posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:40 AM
I have been expieriencing material and physical changes (material things appearing that were NEVER there before, but only to me. Physical changes
like a signature changing, or certain things people listen to, or habits that change, again only to me but to no one else). I have been obsessing
over this since it's been happening to me. (like watching a tv show, I KNOW I watched before, only to find out it was a new episode). I have been
trying to figure out, "what the heck is going on? I KNOW I'm not crazy. After researching my expierences, it turns out that, what I assume to be
the reason behind this, is multiple dimensions, aka alternate realities. Actually, i don't know or understand if there is a difference btwn the 2.
BUT, I do know that I am NOT the only one experiencing this craziness. It's extremely hard with my tiny brain to comprehend multiple realities. But
to answer your question, I have had a dozen changes happen, therefore have been to a dozen other realities, and there is no difference. Just little
changes of material objects that were never there before, and like I stated, signatures changes and new habits. I could certtainly go into every
change, but it would be too much too read.
One particular craziness that stands out from the rest was this....i was getting in my car and I had important papers in my hand. When I was in my
car the papers were gone. I looked everywhere. They were nowhere. Totally disappeared. Months later ( I know it to be months later because it was
winter when I lost the papers, and it was now hot outside) as I was getting into my car, papers fell down to my feet. I was rushing, so I picked
them up and threw them in the car, thinking it must"ve been stuck to me or something. While I was driving and was settled I picked the papers up to
look at them. Lo and behold, they were the exact same papers I lost going into the car months before. Now explain that! Weird weird weird. This
whole world is weird. Full of craziness. Multiple realities/dimensions. I don't get it. I just hope I don't wake up and we have a different
president. I wish someone could explain this in simple to understand terms to me.
edit on 23-4-2011 by intuitivegirl because: Grammar and a
word was misspelled