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ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS

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posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:46 AM
Many of us have heard this statement made time after time, but have any of us truly considered the meaning contained within it?

Remember when G.W Bush was sitting addressing a class of school children and one of his aides came into the room to interrupt proceedings and quietly whisper in his ear that the WTC had been hit by a commercial airliner?
Think about the mans actions immediately after his brain had processed that information. How could the most powerful politician in the world continue to sit there for a further 20 - 25 minutes apparently unfazed.

Now consider a hypothetical situation where he was sitting in the same classroom and his aide came into the room to interrupt proceedings and quietly whisper in his ear that a commercial airliner had been on course for collision with the WTC but had been shot down by one of the USA's fighter jets, casualties were unknown but thought to be in the 100's. Does anyone think he would have sat there for a further 20 - 25 minutes apparently unfazed?

I would love to hear members opinions on this scenario and try to bear in mind the title of the thread as applied to G.W in those moments following him being informed.


posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:16 AM
You can look at the situation multiple ways...

Maybe he was just trying not to scare/startle the children. The president does not control EVERYTHING that goes on with the US. Him leaving early wouldn't have changed or affected ANYTHING that happened or was about to happen.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 08:34 AM
This is your GOD ALMIGHTY AT WORK. - He knew-[of course] that our crooked government was about to crush the freedoms of many and knew their plan for war, GOD knew we rightous would see through this evil plan just from a simple look at a leaders eyes THE TRUTH is always in a persons eyes. Bush slipped up by allowing us to see this incredable simple act of watching at a vulnerable moment in his time-God showed through bushes eyes THE TRUTH. The EVIL that lurked there. In one simple moment for all to see. A SIMPLE ACT THAT WOULD EXPOSE the lies for those true to humanity would see. amazing!! sold me as soon as i seen it. AMEN!!

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

It wasnt 20 minutes,about 7 minutes.

So what was Bush supposed to do - starting running around screaming "The Terrorists are attacking...."

Andy Card (chief of staff) knew what to do - assemble everyone, gather as much information, be ready to
brief me in couple minutes and start to form a plan of action

It called "professional" - keep your cool, gather information, form plan.

Just because it is not apparent to the conspiracy loons......

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 09:42 AM
reply to post by thedman

7 minutes??

"After spending about 20 minutes with the children, Bush was scheduled to give a short press conference at about 9:30. [White House, 9/7/01, Federal News Service, 9/10/01]

Accounts of when Bush’s motorcade left for the school vary from 8:30 to 8:39. [8:30, Washington Post, 1/27/02, 8:35, Sarasota Magazine, 9/19/01, 8:39, Washington Times, 10/7/02] One account has the Bush party leave the Colony suite at 8:30 and drive away at 8:39. Whenever he left, the motorcade traveled quickly:"

I could give more but I will ask you to post your link showing that ity was 7 minutes first.


posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:14 AM

ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS

Or in this case, inaction speaks louder than no words.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Bush knew it was going down before hand. Him being in a class of school children is an obvious ploy to appear innocent. Didn't he even have the book upside down? seems like a man with something big on his mind. His actions told me this was planned and controlled.
edit on 12-2-2011 by gougitousakusha because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

Bush was scheduled to spend about 20 minutes with the children (according to your own post) , so maaaaaayyybeeee , he had already spent about 13 minutes with the kiddos when Andrew Card walked in and whispered in his ear .

Unless of course , you are assuming that Card walked in and whispered into his ear as soon as Bush sat down in the classroom ? Which is not the case , according to available sources .

So no , Bush did not spend another 20 minutes in the room after being told .

What some of you guys fail to understand , is that the POTUS , in a situation like this , moves ONLY if and when his security detail says he can move . Seven minutes is not a huge amount of time , considering that the secret service would have been double-checking that the route of the motorcade was still secure , etc.

The seven minutes is really a non-issue , and I fail to see how anyone can find a conspiracy in this .

And for whoever it was that asked , no , Bush was not holding the book upside down . But again , where is the conspiracy in that ? A click over to amazon will show you an image of the book , compare that to the image of Bush holding the book . Again , another non-issue .

And I think you are really stretching it by saying he was "unfazed" . The look on his face immediately shoots holes in that statement .
edit on 12-2-2011 by okbmd because: eta

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

Nearly every news account fails to mention when Bush left the classroom after being told America was under attack. Three mention 9:12 a.m. [New York Times, 9/16/01 (B), Telegraph, 12/16/01, Daily Mail, 9/8/02] Remaining in the classroom for approximately five to seven minutes is inexcusable, but the video of Bush in the classroom suggests he stayed longer than that. The video contains several edits and ends before Bush leaves the room, so it also doesn’t tell us exactly how long he stayed. One newspaper suggested he remained “for eight or nine minutes”—sometime between 9:13 and 9:16, since Card’s arrival is uncertain. [Tampa Tribune, 9/1/02]

Didnt read far enough .....

Thats 5-7 minutes from time Andy Card told Bush of second plane, when it was clear that this was no accident

Second plane hit at 9:03, would take couple of minutes for Card to know about, get to Bush and tell him
what was going on

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:35 AM

His actions told me this was planned and controlled.

Yep, just like his entire two term presidency - as staged as you can get. I don't understand why Card had to come over and whisper in his ear. For security and confidential reasons, doesn't the President wear an ear piece for communications purposes. Isn't it faster and more confidential to communicate with him if he had an ear piece, instead of walking over to him for some BS "America Is Under Attack" photo-op.

I think I figured out why it took him so long to snap out of his daze. He was busy thinking up that brilliant "You're with us or you're with the terrorists" line.

Another reason they let the puppet hang is because they wanted to make sure he would do everything in his powers to cover up the subsequent non-investigation and stay to the script. Basically, they were warning him by humiliating him, making him look like the inept, powerless and pathetic leader that he was.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by Rigel Kent

So what was Bush supposed to do - starting running around screaming "The Terrorists are attacking...."

Andy Card (chief of staff) knew what to do - assemble everyone, gather as much information, be ready to
brief me in couple minutes and start to form a plan of action

It called "professional" - keep your cool, gather information, form plan.

Just because it is not apparent to the conspiracy loons......
that is BS and you know it
everybody knew bush was at the classroom, so if this was a so called terrorist attack in which the terrorist were planning on attacking iconic biulding such as the whitehouse and pentagon then surely theres a strong possibility that these terrorists could be aiming for the president. by him staying in the room he is putting every one of those kids at risk of an attack in that very building

protocol is to get the preident to safety asap not after he has read a stupid story upside down to a bunch of kids

he could of left the room immeadiatly in a calm monor and so what if the kids are starlted!!! this is the biggest attack on american soil ever people dying every second but on no you silly truster loons are more concerned about the kids!
you ppl will believe anything to hang on to your fairy tale that is the OS

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 03:34 PM
Yep also him reading a book about a goat was more important, i wonder what the goat stands for?

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by kaya82

You 've seen the timeline posted - Bush arrived just about time 1st aircraft hit WTC. Was in classroom when
2nd aircraft hit, It was few minutes after that Card informed Bush of 2nd plane, approx 9:05 am, waited for
story to end then excused himself. Total time wa 5-7 minutes , depending on sources. Hardly standing arround
doing nothing. While was in classroom, staff were gathering info to brief him. Also until Secret Service cleared
area were not going to go running out.

usual truther exercise of making something out of nothing.......

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by thedman
You 've seen the timeline posted - Bush arrived just about time 1st aircraft hit WTC. Was in classroom when
2nd aircraft hit, It was few minutes after that Card informed Bush of 2nd plane, approx 9:05 am, waited for
story to end then excused himself. Total time wa 5-7 minutes , depending on sources. Hardly standing arround
doing nothing. While was in classroom, staff were gathering info to brief him. Also until Secret Service cleared
area were not going to go running out.

usual truther exercise of making something out of nothing.......

Vefy true, as until the 2nd plane hit no one even knew it was terrorist action. The truthers apparently expected Bush to run around like Cpl Jones, saying "don't panic, don't panic"

No matter what Bush did, the Bush haters would find fault with it.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 03:18 AM
ok... 20 minutes, 25 minutes, 7 minutes....
it doesnt really matter that much. what matters is his reaction after being told arguably the most important piece of information in USA history, that is the subject of discussion here. For me, his reaction was more like he understood the message as "confirmation" that an act had been carried out as planned as opposed to something which shocked and surprised him.

As I understand it, a large amount of information conveyed in a conversation comes from NVC. Once you look into this and begin to understand what messages we all send out with just our body posture, movement and facial expressions, you can begin to de-code social intercourse much more accurately.


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 05:55 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

So you figured this out all by yourself.....?

Because did not jump up and run out of room immediately means that Bush planned it?

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by thedman
reply to post by Rigel Kent

So you figured this out all by yourself.....?

Because did not jump up and run out of room immediately means that Bush planned it?

Those are your words not mine,
I am suggesting neither.
You know it.........


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

I think you are trying to make way too much of what happened in that classroom and GWB's demeanor.

Personally, I think the man looked shocked and I would suggest that a review of the facts of that morning shows that he, his advisors and security were totally confused as to what was actually happening. They had reports at different stages that up to 11 aircraft had been hi-jacked and even that Air Force 1 could be a target.

Air Force 1 with GWB took off from Sarasota airport at 0955 but then circled until about 10.30 while GWB spoke to Cheney and Rice about the situation and his wish to return to Washington. He was dissuaded by them and security and the plane flew to Louisiana.

GWB took flak later for not going straight back to Washington so surely, if he knew just what was going down, he wouldn't have allowed himself to appear as though hiding out in the country.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Alfie1

I dont agree, I am not making much ado about nothing.
If the president is told that New York is under attack by Hi-jacked commercial airliners that are flying into WTC towers he would not sit around chatting to kids and listening to storybooks. He would be staright on the phone to his closest advisors.

And one more thing....., do you not think it a little strange coincidence that he just happened to have T.V cameras there and was being filmed at the time. Honestly I think the odds of that happening are quite high, as indeed were high for most of the interlinked events of that day.


posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Rigel Kent

The chances of cameras being at the school were 100 % because it was a pre-arranged photo-op.

You haven't addressed the point as to why GWB in Air Force 1 circled Sarasota Airport for 35 minutes before heading off to Louisiana if he knew what was going on and knew he could return safely to Washington.

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