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Must Watch!! Ron Paul 20/20 Banned ABC News Interview With John Stossel!!

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posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by Juston

But here is the deal guys (for those who do not do it already)

You've got to spread the word to others, and it should be done intelligently. So many people only know about him (if at all) from what they hear VIA the MSM.

If you have Facebook, spam the hell out it with relevant Ron Paul news and info.

When the people you (co-workers, friends, etc...) are around and start talking about the latest TV shows or whatever, ask some thought provoking questions, and tell em' about this guy.

He certainly is a word of mouth, grassroots kind of candidate. He's far too scary for the MSM.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by MissSmartypants
Yes, and he says war is only justified if we are attacked. We should not be policing the world. He says that yes tragic things occur in other parts of the world but it's not our job to force other people....through the use of death and be better people. It's our job to make us better people. And what's wrong with being loyal to our own country and our own country's best interests? Is that immoral or wrong somehow? It's seems exactly right to me.

If war death and destruction were in our nation's best interest there would be no debate in moving forward with it. It is a very moral thing to force one's own value system on to others through the use of military force as it is moral to kill people of opposing faiths or kill doctors at abortion clinics. I'm sure many of these acts seem right to the people committing them, but it's only relative as are morals and change.

And what's wrong with it... What's right with it? How could you force someone to be a better person by killing them? Is this a game? Do they have extra lives?

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:36 PM
reply to post by BlubberyConspiracy

How could you force someone to be a better person by killing them? Is this a game? Do they have extra lives?

Well, you certainly cannot force someone to be a better person by killing them...however you can sure scare the daylights out of the people you haven't killed...yet... by doing that.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:37 PM
That's something that I wouldn't expect to hear from most politicians in the States. Legalizing drugs and prostitution allowing gay's to be married freely and making the US not a "world police force". It's no wonder this interview got banned.

I can see Ron doing a lot of good for the US and I would vote for him if I was a US citizen.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by BlubberyConspiracy

Terrific vids OP! I have been a Ron Paul supporter for years. If he ever became president, then this country would would have a fighting chance to come back to the place the forefathers wanted for it. I think him getting President is slim to none though because the Elite who really run the system will never let him succeed, which is truly a sad thing.

Ron Paul for President? Hell yes! He's got my vote! And, We can always have that dream can't we?

ETA: I guess they didnt air this interview since it was banned? And if it was banned, then I guess it was because he was too truthful? Everyone needs to hear this video, from coast to coast..
edit on 12-2-2011 by kennylee because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:44 PM
Ron Paul is a beautiful, beautiful man... even next to John Stossel. He is the only congressperson that actually makes sense when he talks, and he asks the same questions the people are asking. Every other congressperson just spouts bureaucratic answers that never pick a side, truthfully answer the question, or stand for something. Ron Paul is as real and transparent as a it gets.

We know he's not corrupt. We know he's using his mind, not just blabbing rhetoric he didn’t write from a teleprompter. He actually has substance and a plan to help America get back to how our country was started. He is completely against a big invasive gov because if we keep yielding power to the Federal Gov. allowing them to step all over the Constitution then we will eventually end up in a Martial Law/Police State where the gov is constantly spying, detaining, and destroying our freedoms until we are all living in constant fear and oppression.

If Paul ever did get elected to the Oval Office, Congress would block most of his legislation, and if he tried to change us back to the Gold Standard via an Executive Order he would suffer the same fate as JFK did with his E.O.-11110. I hope this isn't the case and he gets his message through to the masses, but I just don't see the majority of the sheeple in America ever giving him a chance in an election.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:48 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

If Paul ever did get elected to the Oval Office, Congress would block most of his legislation

I have to admit I've often thought the same thing. I don't think he would have many friends in office. He would certainly have to watch his back.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:48 PM
All Statesmen, or anyone in Public Office, should behave like he does. That they don't and somehow make out they are owed great wealth by the people they serve is a gross failure of Office.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:51 PM
reply to post by kennylee

If he ever became president, then this country would would have a fighting chance to come back to the place the forefathers wanted for it.

And that, for me, holds the true charm of his vision...a return to America the way our founding fathers envisioned it. The Land Of Liberty! Remember that?

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by MissSmartypants
And that, for me, holds the true charm of his vision...a return to America the way our founding fathers envisioned it. The Land Of Liberty! Remember that?

Yeah... and that didn't last long either, did it. Nice ideal, total failure in practice.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely

Until individuals take it upon themselves to be truly responsible, and accountable for their own actions, we will always be plagued by those who seek personal advancement & the vices above all else.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:37 PM
Ron Paul stands apart from most politicians in topical substance. He doesn't dodge or deflect the question, he answers it, and not with aimless rhetoric or imagined historical events (future no exception to these imaginings!) that are driving this country govern-mentally-insane.

Basically, Obama is a great example of the modern height of the presidency position of power. The words need be only carefully chosen and indifferent. The substance can be completely abstract or lacking in genuine intellect on the matter, and it will be given a passing grade by the millions not attuned. But it's getting hard to overlook it all, isn't it? I mean, we obviously cannot allow full presidential dictatorship, but we need figures that stand for their country's best interests and know when to sacrifice their own (interests).
edit on 12-2-2011 by smthngmssnghr because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:55 PM
I'll be spreading this, thanks for posting it

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 12:08 AM

Originally posted by tooo many pills
Ron Paul is a beautiful, beautiful man... even next to John Stossel. He is the only congressperson that actually makes sense when he talks, and he asks the same questions the people are asking. Every other congressperson just spouts bureaucratic answers that never pick a side, truthfully answer the question, or stand for something. Ron Paul is as real and transparent as a it gets.

We know he's not corrupt. We know he's using his mind, not just blabbing rhetoric he didn’t write from a teleprompter. He actually has substance and a plan to help America get back to how our country was started. He is completely against a big invasive gov because if we keep yielding power to the Federal Gov. allowing them to step all over the Constitution then we will eventually end up in a Martial Law/Police State where the gov is constantly spying, detaining, and destroying our freedoms until we are all living in constant fear and oppression.

If Paul ever did get elected to the Oval Office, Congress would block most of his legislation, and if he tried to change us back to the Gold Standard via an Executive Order he would suffer the same fate as JFK did with his E.O.-11110. I hope this isn't the case and he gets his message through to the masses, but I just don't see the majority of the sheeple in America ever giving him a chance in an election.

The sheeple in America giving him a chance? You mean the rigged
voting machines don't you?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 05:40 AM
It doesn't matter if he has a chance. That's not the point.

A good reason would be to just let TPTB know, that we want freedom and prosperity not death and destruction. We want a free and fair market and not a corrupt and greedy market. A lot of the ideas of history were good and proved to work. But many of them were poor and failed.

This is more than just mere politics. It's a development in mankind's history.

People not just in America, but all around the world want to change things to something better. We just are immature still and repeat many of those historical mistakes. By learning from our past mistakes, we can avoid repeating them. Mistakes will happen, but lets at least learn something new for a change.

Of any politician, I'd call RP a anti-politican. And that's a compliment.
He would actually understand what my train of thought is. And bad guy costume or not, thats the kind of trickery that I call brilliant.

One thing about "leaders" is that the only good one is the one that doesn't want to do anything. He wants you to lead yourself. That's how you end the imperialism against liberty.

If by chance he did win, and he was willing to push this stop pushing order to the gov't, logically he would have to figure out a transition plan. Everyone needs to help figure that out.

Just shutting off the entire Gov't in One Day is a huge devastation. It could lead to great death.

However, shutting down one thing at a time, over a period of the 4yr term, we could vastly increase the chances of mitigating the major damage impacts from shutting down various agencies.

Maybe one day is the only option. We really don't know the future consequences of this action yet. We know it's good though.

It does logically break the fascist corporate hold on the republic though. "Fascism" is technically a form of government where business interests control the apparatus of government to gain financial profits and trample the liberties of non-corporate interests by creating monopolistic and restrictive systems.

Really the truth is, that business interests were limiting their OWN profits by limiting OURS. It created stagnation and slowed development drastically. Maybe some of these 'wise guys' had a light bulb go off, and realized he could be so much richer in unimaginable ways had he embraced respecting the liberties of other human beings.

I honestly agree with everything RP said in that interview w/john stossel. If hes lying to me, he's the best. He wins.

And btw John Stossel actually knows what he's talking about too. He's smart as hell.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:17 AM
If I had a lot of money I would give most of it to ron

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:30 AM
hes the proof that freemasonery isnt the core of the evil power...hes one and hes totally good or the absolut overlord and would betray us all if he got elected....

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Juston
You've got to spread the word to others, and it should be done intelligently. So many people only know about him (if at all) from what they hear VIA the MSM.

If you have Facebook, spam the hell out it with relevant Ron Paul news and info.

This is key right here. Very good post! If FB could launch a revolution in Egypt, it can help launch a presidency in the US. The key would be to cover all the demographics. If Grandma has FB, let her know about Ron Paul.

I would love to see Ron Paul get the nomination. He's the only person I know right now that would make my vote in 2012 a very difficult one. After the way he pooped out in 2008, though, I don't have hopes of him going the distance. But if he gets on the ballot, I'll vote for him.

Of course, once he's in office, he's going to find that he has very little power, just like Obama did, and the "change" he's offering will be as impotent as Obama's... I'm afraid. But I'd give him a chance.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by MissSmartypants
Of course, you also have to realize that his staunch belief that government has no business dictating or being involved in our private lives also means that if some states want heroin to be legal and prostitution to be legal that's part of the consequences of keeping the government from making our personal decisions for us. I'm certainly not for heroin addiction or prostitution...but I'm sure for freedom.

Is there a single thing objectionable (wrong?) with what you describe?

To steal a john Lennon reference usually "claimed" by the left:
A country where the 50 states have the power( testicles) to regulate as they see fit without the interference of a (nanny state)Federal govt.. you want prostitution and gambling ? moveto Nevada today! abortion and legalized Marijuana move to say Oregon or Ca.?None of those things but loose gun policies? move to the northern plains states of the Dakotas. with less federal interference states woulds keep their tax money in the state people would vote with their feet. A wide open menu of 50 choices;

Hell setup actual communism in Illinois Comrade mayor Emmanuael can hold lavish state dinners while proletariat citizen comrades freeze their butts off with no heat in Chicago.

States would survey the market for business and taxpayers and state govts. would become responsive to the residents in real time or lose tax base by people fleeing with their money.

The federal govt would be put back into its intended role for defense of the 50 states.Possibly some international trade issues. I can see environmental issues affect everybody: BUT they are used as a political football in d.c.keeping smaller companies out of the game.

I understand the idea of not having the power to force all people into their way of thinking scares the hell out of liberals. But:
There's f'in "change " we can believe in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Back to the constituition!

It Gets me all" goose bumpy" just thinking about it.
edit on 13-2-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

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edit on 13-2-2011 by 46ACE because: "spaces betweeen worditis"...

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edit on 13-2-2011 by 46ACE because: punctuation,,

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by MissSmartypants

Why are you saying it's "banned"?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

It sucks being so damned torn between idealism and realism, lol.

That is my life story...
I have been paying attention to Paul for about five years. I've always agreed with his reasoning. I agree that people are more responsible than the fed makes us out to be. I say lets leave this nanny state and hit puberty already. Our people gotta show a little bit of that teenage angst.
Sorry its really early.

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