posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 04:39 PM
While surfing around the 'net this morning, checking in on some of my favorite sites, I noticed something new on They posted their IP address, and a link to a statement about
Why this is important. This struck me as a brilliant idea, and I thought I would help spread the
The current U.S. administration has been talking a great deal about the idea of an "Internet Kill Switch". The most likely form in my opinion would
be to shut down DNS. They wouldn't want to really "shut it down" because they need it too. They would just want to make it "not work" for the average
citizen. For those of you who do not know, DNS stands for "Domain Name System". This is a massive, redundant set of parallel database servers that
take in the common language "name" of a domain, like and convert it into an IP or internet protocol address known as a "dotted
quad". This set of numbers is the actual address that computers use to find each other. DNS was invented to make it easier for us daft humans to
remember addresses. is much easier to remember than You can either "ping from command prompt" or use a "whois" service like
NetworkSolutions, to find a "real", "dotted quad" address and make a note of it. That way
if DNS was ever shut off, you could still get to your favorite or important sites to communicate.
Start your IP address file today. You never know when you may be glad you did...
Well folks... Any more suggestions?
edit on 13-2-2011 by mwc273 because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-2-2011 by mwc273 because: (no reason given)