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Obama wants to put the poor in the cold! But we will spend Billions on Foreign Aid.

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posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by exroyalnavy
reply to post by James1982

In the UK we are actually borrowing the money to give in increased Foreign Aid! If these foreign countries need the money, why can`t they borrow it, not us?

I tell you, it gets madder by the minute.

We are presently building an Aircraft Carrier. It will be finished in a year or so. But here`s the catch: We wont have any aircraft to fly off it until 2020. And we have just scrapped our Harrier jets. You know, the ones that the USMC think so highly of. And our long-range Maritime reconnaisance Nimrod jets too. These had just been up-dated at a cost of millions and they have been cut into pieces and sent for scrap. This at a time when oil is being discovered in ther Falklands and Argentina is looking in that direction again.

But our Foreign Aid is increasing so that is OK

We are being "governed" by madmen!

Just doesn't make any sense does it? Why do these other nation's starving people deserve food more than the ones in our/your own country?

I'm sure it's all just to look good, you wouldn't want to look like you are showing off to the rest of the world by not having anybody starve to death would you?

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 06:53 AM
post deleted ....
edit on 2/12/2011 by FlyersFan because: goofed. wrong place.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by James1982

hello James1982
I think foreign aid should be stopped immediately also..Right now were i live there asking for donations to the food shelves because there running so low and they cant keep up there is so many people out of work its just nuts!And you might be right about Ron Paul

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:27 AM
If they are going to do this then they can at the very least put the money into something useful in the US rather then invest it overseas. I don't mind shrugging on a blanket or walking around in my underwear(in my space of course). I get both hot and cold in So.Cal so yeah, if the money was taken from poor heating and put into say, getting real (there's plenty of fakes) veterans off the streets or some other way to help more people out, then us poorfolk can go on craigslist, farmers market, swapmeet, wherever and get ourselves a few good blankets, learn to insolate heat in our homes, etc.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by furzball

I don't mind the extra blankets the problem were i live it gets down to 15 below or colder so kinda hard not to run the heat but i don't use electric i run a wood stove to heat my whole house..In the summer i just sweat it out with a few fans running..I agree we need to figure something out soon i also get alot of stuff from craigslist I'm farmer so i grow all my own produce
and thanks for the reply

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:17 PM
US government policy has been "SCREW THE POOR!" since 1981.

After all, we don't want people living on "welfare," right? Everyone getting government assistance is just a lazy bum, and needs to be punished, right? They're vermin who breed like rats for all the money that gets them just so they can avoid working like real Americans, right? And the absolute only way to balance the budget is to cut and slash social services! Not only is that a massive drain on our treasury (unlike the military, of course! Oo Rah!) but cutting all those entitlements for lazy bums will encourage them to go out and get a job! It'll be a wonderful boon for our economy.

This has been the US paradigm for three decades now, it's the core of our political culture, and for the most part each and every one of you is responsible. I cannot count how many people - just ATS posters, even - who have advocated what amounts to a passive genocide against the bottom 25% of the US population because of this "hate the poor" mentality. Obama is giving you guys exactly what you've been wanting for years now; it's just you were wishing for it to be a heroic Republican cowboy with a big white dick.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:27 PM
I know in my state if they were to reduce the extra taxes and surcharges on electric/gas it would drastically reduce the actual amount of the bill. We here literally have taxes upon taxes which takes a $50 gas bill and turns it into $100. Or the famed "delivery" charge which is 10x the amount of the actual amount of gas/electric used. It's all a scam as I realized when learning that people 600 miles away from me who get their electric from the plant thats in my backyard pay a cheaper rate than we do.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

It is ignorant to even mention The Space program in the same breath as the other two...Historically the amount spent on the space program has never been more then one percent of one percent of the total budget...Check your facts before spewing falsehoods...

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
US government policy has been "SCREW THE POOR!" since 1981.

After all, we don't want people living on "welfare," right? Everyone getting government assistance is just a lazy bum, and needs to be punished, right? They're vermin who breed like rats for all the money that gets them just so they can avoid working like real Americans, right? And the absolute only way to balance the budget is to cut and slash social services! Not only is that a massive drain on our treasury (unlike the military, of course! Oo Rah!) but cutting all those entitlements for lazy bums will encourage them to go out and get a job! It'll be a wonderful boon for our economy.

This has been the US paradigm for three decades now, it's the core of our political culture, and for the most part each and every one of you is responsible. I cannot count how many people - just ATS posters, even - who have advocated what amounts to a passive genocide against the bottom 25% of the US population because of this "hate the poor" mentality. Obama is giving you guys exactly what you've been wanting for years now; it's just you were wishing for it to be a heroic Republican cowboy with a big white dick.

Totally agree with this post. It is a little risqué ... but still I wouldn't change a thing.
Leave the dick in.

edit on 12-2-2011 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by sugarcookie1

If we freeze these people now - we can thaw them out later on when we have a solution. Cryogenics. I think it's part of the new Health Care Bill.
You guessing this is an idea Barry came up with brainstorming during the night wrestling with his conscience or do you think he was pressured to reach out and compromise? Do you think he might he may just be pandering to gain the few Republican friends he so desperately needs? It isn't all going to go the way he want it to and the man is realistic enough to know that.Who cares? He is getting re-elected.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by jaynkeel

jaynkeel.. I totally agree the surcharges and taxes on electric has gone crazy were i live last year at this tI'me my electric bill with everything was about 230.00 dollars now its 375.00 and I'm not running anything different then i did last year at this tI'me its all in surcharges and taxes i run a farm here so i expect the bill to be high but not like this! and yes its all a scam! thanks for the reply

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:17 PM
Things are just as bad here in Canada, which has become no more than a welfare office for the world. Our government keeps bringing in so-called refugees (from Muslim countries), then sets them up with a nice cheque every month, free housing, free health care and education. In turn these claimants gift us with diseases that were wiped out in this country, and the political problems they are supposedly running from in their home countries. A single refugee claiment receives every month (about $2,400 ) twice what a Canadian senior citizen receives for a pension, after working all their lives and paying taxes. During the three year fight I had to go through for a disability pension after breaking my back at work, my wife and I lost our home and had to sell off everything we owned. We had to move 350 miles north of where we were living, due to rent and housing being way cheaper because of there being no work. I now have circulation problems mostly due to my lack of mobility, and more than likely will be recuperating from amputation of my lower right leg, in the back seat of our car. This is because I'm a white Canadian senior citizen, who was babtized Christian, and who cannot claim to be a "refugee". Two years ago when our son was killed, we couldn't even get help to bury him, yet our government gives billions to other countries, money that inevitably ends up in the hands of wealthy war lords who used much of it to purchase weapons.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I agree with your post but id take out the Republican cowboy with a big white dick LOL

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:18 PM
reply to post by silo13

Soros and his minions helped the Muslim Brotherhood organize the "student protests" in Egypt to overthrow the governement. They want Global Marxism as a common cause and they want to bring down the US. They are focused on the Middle East in the hope of cutting supplies of oil to the US economy.

When I saw Obama cutting off heat to the poor in addition to doing all he can to raise oil prices by cutting off supplies through Executive Office regulation, I figure I am watching the Soros pal trying to stir up "student protests" in the US. He's done everything he can to collapse the US economy from record deficit spending to anti-business taxation. Obamacare is filled with taxes on the people and businesses. Plus it is unconstitutional.

Obama is no innocent lamb in all this. He is an activist for the New World Order and he wants it to be Marxist.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by rusethorcain

I dont care for the new Health Care Bill i think it sucks..And Obama wont be getting my vote to be re-elected i can tell ya that

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by sugarcookie1

I have to say that when I heard this news in the media, It took me completely out of my mind, how in the world cutting on the poor subsidies for gas and electricity will help the trillions of dollars we got In debt?

We are fighting two trillion dollar wars because we most feed the private military complex, we feed others nation poor and now we have to allow this winter that will be known as a very cold one to kill the many poor people in this nation.

I wonder where our presidents get their "great" ideas lately. . . because is starting to make less sense than ever before.

What is going to happen is that the Federal government will pass the responsibility to care for the poor subsidies on the already bankrupted states as many welfare states are and this will cause more problems for the working class that will see the increase on state taxes to cover for the shortcomings of the state budgets.

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by Bkrmn

Bkrmn.. I don't know alot about Canada,I live in the USA but that post of yours was a eye opener and its just sad my heart goes out to you ..But it works about the same way here with welfare and other stuff all i know is it needs to stop..I wish you and your family well its heart breaking..

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by marg6043

marg6043..Its not going to help one bit you and i know this and they know it also ..when i read the news about this i went this is crazyness they all must be on drugs..And that's right the Federal government will pass the responsibility to care for the poor subsidies on the already bankrupted states as many welfare states are and this will cause more problems for the working class that will see the increase on state taxes to cover for the shortcomings of the state budgets. you said it perfect! thanks for the reply

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 02:21 PM
Come on now, you know how it works! A President may propose a budget but CONGRESS has the purse strings. Don't blame the President for that or for legislation. The Democrats lost the election on their own. Not doing that much during their tenure of majority, before which they said how much they needed majority to get things done, then didn't. Now the Republicans are in House majority and they are "every man for himself" as far as social programs go, so cuts will happen. And Tarp bailouts were started by Bush, not Obama. Yeah, we bail out the banks and they are back to record profits. Wall Street bonuses back to insane numbers. And instead of PAYING OFF all the mortgages (many of which should NOT have been made to begin with, for people who could NOT afford them) on the WAY to bailing out the banks, the mortgage holders were bypassed so the banks were bailed out while people lose their homes. Wouldn't the banks still have received the money if it had gone to paying off the mortgages first? So yeah, social programs will be cut. Foreign aid and war monies will go on. Democrats are known for tax and spend. But people seem to forget that Reagan started the giant deficits. If you look at what the size of the deficits were under which president, you will see that the Republicans are higher. They cut taxes and still spend. They BORROW and spend. Which is worse? Borrowing requires paying interest on TOP of the spending costs. Anyway.... they are both guilty of increased deficits. Forty cents of each federal dollar spent is borrowed money. And now the Fed is printing money to buy debt. Is that circular or what? Duh. Blame should be equally placed. Both sides pull their tricks when they have the upperhand and complain with they don't. A Carousel of Calamity, with Clowns in Charge. Round and round we go!

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 02:30 PM
This is not caving in. This is what happens when the All Knowing/All seeing Fed Govt is in charge.


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