If you haven't watched this film before, or saw this speech yet...
Take a few minutes and watch this video.
Steven Seagal is known for being an activist on certain subjects.
The video is from a movie made in 1994.
It fits the bill.
This is, by far, one of my favorite speeches from the guy.
In a way, this is VERY relevant to what's happening in the past few decades.
Very informative and thought provoking.
I believe that the speech sums up exactly what is controlling this world today.
Big business and huge profits.
Screw the people and the Earth.
Money rules all.
I searched ATS for this video and was unable to see it posted elsewhere.
It might be and if so, then I'll just bump the thought.
Good luck with this thread. When BP was leaking oil in the Gulf, a couple of threads about this video popped up, or was added into other existing
threads. And WOW, I was shocked at how quickly the ATS members were ripping it apart. A lot of people don't seem to like Seagal, and most posters
were talking about how little it matters that a star speaks out against something in a movie, when they are getting paid to say it.
Personally, I think this was a great speech, regardless of who wrote it or spoke it aloud. It has a lot of truth back then, and even more truth now.
And I have always liked Seagal.
That was actually a really good speech and totally true! Thanks for sharing. I never knew Seagal played such an educated role in a movie. And to
think I always thought he was just a fat Chuck Norris with a ponytail...
Side Note - Watch the trailer for "On Deadly Ground." It's a classic! www.imdb.com...
This was my favorite movie by him though, a true classic action flick with TONS of very deep philosophical wisdom throughout it.
Of course it's just a movie, and you have certain expectations in it.
I do actually see a good and positive message to mankind being presented in the film.
If people just respected each other's liberties our businesses would be way more responsible and just.
There is a line that is unacceptable to cross for profits, and that is when it tramples on other's rights and or damages their property or bodies.
It's way across the line, and needs to come to an end.
It's time to rediscover responsibility and accountability.
Mr seagal is really a dude's dude.. he has never been in the tabloid for being a dirt/douche-bag. to the best of my knowledge anyway.
The man seems very grounded and out for good. Mellow, honest and modest.. i challenge anyone to find proof he is a jerk.. not that i argue, just
curious as to if he ever acted like one, if so i'd be surprised and would like to know.
definitely a guy for any shtf dream crew..lol.. along with chuck norris and GSP.
Hard to speak when none will listen, especially when you threaten there income, people are not overly conscious along as the money is flowing. people
are forced into slavery to live in furious state of mentality. There born ignorantly into it, it's a forced adoption. The only alterative is too
collaspe it, since its a believed concept is getting others too see it.
Originally posted by lasertaglover reply to post by havok
And WOW, I was shocked at how quickly the ATS members were ripping it apart.
ATS has unfortunately been overrun by a lot of brainwashed right wing drones ever since Obama got elected. These people attack anything to do with the
environment because they are being programmed by their ideological overlords to believe this is all some sort of elaborate eco-nazi hoax perpetrated
by crazy Liberals.
Meanwhile pretty much the entire Republican party today has been hijacked by big business hacks and oil lobbyist shills who are only concerned with
protecting their pollutocrat agenda. See for example:
So it's kind of funny but also quite sad how some Hollywood goon like Steven Seagal gets the conspiracy 17 years ago way better than a bunch of people
today who think they're some super un-brainwashed conspiracy theorists now...
edit on 13-2-2011 by mc_squared because: a few more links for good measure
I'm sorry, but it seems to me that you are part of the problem as well. I personally believe that both parties are control mechanisms, and that
people follow both parties blindly.
Both the Re-punk-licans and the Demo-rats are the problem.
An example of this is your post. Any Re-punk-lican that comes in here is going to get ticked off at you, and then more Demo-rats will start coming
in, and the next thing you know, everyone forgets about Seagal's clip.
It's not a party thing, it is a control thing. And no offense, but you have been controlled as well as the sheeple of the GOP.
But, all of this, including your rant about the Re-punk-licans is taking away from the main thing here. This is a darn good clip from a darn good
Ive never seen this video before thanks for posting..Its very informative and i do like Seagal..the best part of this video is its all very true with
a heart felt positive message..
I'm not even American - so I could care less about the Demo-rats or the Re-punk-licans feelings. All I care about is the truth. Everything in my post
is factual. People need to deal with it, and that's it. If it gets their panties in a bunch to find out how brainwashed they're being that still
makes them part of the problem, not me. A typical reaction in this situation is to just attack the messenger,
People need to get over their brainwashed ideologies and stop projecting the insecurities that come with them on to everyone else.
Great movie, great actor, with a conscience, intellect, light. Thank you for this thread. This is another approach to use to get the message through
to some.
We have to get together and start to wake people up locally. The kind of meeting he is showing is how we have to start. Form Groups.
Survivalists/Awareness Groups, 10 even in the beginning, and start to make your presence known and show good videos. Find some church basement or room
to hold the meetings. He's not only giving the speech but showing the only way it can work to educate people grass roots and locally.
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned the fact that Seagal is a recognized tulku. For those who are unaware of what a tulku is, it is a Tibetan Buddhist
master who is able to choose the next body in which he reincarnates. There aren't many tulkus, but they are highly respected, such as the Dalai Lama.
It's an interesting phenomenon and people should research it some if they're interested.
Why are they sending people to the moon before finding better ways to source renewable energy? Why are they spending so much money on a cure for aids
when all you need to do is stop having sex or coming into contact with bodily fluids from an infected person?
If I had a seagull as a pet I would name it Steven Seagull
You see, it wasn't about the man in the speech, but the meaning.
Because in a very honest way, this direction on Earth is the wrong path.
Destruction of our environment for profits and greed is wrong.
And I'm no hippie...
The average working class gets involved with this line of work because it pays well. Oil rigging, logging, waste disposal, natural gas drilling...ALL
these jobs can be successfully maintained while keeping our soils/waters clean. But people don't think about what they are destroying while working
for the scum buckets that employ them. The workers only think about one thing: The Money. While the business that employs only thinks about one thing:
The Profits.
It becomes a dangerous situation when the gov't has to step in and regulate/fine companies to keep them clean.
Why won't people take it upon themselves to keep Earth clean?
Why do we need a babysitter?
Seems to me that greed stems from the heart of man.
So maybe our western culture actually nutures a destructive/greedy lifestyle.
Oh wait. It does.
I guess one could pass the blame equally here...
Hey can you explain what he means in your video...I am a lil slow today. Oh an did you all know Seagal trained Anderson Silva the best fighter on the
planet, that's just wow.