posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:40 PM
Time itself is something like distance. It can be measured with a ruler, in inches or meters (really!), but it isn't along the same axis as any of the
three spacial dimensions we are familiar with.
Einstein's E=MC^2 is based upon the idea that light/energy travels at a speed of about 386,000 meters every second. This is the fastest thing in
'spacetime' and we can inversely infer that one second equals @ 386,000 meters along the axis of time.
We only experience a very linear and directional view of time but all time is there, all the time! We only need to 'see' it for what it is.
We, as a species, have had an almost religious faith that 'time' is our perception of its passage but this is neither true or helpful.
We would not be able to truly appreciate what time is, or really "do stuff with it" (as we are now beginning to do) if we hold to the regular orderly
unidirectional view of it.
Time is rich and shaped and has gradients and density. Perhaps your 'disorientation' is leading you to a higher and richer truth.
These things are bourne out by experiment and mathematics and are true.
edit on 13/2/2011 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)