posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:06 AM
There's a lot to be said for continuity and for having all the information about a topic in the same thread, no matter how old it might be. It lends
some organization, makes research easier, keeps the board less cluttered, allows people to more easily get valid search results, allows updates to be
in the same place so that those already familiar with the topic can just get the new and those who might be unfamiliar topic to get all the background
on it, and prevents repetition of information in multiple threads.
Having many multiple threads on the same topic dilutes the information, makes identifying patterns harder, makes it hard to remember which thread you
have and have not posted in, makes it harder to fill people in on background information.
There are far more benefits that detriments to this practice of keeping like information in one place. And frankly, I think that people who think it's
no big deal to have multiple threads on the same topic have just become conditioned to be scattered and disorganized and lazy and to not want to think
that hard. But that's just me.
(P.S. And oh, by the way, this of course doesn't apply to the one-off type threads but to those that are truly on the same topic,and the lazy and
disorganized factor applies to the people we loosely call "journalists" in the MSM today as well. They are sucking more and more at background and
followup and heaven forbid they made a mistake, there is rarely a retraction unless it's buried somewhere.)
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan
To be fair, it's usually the authors who know that there is already a thread. In addition, many times they are posting simply to let participants in a
thread know there are more comments or more information in other threads. Not everyone has the motive that appears to amuse you.
In addition, you're right, there are rules as to where multiple threads on the same topic may and may not appear, and the mods know them best.
edit on 2/13/2011 by ~Lucidity because: added p.s.