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What happened with wikileaks?

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posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 03:31 AM
It has been some time since i last saw a thread about WikiLeaks arround here and there are so many unanswered questions about so many stuff.

For example did anyone crack the insurance.aes256 file or was any hacker that tried taken down by their government under the pressures put up by the United States?
Were the pilots in the Apache from the Iraq helicopter shoting event been held acountable for their actions?
Or will the actions of WikiLeaks be labled as terrorist and every truth seeker will automaticaly become a terrorist and be jailed or put put to death?

Yesterday, February 13, Discovery Romania aired a documentary entitled "WikiLeaks: War, Lies and Videotape" which covered the events since Assange got the Iraq tape till his arrest. I recomend watching this documentary to see some other views about WikiLeaks comming from former employees.
The documentary showed how Julian Assange managed to create his little own media empire that aided him in putting out the leaked documents. This created some tensions within WikiLeaks that agreed to put out the leakes in one big release. But from this you can see that Assange played this like he played a chess match, doing everything in small calculated steps releasing a good amount of documents but keeping enough to himself so that he has a leverage if something were to happen. about WikiLeaks: War, Lies and Videotape

This compelling documentary film investigates the website that has given rise to one of the greatest controversies of the last decade – one which is far from over....

The worst thing that could have happened or did happen is that the governments aided by the mainstream media managed to convince good people that WikiLeaks is nothing more than a COINTELPRO website just wanting to put out disinformation out that they can label wistleblowers, wistleblowing websites and truth seekers as terrorists.

In my opinion this is not a subject that should be forgoten so easily because its still something that was not thoroughly discused and debunked.

I will post a link to the video when i find it.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 03:48 AM
What I'd like to know is what happened to Assange promising that there was going to be a massive dump of information early this year. The early part of the year is just about over. I don't know if it included the tidbits about Bank of America, but neither have been produced. I've had doubts about the organization.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by AlexIR
It has been some time since i last saw a thread about WikiLeaks arround here and there are so many unanswered questions about so many stuff.

For example did anyone crack the insurance.aes256 file or was any hacker that tried taken down by their government under the pressures put up by the United States?
Were the pilots in the Apache from the Iraq helicopter shoting event been held acountable for their actions?
Or will the actions of WikiLeaks be labled as terrorist and every truth seeker will automaticaly become a terrorist and be jailed or put put to death?

Aes256 is super tough to crack and it is going to take alot of time and cpu power, multiplied however long the password is - It could take years to crack.
The outcomes of everything are still up in the air unlike TV soap's these things get dragged out.

The worst thing that could have happened or did happen is that the governments aided by the mainstream media managed to convince good people that WikiLeaks is nothing more than a COINTELPRO website just wanting to put out disinformation out that they can label wistleblowers, wistleblowing websites and truth seekers as terrorists.

In my opinion this is not a subject that should be forgoten so easily because its still something that was not thoroughly discused and debunked.

I will post a link to the video when i find it.

Couldnt agree more - alot of people turned on wikileaks when their attention span ran out and they forgot that governments purposefully character assasinate when their is a threat that has the people on it side.
edit on 14-2-2011 by byteshertz because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by satron
What I'd like to know is what happened to Assange promising that there was going to be a massive dump of information early this year. The early part of the year is just about over. I don't know if it included the tidbits about Bank of America, but neither have been produced. I've had doubts about the organization.

IMO it is still early this year for a while, and Assange is pretty tied up taking on the worlds super powers.
There is so much info on the wikileaks sight, so many cables - nobody has even finished sifting through all that yet. See post above.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:13 AM
reply to post by byteshertz

I know a 256bit password is tough to crack .... just think that your IP that consists of 4 numbers of 3 digits combinations is just a small pathetic 32bit.... and that is just numeric ... multiply that with all the alphanumerics and symbols and you get the MOAP (mother of all passwords).

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:23 AM
Wikileaks is overdue for releasing the (presumed) Bank of America documents.

Expect to see them making headline stories again very soon.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:32 AM
We have to pressure the government and force them to arrest Assange. Though I support what Assange is doing, he is holding the truth hostage and arresting him is the only way that he will release the insurance files.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:43 AM
Here is an interview from last nights DateLine :

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:01 AM

Originally posted by satron
What I'd like to know is what happened to Assange promising that there was going to be a massive dump of information early this year. The early part of the year is just about over. I don't know if it included the tidbits about Bank of America, but neither have been produced. I've had doubts about the organization.

Speaking of Bank of America, that would be his latest lie to the public. He still has never released any of the info he said he would. To me, and its no secret I dont care for him at all, he is doing nothing but bilking people out of money by making promises that no one can confirm he even has info of.

Every few months, like clockwork, he pops up, makes the news, makes new claims, which carries conversations for a few eeks, only to wash rinse and repeeat.

I am curious what would happen if the media just stopped reporting on him at all.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 10:02 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

As i said in the first post, he plays this like a strategy game. He needs to think every move he does or else 'he gonna get it'.

From what i saw in the documentary mentioned above before he released any leaked info from cablegate and Iraq war logs he talked to a lot of news broadcasters especially newspapers. That means he is trying to fight a bit.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 04:48 AM

Originally posted by satron
What I'd like to know is what happened to Assange promising that there was going to be a massive dump of information early this year. The early part of the year is just about over. I don't know if it included the tidbits about Bank of America, but neither have been produced. I've had doubts about the organization.

In this interview here around 26 mins Assange says cablegate was to initially be distributed in January - But the guardian leaked it early breaching a contract with wikileaks.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:10 AM
Yeah but think of this.

Assange and his staff only deciphered the cables and documents but the ones responsable for editing them were the big mainstream news companies. This makes you wonder did they or did they not censure parts of them.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:47 AM
I'll tell you why.

Because not only did they steal documents from the US government they also lied about the US government. Everyone is starting to realize that they are a propaganda group and they create and steal false documents in order to try and turn it's people against their government.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:12 AM
""in order to try and turn it's people against their government.""

The American people don't rate their government/Congress very high....without wikileaks.

I don't think Assange changed anyones opinion one way or the other. The Internet has been more of a threat to the Federal Government than Assange. Bush has been using National Security Letters to shut down dissident/ gripe websites. Obama was handed the internet kill switch. It's coming down.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 04:43 PM
So what did happen to wikileaks? In the times we are living in you'd think they would have something juicy to put out now...very strange the way they/HE came to fame and disappeard overnight.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by Tangled2011
So what did happen to wikileaks? In the times we are living in you'd think they would have something juicy to put out now...very strange the way they/HE came to fame and disappeard overnight.

Does anyone by chance know when the Obama birth certificate story started up in earnest?

Ive been looking at some of the news cycles and see events will occur that drown out the intrest on Obamas birth certificate.

The most recent was nabbing Bin Laden. That ended the news cycle on his BC.

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