posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 11:06 PM
Dream log.
7/25/11 – The second time within two weeks were I became conscious in dream. Started off with a boy standing on a rock in the ocean, when a wave
would hit the boy would become engulfed, when the wave resided the boy would shift into a statue of a demon. They boy would return to his normal form
the next time a wave passed. Later the boy was mirrored by the demon statue of an identical rock directly beside him. The boy was aware of this and
made certain movements to see if he was indeed being imitated, he was.
The dream shifts – I am in a house with the boy who was being imitated by the demon statue. There are three other boys there as well; I know that
they have all been possessed to a certain extent. I bring this up to them, at first they deny, but when I explain what I saw on the beach they come
clean. They don’t know how it happened, but they are all venerable to possession at certain times.
The dream shifts – I am walking with the boys, we are outside and it is sunny. I try to recognize where I have seen them before, eventually it hits
me, that they are the ones from my previous shift. I come to realization I am dreaming at this point. In my previous conscious dream I flew, just
once before I woke up. I remembered this and decided to try that again. I turn to the boys and tell them that I am dreaming and that they are not
real. They argue and call me crazy, until I jump into the air and keep going for a couple hundred feet. “side note- when flying in my dream it
seems extremely real. Even though I know I’m dreaming the gravitational effects are all in place. When acending it is hard to control and
frightening. When decending it is actually more of a fall, I have to keep telling myself its only a dream when falling so I don’t scare myself
awake” When I return to the ground only one of the boys remains, he is amazed I can fly, but still claims he is real, I saw goodbye and continue
my flight lesions.
When flying I am in control, but just barely, I know what I want to do but it is hard to accomplish. For instance when I take off I am wobbly and do
not ascend in a straight line, also when flying horizontly I constantly lose altitude and have to make a great conscious effort to regain it. Also
when trying to gain speed it takes about 30 seconds to accomplish this goal, and when I get going to fast I start to stay from side to side. I cannot
fly horizontly and gain altitude as well, I have to do one before the other. I cannot fly very high as well, something happens and I fall back to
the earth when I start to reach the ozone layer. Finally I observed the world around me. I was trying to find objects that looked fake, but the city
I was in was flawlessly perfect. I went to a pond and saw fish swimming, as well as bugs floating on the surface, the detail amazed me to no end.
After this mind blowing experience I found I was no longer able to fly, even though I knew I was still dreaming. It was like I was just in a different
world with no special abilities, soon after I awoke. I think the reason I am having trouble controlling this altered reality is because I am just
beginning to practice. With time I have no doubt I will be able to do amazing things, and have ultimate control, like being able to teleport, which I
tried for about 5 Minuits with no success.
End of log.