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Woman Arrested After Taking Thrown Out Food

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posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:32 AM
Yep a similar story, when I was in school I worked part time at Hardees (aka Carls Jr). Any burgers that were more than 15mins old got placed into a special bin, so that the manager could count them and tally up how much waste there was. The contents of the bin would then be literally escorted by at least 2 people to a locked dumpster outside. I once asked why we could not donate the food to the homeless, or even let employees take it home. I was told that would never be allowed, because "then the employees would purposefully make more food and cause extra waste so that they would have something to take home". Sadly there is probably some truth in that. Either way, it seemed like a terrible waste. A bus or group of cars would pull up into the parking lot, so I would be told to make at least a dozen burgers immediately to prepare for the "rush". Then the people would just use the bathroom and only order sodas, and 15m later all the burgers are in the waste bin. Happened every day.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by Blazer
I was told that would never be allowed, because "then the employees would purposefully make more food and cause extra waste so that they would have something to take home". Sadly there is probably some truth in that.

Maybe if those fast-food dungeons paid their employees enough to live on they wouldn't have to worry about people taking their food home. I worked at a few fast-food prisons in my younger days as well - same policies back then.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

A person commits Theft when:

A person dishonestly appropriartes property belonging to another person with the intention of permanently depriving the owner of that property.

In order to convict, "dishonestly appropriates" needs to be proven as the "mens rea" of the person accused.

In this case she has a defense because she believed the property to have been abandoned and therefore had no legal owner.

The CPS will likely refuse to pursue this case.

Just my 50...


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:48 AM
The sickness this World is falling down to is messed up!

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I will make this as clear as I can, NEVER GIVE YOUR NAME!!

ALL "law", that these corporate police officers enforce, is commerce law. If you give no name, YOU DO NOT ENTER INTO A CONTRACT, and the police have NO JURISDICTION. This is EXACTLY how it works folks. I was arrested for an outstanding parking ticket back in december of last year, took me right from my work, he asked me if I was "John Doe", I said no, what you are loking for is a corporate fiction. They arrested me anyway, they will be going to jail when I am done, anyway, took me downtown and tried to book me. The officers there asked me my name, WHY? Do they NOT know who I am? They took me from my work. So I said, if I give you a name am I entering into a contract? They looked puzzled. Asked again. I said I have no name as that would imply corporate title and that would enter me into their contract law. We argued back and forth, I thought they were going to beat the crap out of me. But they didn't, they put me in a holding cell and discussed what to do. They must have called upstairs. I was in there about 2 1/2 hours and they let me go. No name, no contract, and they can't hold you. Unlawful detention!!!!

This is how it works people...wake up. Never give a cop your name, license, nothing. If stopped and s/he asks for your license, you ASK them.....What would I want one of those for? The right to own private property ALSO ENCOMPASSES the RIGHT to use that property so long as you hurt noone, damage no property of others and violate no others right to be. Simple really.

If this woman gives no name, they must let her go. NO VICTIM, NO CRIME.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by TV_Nation
I remember reading an article a while back that had to do with theft by finding.

A woman bought a briefcase from a goodwill store and and when she got home and inspected the case further she noticed the seems were not completely sewed up so she pulled back the fabric. She found around $100,000 hidden in the briefcase and she deposited the money in her bank account.

Then shortly after she received a visit from the police and was arrested and charged with theft by finding. I'm not sure what happened but theft by finding carries the same penalty as theft so my guess is she is doing jail time somewhere and not a short stay either.

The way the system is set up is a way that makes you have to use your resources to gain anything. No freebies or you may end up in jail. Pretty sad and it shows just how we are all just a number to the system.

But...she didn't 'find it', she bought it..

Buying the briefcase that had been *given* (donated, gifted, deposited) to the charity shop is a perfectly legal thing to do..of course, the fact that the briefcase was offered for sale, the transaction was agreed (the price was agreed between the seller and buyer) and the price was paid by the buyer, means that legally, the buyer is the legitimate and legal owner of the briefcase *and* it's contents (that were present inside at the time of purchase).

There simply was no case to answer. And certainly no case of 'theft by finding', since she bought the case and any contents it may or may not have contained legally.

If the original owner who had disposed of the case to the charity shop, wasn't careful with their money, that's tough luck...the moral of the story here should be, 'if you're going to give, throw away, dump or otherwise dispose of your possessions, make sure there isn't $100,000 hidden inside them'!

In effect, the donation of the case *included* the hidden money, since the whole thing case, money and all, was donated, offered for sale, and bought legally.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:25 AM
So does that mean I can file charges against the agents taking stuff out of my trash can? I sure hope so.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by daddio

You're talking about 'common law' here aren't you?

If so, everything you said is quite correct.

Once you willingly give your name, or respond in the affirmative if they say 'Is your name Mr. Joe Bloggs?', they have you right where they want you.

But to clarify a little, (as i understand common law, which isn't that much!) your 'corporate name' or the name you have to give the police or a court for that matter for them to be able to process you under corporate law, is the name you have as a 'freeman' under common law, but *prefixed* with the word 'Mr' (or Miss or Mrs.).

e.g. If the police had said "Are you Mr. Joe Bloggs?", you could quite rightly argue that no, you are *not* MR. Joe Bloggs, you are simply Joe Bloggs instead. The 'Mr. Joe Bloggs' you speak of is a corporate invention and as such is a fictional, artificially created corporate character...wait a moment officer, and i'll go and get this 'Mr. Joe Bloggs' for you to question...and then of course, you go to where you keep your documents and get out your birth certificate...THIS IS MR. JOE BLOGGS!

Believe it or not...the birth certificate, that little piece of paper, is actually the corporate fictional character *under corporate law*, known as Mr. Joe Bloggs.

It's this piece of paper that they have a contract with, not the freeman (under common law) called Joe Bloggs.

As a side note...if they do take you to court, take your birth certificate and place that in full view in the dock.


Do *NOT* stand when the judge enters, or when *anyone* asks, orders, or tries to persuade you to stand up.

Why not stand up?

Because if you do stand up while in a court of corporate law, you are giving your implied consent to be subject to and bound by the jurisdiction of the court and it's proceedings. If you do not give your consent, by claiming your corporate name (of 'Mr.') or by standing up in court, you *cannot* be subject to that courts jurisdiction and the case *has* to be thrown out, or else they continue to prosecute the fictional corporate character or in other words, your birth certificate!

Now you see where the word 'understand' comes from...if any official persons asks if you 'understand' what they are saying to you, respond in the negative. Say NO, i do not understand you, i do however, COMPREHEND the words you are speaking.

Affirming that you 'understand' a police officer/judge any official, is the same thing as saying you agree to 'stand under' their jurisdiction (stand-under, under-stand...get it?)

Be careful. Hopefully, it will be so perplexing for the 'officials' that you'll simply be allowed to go on your way, unless they want to question your birth certificate of course..

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by PsykoOps
Wtf is this crap? It's not found. The original owners abandoned it. Whoever takes posession of it next is the lawfull owner. You cant steal by finding something that has no owner.

And what about the officer that arrested her? Absolutely no common sense, "just following orders". I can understand her, and agree or not I can understand management not wanting people swarming on the discarded items. But the officer, what is his excuse for not simply telling her to leave and being done with it?

Arresting her is the crime here. This is what really worries me. When the excrement hits the fan (it is coming to us too) how many of the mindless morons are simply going to follow orders and policies without the ability to think the situation through?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:56 AM
I just wanted to add...

I worked in the produce section at a Super Target. I had to throw away at least 2 - 50 gallon trash bins full of produce everyday. Rarely was any of it bad. I had to basically fill up one entirely with bananas every morning because they got a few brown spots on them over night. They would have perfectly lasted another week.

Several times a week it would take more trash bins, and carts.

Oh and when I mean throw away, we were required to destroy it in a compactor and would get in trouble if we just tossed it in the trash.

Several other retail places i worked required us to smash and break things before we throw them in the trash (most of it wasnt even bad or broken to begin with). Managers would want to do this to fix the problems they cause with over ordering and over stocked items, or just to get rid of the last few remaining stock of a product so we could use the shelf space for something new or different.

This is why i end up quitting jobs all the time. Family and friends just think im a lazy bum for quitting, and getting another job is hard because of my job history due to these issues.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:02 AM
have to ask ,

how do any of you know that the date on the box is a good date,
does the date make the food fresh ?

for all you know it could be over a year old meat thats sold for a week and then its classified as biological waste

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

its the elite spewing there 'moral" to the people who seems to be in charge over us...!@#$% you cop and your boss, stupid people ruling over us is something many here have said. !@#$%^& you all..

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:27 AM
At the grocery store i used to work at, they threw away all the baked goods at the end of the day. There were dozens of bagels and bread they just tossed in the trash. Such a waste.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:30 AM
I understand both sides. The company is trying to avoid lawsuits.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:47 AM
Law reads as you still retain ownership of all garbage even after it gets picked up for removal.

Instead of throwing all that food away they should donate it to a homeless shelter or something.
edit on 13-2-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by stirling
reply to post by FreeSpeaker

so yer company too has that dof in the manger attitude towards those who have the need and the energy to recycle and reuse what is useable?
Everywhere it is the same attitude these days, nobody gets nothing for free....
Everyone has to pay for even the garbage....
Is there no end to the extended possession we feel for our garbage?
how far down the chaain must it go?
Even the garbage dumps do not allow people to pick up discarded items....
if you see some perfectly good iten going to waste, you have to steal it from the dump!
Its called dumplifting i believe its a poor persons crime....

I manage a commercial storage warehouse so my bins are filled with confidential info, expired pharmaceuticals, broken pieces of medical equipment, etc. 90% of what goes into my trash would be of no use to anyone for survival means. Do you suggest I leave those bins unsecured so people can come take the expired meds and get sick or even die?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:52 AM
This makes me so angry. Is that even a real law? Theft by finding? I dont think I could take a cop serious if he/she tried to arrest me for this, or let him/her arrest me in the first place for something like this. The moral compass of this country is so off its incredible. What a police state scenario for ya. This is only going to push the people into something like the Egypt revolution here eventually. I dont even think I could stand by and watch someone get arrested for this either, this is just too horrible to imagine, someone getting in trouble just for trying to feed themself.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:25 AM
These things only happens in the West, specifically the U.S.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:49 AM

Originally posted by Ufokrazy
These things only happens in the West, specifically the U.S.

Well, it did happen in a western nation but not the USA. This is a UK law, not a US law.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by daddio
reply to post by DimensionalDetective

I will make this as clear as I can, NEVER GIVE YOUR NAME!!

ALL "law", that these corporate police officers enforce, is commerce law. If you give no name, YOU DO NOT ENTER INTO A CONTRACT, and the police have NO JURISDICTION. This is EXACTLY how it works folks. I was arrested for an outstanding parking ticket back in december of last year, took me right from my work, he asked me if I was "John Doe", I said no, what you are loking for is a corporate fiction. They arrested me anyway, they will be going to jail when I am done, anyway, took me downtown and tried to book me. The officers there asked me my name, WHY? Do they NOT know who I am? They took me from my work. So I said, if I give you a name am I entering into a contract? They looked puzzled. Asked again. I said I have no name as that would imply corporate title and that would enter me into their contract law. We argued back and forth, I thought they were going to beat the crap out of me. But they didn't, they put me in a holding cell and discussed what to do. They must have called upstairs. I was in there about 2 1/2 hours and they let me go. No name, no contract, and they can't hold you. Unlawful detention!!!!

This is how it works people...wake up. Never give a cop your name, license, nothing. If stopped and s/he asks for your license, you ASK them.....What would I want one of those for? The right to own private property ALSO ENCOMPASSES the RIGHT to use that property so long as you hurt noone, damage no property of others and violate no others right to be. Simple really.

If this woman gives no name, they must let her go. NO VICTIM, NO CRIME.

This has to be the most ridiculous comment ever....
What planet are you from?

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