NYC or NJ?

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 10:49 AM
A plan? Of course. I have a safe house in the mountains of an ajacent state that I can get to without taking anything even resembling a major road way. I just hope my piece of crap car can handle it.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 11:03 AM
Just think of it as this, Make it a mission to talk and tell everyone you know of a safe zone "area to meet" in case of serious issues that may possibly happen. I know I wouldnt want my family all scattered and wondering how to find each other if something of a catostrophic nature did occur on US soil. Ask yourself, what would work as a buffer zone in your area if something did occur. For Example: check out Indian Point Nuclear Facility, they actually show the radius of impact if it were to melt down or explode from that you can determine what areas would be safe. Just a thought.


posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 11:40 AM
I will be hiding in the hills clothed in animal pelts and armed with rocks and spears waiting for cheney to slither from his underground bunker.

I think it will work.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 11:42 AM

Originally posted by Justmytype
Just think of it as this, Make it a mission to talk and tell everyone you know of a safe zone "area to meet" in case of serious issues that may possibly happen. I know I wouldnt want my family all scattered and wondering how to find each other if something of a catostrophic nature did occur on US soil. Ask yourself, what would work as a buffer zone in your area if something did occur. For Example: check out Indian Point Nuclear Facility, they actually show the radius of impact if it were to melt down or explode from that you can determine what areas would be safe. Just a thought.

Thanks for the info......but is there really any safe place to go after
nuclear war? Medicine would run out quickly if not expire after
a certain amout of time and you can only store so much food
and water individually. I think a group of like minded people would
have a better chance of making it than individual families alone.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by Soul Reaper
I think a group of like minded people would have a better chance of making it than individual families alone.

You are assuming that you can trust people that you may not even know. Sorry to be the paranoid cynic, but for all anyone knows I could show up at the 'safe' meeting place and either sell them out or kill them all for their supplies.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:03 PM
You are assuming that you can trust people that you may not even know. Sorry to be the paranoid cynic, but for all anyone knows I could show up at the 'safe' meeting place and either sell them out or kill them all for their supplies.

Don't apologize for being a cynic, all possibilities must be realized.
I think most people who survive will be armed in one way or
another and there is saftey in numbers.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:33 PM
Wow, now I see your true side, forget what I said on the U2U get your own 4x4 ha ha ha, just kidding but your are exactly right, why trust strangers, friends and family should be who you network with before looking for that "new leader" because in a sense , the original threads author " Soul Reaper" seems to be looking for direction from someone instead of being responsible enough to put together an action plan amongst his friends and family.

Oh if you are looking for a leader I do invite you to a PASS meeting
"People Against Sick Society's" I am the leader of that.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:45 PM
I am not looking for a leader, I am looking for a group of
people who can work together to acheive the same goals.

Why in God's name would people look to build the same screwed
up society again after it's destruction by looking for a leader?
no, everyone would have to pull together, then maybe after
some time a natural leader would emerge.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:47 PM
1. Buy a motorcycle or scooter and a boat if near a coast.
2. Have a place where immediate family can meet if they are local. A large landmark central to all.
3. At least one handgun
4. Water supply for 3 days.

Cars and SUV's will mean nothing if there is a large scale attack in a MEtropolis. You will need something smaller in order to travel, bike,motorcycle.Highways and bridges will clog in a matter of hours and be worhtless. Head for the water if possible.... I

Personally,I live IN St.Pete, Florida across fro mthe Port of Tampa and MAcdill AFB, and I have a boat at a dock(parents house) with a motor to get me at least 75 miles out in a matter of two hours, and we (family) all now to get there if somthing happens. 5 minutes by motorcycle Just get the hell out of hte area, catch fish and rainwater to live, and come back when you can sail to another American harbor..And to trust other people, sorry, but family is all that would matter at that point.

[edit on 15-7-2004 by esdad71]

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:51 PM
No dis-respect "Soul Reaper" but human nature always finds a leader, strong will always overcome the week and people always look for the answers elsewhere, Why else are we all all this board. Face it, the world has become a very scary place so what do we do, try to find the answers, how do we do this? we start asking others Who will be the leader? the one who answers the questions you feel you want to hear.. Thats just life.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:56 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype
Jonna Wow, now I see your true side.

Ha! I'm not saying that I would kill people in that situation, but it is quite possible for someone else to attempted it on you if you are not aware of their true motives. It goes back to that 'Being prepared for all possibilites' thing that we were talking about yesterday.

God! I really hope this doesn't spark another Who do you think is a spook on ATS thread.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by Justmytype
No dis-respect "Soul Reaper" but human nature always finds a leader, strong will always overcome the week and people always look for the answers elsewhere, Why else are we all all this board. Face it, the world has become a very scary place so what do we do, try to find the answers, how do we do this? we start asking others Who will be the leader? the one who answers the questions you feel you want to hear.. Thats just life.

No dis-respect is human nature that got us in this mess
in the first place. I came to this board to discuss and debate
possibilities not to seek a leader. I can handle myself in any
confrontation but it is not always might that makes right......
intelligence and preparedness will always win out against
brute force.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:10 PM
Actually all possibilities is something we discussed but I dont know you physically only by board and conversation but your inspiration and your honest and true wisdom tells me. " I trust You". so don't forget to U2U me where we should meet in that event.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:20 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

1. Buy a motorcycle or scooter and a boat if near a coast.
2. Have a place where immediate family can meet if they are local. A large landmark central to all.
3. At least one handgun
4. Water supply for 3 days.

Cars and SUV's will mean nothing if there is a large scale attack in a MEtropolis. You will need something smaller in order to travel, bike,motorcycle.Highways and bridges will clog in a matter of hours and be worhtless. Head for the water if possible.... I

Personally,I live IN St.Pete, Florida across fro mthe Port of Tampa and MAcdill AFB, and I have a boat at a dock(parents house) with a motor to get me at least 75 miles out in a matter of two hours, and we (family) all now to get there if somthing happens. 5 minutes by motorcycle Just get the hell out of hte area, catch fish and rainwater to live, and come back when you can sail to another American harbor..And to trust other people, sorry, but family is all that would matter at that point.

[edit on 15-7-2004 by esdad71]

I like your idea......very insightful, the only thing that bothers me is the 3 days of water. That is not alot of water and if doesn't rain for a week, everyone would dehydrate.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:23 PM
Well there are in fact those that feel the need to lead others and those that would rather feel taken care of. I personaly am a leader that does not wish to lead others. I suppose that you would call it a loner. I will take on the responcibility of protecting those under my care, but also realize how massive a responcibility it is. Being a leader is a choice that must not be taken lightly. The leader must actually love and cherish those under his/her care and not claim the title of leader because of its elevation of status and ego boost. This is the problem with most Leaders, they are not in it for the welfare of the people, but instead for the position itself.

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:25 PM
My plan includes a thunderdome. Add in a rusted muscle car, and rifle, a sawed off and a few pistols. Toss some 80's rock into the mix.

almost forgot: Grow one helluva mullet.

This... This is mah boomstick.

ps: and I will stop bathing.

[edit on 15-7-2004 by Lysergic]

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:29 PM
Rock On Lysergic, dont forget your IROC and your Screaming for Vengance cassette.. would be one hell of a way to go out though....

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Lysergic
My plan includes a thunderdome.

You can be Blaster and I'll be Master if you give me piggyback rides!

Wait! I just realized how bad that sounds.

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