posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by heffo7
That video is a blatant fake created with the intention of generating negative associations with orbs spotted over that region.
The original vid (the 'beings of light' one lasting approx 17 mins) demonstrates an effect of globular frame-like rotations, with the overall orb at
relatively high close-up looking like a revolving, 'orientation-shifting' buckminster-fullerine. Rotating and spinning about its nuclear axis; watch
carefully and you'll see that all the movements are counter-clockwise, just like the guy who took the video explains in his commentary. He tries to
address all the usual complaints against videos of UFOs... EG - using intelligent optical zoom, holding the camera steady, getting the context of
where the orb is located relative to the buildings, gives you some idea of distance by explaining how far he is zooming etc etc etc. A cracking
recording of a real UFO event imho.
I'm convinced that the footage is genuine, because it demonstrates the sort of visually complex geometric precisions that would be hard to fake in a
convincing way. The guy taking the footage also strikes me as sincere; someone who's gotten frustrated by low-quality 'lights in the sky' videos and
bought a decent camera to get proper close-ups. Now that he's done this, he's already falling prey to different types of disinfo/ debunking.
Perpetual and frustrating debunkings will never stop, until the paradigm shift occurs. Some footage is easier to debunk; this footage is excellent,
but doubtless someone will come along with some technical gibberish in a few pages time to tell us why we're all so gullible and stupid etc.
The fact that a hoax video has cropped up soon after makes me certain that something is being hidden. Muddying the waters - disinfo manual, page
edit on 14-2-2011 by FlyInTheOintment because: (no reason given)