The "Real" situation is that these folks are considered role models to many children.
Where does that leave society in the next few decades?
I realize that as parents we have to be responsible for what are children watch and do. My daughter does not watch Jersey Shore or anything of that
ilk, but she still knows every person on the show. From seeing it on the news and hearing about it from school she is aware of Snooki, Jwoww, etc.
These folks have hit the media circuit big time.
I must confess that I have watched it. It is sometimes a guilty pleasure. One in which I pray no one ever looks through my window and catches me
partaking in.
I am usually left thinking WTH? None of these folks seem to pause and think about what this looks and how it will look to their
future children.
I am not one who thinks music and video games are making our children murderers etc. But I have noticed that Snooki, Lindsey Lohan, et al are being
almost glamorized by our society. They garner tons of attention for doing some of the most idiotic things I have ever seen. Children tend to notice
Beaver Cleaver, and Patty Duke would never have survived in today's world. Lessons about stealing, drinking etc. have been traded in for one night
stands, fist fighting, and puking in the streets.
I am not ancient. I am not a prude. I just can't help but to think about what this constant barrage of "I do what I want and consequences be damned"
is doing to future generations. Real life doesn't work that way. Atleast for those of us who do not get cast to star in these shows.
So in all seriousness, do you think this even has an effect on our society now or in the future? Even if we try to keep our children away from it,
they still know about it. We can't lock them up, nor should we want to. We raise them the best we can, but outside influences tend to do just that at
times... influence.
What are your thoughts?
edit on 2/13/2011 by Kangaruex4Ewe because: (no reason given)