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posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:19 PM
Why when people video ufo's is it all ways blurry and why when we see ufo's they all look the same round disc shaped and silver we no they look like this cause our mind no's these things. if an alien race came from another part of the universe wuldnt it be in somthing our mind's could not understand because its different would it not scare us to see something so awsome that we could not understand....

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:22 PM
Most UFO videos are fakes which is why they stick to the same saucer shape or go with the unambiguous orb of light in the sky type of sighting.

Those who have seen true extraterrestrial vehicles have reported mostly the triangle shape that's becoming more widely known and spoken of from what I can tell.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:25 PM

Originally posted by curious7
Most UFO videos are fakes which is why they stick to the same saucer shape or go with the unambiguous orb of light in the sky type of sighting.

Those who have seen true extraterrestrial vehicles have reported mostly the triangle shape that's becoming more widely known and spoken of from what I can tell.
but we no what a triangle is i'm saying a alien race would have entierly different objects that we dont no..... do you no what i'm trying say would it shock us to see something different

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:29 PM
reply to post by starfighter1978

surely they would still use some sort of aerodynamic shape and not just some kind of ball with an ear shape on one side and a big flat plate on the front.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:30 PM
Yeah I understand you but that's sort of what I was trying to say in agreement. We're so used to the saucer shapes now that people might easily pass it off as a hoax as they would if a ship looked like something from Star Wars but I'm pretty sure that due to advancement, they will have shapes and designs diifferent to our traditional geometric norms.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by starfighter1978
Why when people video ufo's is it all ways blurry and why when we see ufo's they all look the same round disc shaped and silver we no they look like this cause our mind no's these things. if an alien race came from another part of the universe wuldnt it be in somthing our mind's could not understand because its different would it not scare us to see something so awsome that we could not understand....

Photos and videos are blurry because true UFO's have an energy field around them as part of the drive system. This same field is what causes cars and other electronics to fail when you get close.

Doesn't matter where they come from, the ships need to be certain shapes for the system to work

The triangles are ours

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by starfighter1978
take a battle star Galactica , star trek Voyager and a independence day mother ship and tell me your mind could not comprehend that. if you had a photo of that what would you do with it?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by bekod
reply to post by starfighter1978
take a battle star Galactica , star trek Voyager and a independence day mother ship and tell me your mind could not comprehend that. if you had a photo of that what would you do with it?

I think i'd have to change my jocks....cause that would be scary

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:42 PM
There are a number of landed and slow low sightings of strange flying machines.
Rex Heflin saw a flat disc saucer.
And perhaps the best photo of an unknown ship.

The blur comes from ship vibrations agitating the atmoshere and perhaps
a Kerr index of refraction distortion.
The ship can noticeably vibrate and the crew will feel no Gs.

Hope this helps you out on some of your interest.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by starfighter1978

Sure things could be mind boggling and confusing. But things could be simple as well.

Perhaps ET can not be seen using our visible spectrum. Perhaps they exist in a pocket dimension and can interact with our own.

Perhaps UFO's aren't aliens and are craft of highly evolved dinosauroids that avoided the asteroid impact... not by flying to another star system but slipping into a pocket dimension on earth. And over billions of years they are fixing up the planet. Perhaps these dinosauroids formed a alliance with the grey species that were interdimensional beings and received aid and are being gently nudged into going back to their own time and space.

We simply do not know. One would assume that if a particular species is watching they would have a specific kind of craft to travel here. They can be entities that couldn't exist in the same place and time as a human because they could be comprised of molecules and substances deadlyh to humanbeings. They could be radioactive?

UFO's can be human time travelers. The lights are probes used to scan and view points in the past.... The giant triangles could be naval vessels running a time shift protocol and their could have been pilot error and they were made visible. There could be races just starting to explore the universe and they happened upon us. They aren't militarized and they are here to study us.

The main problem is that people... including government agencies create fakes to deliberately try to down play the existence of alien or top top secret craft and probes or are just trying to get hits on youtube which would be pretty stupid and a waste of time now-a-days. Some individuals may be try to gauge their cgi design skills as well.

Just because a few people fake UFO's doesn't necessarily mean that they do not exist.

P.S. Do you believe in Jesus.... Jesus was an alien in a sense of the term because he didn't originate from earth because he was created before the earth and is the son of god. It is kind of funny to me that some religious people say they don't believe in life in the universe yet they believe in GOD (interdimensional being with a powerfukl creative force, cherubs, angels, devils and other beings that do not originate from the planet earth but exist in the universe.)

The heavens aren't restricted to the atmosphere of the planet earth even though people back then know nothing of the universe and even thought the world was flat... you are referring to another planetary body that is uncorrupted or another dimensional plane of existence in which god exists that isn't fathomable to humans. Think out side of the cube peoples...

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:16 PM
Problem with UFO-logy is that as soon as you know it is a flying saucer, it is no longer unidentified, so it is no longer a UFO.

They have a serious logical problem with their hobby!

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by starfighter1978

bullocks this wouldn't apply. The only way the different shape theory would apply is if they were from a different dimension however then again in our dimension they have to follow certain physical rules set into place like optimum shape for space travel or aerodynamics.

I dimension QRS 272 GALAXZAR 5. Ships can be hexagons with a triangle wing on one side and a half circle on the other and travel around using principle = to aerodynamics and gravity in our realm. But over here when they dimenison shift... KAABOOMMM.

all speculation aside KIS... keep it simple. If it exists in our physical space. weird shape or not it would be unidentified... definitely flying and most likely will be an object... so yeah we will know it is a UFO. However are the piolots aliens, interdimensional aliens, interdimensional, humans, time travelers, time traveling aliens... we wont know until they come on down assuming that if they arrive they can survive in out atmosphere. or plain of existence for an extended period of time

I do believe the triangles are ours a design developed since project paper clip and used as a defense with stolen technology or perhaps gifted

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Aloysius the Gaul

It is still unidentified smart guy because seeing isn't enough. We can not IDENTIFY the crafts origin, who the occupants are, weather they are new chinese or america aircraft or heralds to the fleet of the planet ZELAGAR FOUR from the 62 dimensional lead buy ZEBULNEXZAR the magnificent destroyer of dimensions.... haazaah.

It's a pretty fun hooby and I am keeping it.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:22 PM
Having trouble with the concept that an identified object is not an unidentified object huh?

No wonder you guys have bad press!!

If you want to be accurate then your Flying Saucer of Unidentified Origin would be a FSOUO - but Unidentified it ain't any more - come on,let's have a little consistancey here!

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 03:34 AM
thank's to all of you, you,ve been a great help

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 10:38 PM
The latest UFO if a UFO went straight down and up over the dome of the rock.

Is this what we are expected to see for an actual ship.

All of a sudden a star ship appears.
It slowly descends to a low level.
A sudden flash appears.
The star ship goes straight up at great speed.

I'd say its not all that impossible for a ship to do exactly as filmed.

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