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A Few Thoughts Concerning ET_Man and World Events

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posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by 547000

I think there is a very strong possiblity that from now until 2017, and probably sooner, will see a series of escalating things occuring, I don't want to use the word you used. I am not giving them the power to do it, ie. the dark side. In fact, I always see a SHFT taking place, in a wonderful way, and that we are always given another chance. But thats me. I also feel we're in the end times, ie, the Universe is going up a floor to another plane of existence.

I am also realistic and aware that things could increasingly get worse and that we must pull together.

I was given a meeting under the stars in august of 2009, in which helping others out when things began to happen would be necessary, and I'm aware that humanity may be tested in order to see if they will pull together and help each other out, share equally, lend a helping hand. That things may be disassembled.

I have complete faith that we are in the hands of the Highest Good and Love in existence and that every hair on our head is counted.

Even if things become the darkest hour we need to have faith and love, and if we're spiritually ready, and understand things, then we have nothing to fear.

edit on 20-2-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 01:42 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Hi Polarwarrior,

I'm well aware of how you feel about me from the many past discussions we've had and it doesn't really take a genius to know why you are here now persistently coming after me in such a way after the other discussions we've had. Those who did follow the other discussions are already aware of the situation since it was quite clear to read in your posts - you were unable to follow up and answer the questions.

Now for me this is not a game or a contest and never has been so I may not be here for the same reasons as some may be. I really do hope that this post gets through to you since I know that it's not a coincidence that until now you are still here after the many discussions that we've had in which you usually end up abandoning post. (hopefully not this time) Even though you have come after me in the other threads in the way that you have calling me names and even going as far as suggesting I'm an evil entity of some kind (in the hh thread) I have always been patient, kind and sensitive to your feelings. I hope this message is not coming off to harsh to you as well but you have diligently posted about me now so I felt it necessary to follow up on it.

I also want you to know that I'm here for you if you want to have an open chat session online to clear up any further questions or concerns that you may have. Everyone else who wants to listen in is more than welcome and I believe the chat room I have setup/registered can take up to a few hundred people at a time, so we can further discuss this on paltalk or any other online chat outlet of your choice. I'm opening myself up to you directly to talk about why I've shared all that I have and further answer any questions that you may have because what I've done is with 100% best intentions and I do have good reasons for sharing what I did.

If anyone is troubled still with some of what I've shared feel free to contact me anytime at [email protected] and we can arrange a chat or discussion however you like. It's clear that some are focused in on the dangers of the world and much is concentrated on the fears of the unknown which has a lot to do with what I previously shared in the thread for those who read it. While on the other hand some are perhaps focused in on others and sometimes finding fault and error in others. I myself am choosing to do my best to focus in on only helping people in anyway that I can. Those who know me personally know who I am and and would speak up for me if given the chance. I want you and everyone to know that I've always had the sincerest and best intentions in everything that I've ever shared with really nothing to gain, this is why I'm willing to open myself up publicly so you can hear my voice and know of my sincerity behind my words.

Well I guess that is about all I have to say for now polarwarrior and please feel free to post any comments or questions that you may have or contact me on the side if you like.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

But this about your prediction. I wasn't the one who made it.

Sooner or later your going to have to face the music rather than blaming other people such as myself.

Whinging and moaning about who said what or who called who what in past discussions(especially such claims are false) is just you avoiding actually discussing the topic at hand, which is your extraordinary prediction you made in the benevolents thread.

edit on 20-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 03:45 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Sooner or later your going to have to face the music rather than blaming other people such as myself.

Respectfully Polarwarrior, you still don't understand what you're saying because you didn't actually read the thread. Do you think I'm the only one who has made these type of predictions? Have you read any of the information I've provided on the other sites or within the thread? Do you realize that I've spent countless hours in posting and keeping up with that particular thread answering thousands of emails on the sidelines? Does it make any sense that I would go to all of this trouble in sharing what I have if I didn't know about something coming? If I am as you seem to be suggesting then why would I not just continue onwards and say nothing about the date until it arrives? Why would I speak of such things and word myself in the way that I did a year before the so called given date based on human perception of time? Do you actually know how many times I've brought the dates, hour and time issue up in the other thread or did you find your way past the first 20pages? Have you ever considered there is more to see than meets the eye? Am I not spending my own time and money in getting information out? Do you realize that my account was hacked into and many others in the process of that thread with other personal things behind the screen taking place all due to me sharing such information? Somebody didn't like some of the things embedded in the images did they... Please think deeper upon the subject matter. Do you realize that information can be found all over the web right now coming from other sources? Are you aware of how many other people have made predictions in the world most of which coincides with what's been shared? Do the letters NWO mean anything to you? Did you know that Benedict9 had a date already previously given to him and had a website setup using this date revolving around the same type of events addressed in the thread? Have you gone over Benedict9's evidence pages and information? Are you aware of some people out there who are not able to say much more for certain reasons - At least a few things to think about and consider polarwarrior, you might want to read more of the thread before coming off as you know everything about the thread and all that was actually written and shared. You've also mis-judged me on other things in this thread but it's OK, I'll leave it at that for now. Is there anything else you would like to accuse me of or add or shall I say accuse yourself of?

Love & Best Wishes!
edit on ECST1111FebAM71 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 04:30 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Have you read any of the information I've provided on the other sites or within the thread?

Most of the thread is just old regurgitated info you stole from other websites and hard researchers without giving them credit. We've heard all that stuff before and its getting really really boring hearing a watered down version from you.

The main things making you different to other end times researchers like myself is your specific date you said the cataclysm would take place on, your certainty that it would happen on exactly that day, and you claiming to be an extra terrestrial man. Instead of just presenting the info you researched it seems you must of felt you had to accompany it with a fantastic tale to garner viewers, and that's low in my opinion.

Do the letters NWO mean anything to you?

Lol. Yeah you must be "in the know" hey, I cant for the life of me figure that one out.

Im not arguing validity of other end times theories or prophecies, rather your specific date prediction from your benevolents thread.

Do you realize that my account was hacked into and many others in the process of that thread with other personal things behind the screen taking place all due to me sharing such information?


Do you realize that I've spent countless hours in posting and keeping up with that particular thread answering thousands of emails on the sidelines? Does it make any sense that I would go to all of this trouble in sharing what I have if I didn't know about something coming?

Of course it makes sense! that's exactly why you would make such a date prediction in the first place.... if your doing it for attention or for ego boosting which many people suspect you are and I think I might agree with them. The way you have gone about gathering a flock suggests to me its probably for ego, like you want to be the special messenger, you see yourself as a hero to get the gist of it..... and you'll totally deny all of this if its true.

Come on, keep avoiding the topic and keep trying to discuss me instead of your grand prediction. We're still yet to heard how come the date magically transformed into a metaphor... i like that one.

Ever heard of "deflection"? You could write a book about it.

edit on 20-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 07:20 AM

suggests to me its probably for ego, like you want to be the special messenger, you see yourself as a hero to humanity.....

ET_MAN does not see himself as anything more special or better, he makes great efforts to try be humble, he sees himself as the sand grain of a beach that he lays with the rest of the sand and is under the same influences. I know his heart and have talked with him many times. I think it's best we don’t judge others as it serves no one but ourselves and is a response coming from our egos that you obviously have displayed polarwarrior. What you have been suggesting is not coming from the good spirit of Christ. .

be in peace.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by AdonaiChristBless

I think it's best we don’t judge others as it serves no one but ourselves and is a response coming from our egos that you obviously have displayed polarwarrior.

So the first half of the sentence is saying don't judge then the second half of the sentence is a judgement.

edit on 20-2-2011 by polarwarrior because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

I am only making an observation.

If you look at a fruit and it is a red apple do you not say it is a red apple or would you call it a green apple; which one is the lie and which one is the truth?

I am not making a judgment but just stating the obvious.

be in peace.
edit on 20-2-2011 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2011 by AdonaiChristBless because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

What polarwarrior is saying seems to be a pretty accurate observation to me. It seems your friendship is blinding you to the truth of his words.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:34 AM
reply to post by 547000

I stand for what is true, what polar warrior stated is not truth.

be in peace.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by AdonaiChristBless

Then what does claiming to be in contact and saying you received your messages from aliens that a cataclysmic event will occur, and mean it, then a few months later saying it's all a metaphor mean? If you stand for the truth wouldn't you observe it's deception?

edit on 20-2-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:17 AM
reply to post by polarwarrior

Hi Polarwarrior,

Yet ever since he has been heavily quoting Scripture.....

Not true

of which this a is a passage he likes to avoid...
Matthew 24:36
No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but on the Father

Not true

you stole from other websites

Not true

you claiming to be an extra terrestrial man.

Not true

suggests to me its probably for ego, like you want to be the special messenger, you see yourself as a hero

Not true

Come on, keep avoiding the topic

240 pages, avoiding the topic? Not true

and keep trying to discuss me

You never could answer any of the questions I asked you because of the many contradictions and untruths in your statements so you abandoned post. I guess you got your feelings hurt from the posts that were exchanged so are back seeking a little revenge of some kind, am I right? Or do you believe in a right? According to your beliefs am I not you and you me? So if that is the case then why go after yourself? You can always talk to yourself in the mirror about it unless you believe you do not have a self but are simply the mirror.

We're still yet to heard how come the date magically transformed into a metaphor...

You haven't read the thread and everything you've suggested above clearly shows that you haven't read it. It's extremely obvious why you are here due to the past discussions that we've had when you had to bail out. You've come after me on at least 4 of my threads ever since the beginning so are simply here to stir the pot and play games it's quite obvious. Let's be honest and while your at it I can still recall the very first few posts you ever made to me that were straight out insults then you quickly edited them so nobody could see so this grudge game you've played against me started from the very beginning. Find some humility I would have to say and drop the ego and pride.

Not really feeling that ticklish today but I do hope you have a good day and all the best.

Love & Peace as always!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:23 AM
reply to post by 547000

Hi 547000,

Can't really say I'm surprised to see you here since you've been following the other thread all along and never could get away from it. Nobody forced you to click on it or read it but you really enjoyed adding negative posts to it. Whatever frequency you are in and enjoy. The law of attraction comes to mind --- what you put out you might just get back.

Truly wishing you the best though as always.

Love & Best Wishes!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I'm at frequency 101 Hz. Do you deny you did do what polarwarrior said?

Nice. Talk about someone else's ego, when you have too much ego to say you were wrong and changed your claims rather than consciously admit you were either wrong or deceptive. I often find those who pretend to be humble and without ego turn out to be projecting a different image from their interior state. I still do not think pole shifts are instantaneous.

Why do I have to come with gushing praise to be a part of your threads anyway? I am reading what I want and posting what I want.
edit on 20-2-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I'm surprised at you. You are head and shoulders above the rest.
You don't have to do this. Let the harassment go this time.
I always learn something from you. Lots of things. The "date" is just an aside, as far as I'm concerned. There's too many other things you share, and teach for anyone to dismiss you.

My best to you.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:57 AM
followers of these sites get drawn in to the hype every single day, no big deal.

maybe et_man is one of the many who posts what he feels to be a personal warning and with a date that he saw as self evident, even as little chance of never coming to fruitation, he put his agument in view for all to decipher and decide if believable or not, just like all the countless posts made by others before or after him. saw the light and moved the date to eternity and beyond, isn't that enough to show no post concieved event being predicted by him, alarm bells turned off with a warning of only being prepared spiritually and mentally for any unknown otherwise event which may or may not occur in some future timeline.

many have dates in mind, and many through personal and unverifiable means and ways, maybe one of these might prove to be true one day,you never know. so as the warning by et_man now remains, it is wise to be prepared for all or any outcome, no matter how far fetched it may seem. his post has stayed in the grey area as well, so it implies more of a personal story as post, even if not literally true or varifyable by any evidence shown.
for my story, the date would be feburary 2019, take it as you will.

all the best.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by 547000
reply to post by ET_MAN

I'm at frequency 101 Hz. Do you deny you did so?

Hi 547000, 101 pacman fever maybe? lol When have I ever said that the events I spoke of would not happen? Time is an entirely different factor/equation and it's something that I've been discussing the entire thread but you should already know that. If we have to go back and show the many statements you made that go back and forth from beginning to ending I guess we can do that all over again. The only thing I've ever picked up from your posts throughout the thread were continuous false accusations and lots of negativity. I took a lot of time answering your posts if you can recall and you couldn't answer back a single question on the long posts I made to you but always had to come back with some negative added commentary. You avoided just about all the questions I ever asked you because let's face it you've had only 1 agenda all along for some reason or another --- seek and destroy ET_MAN in anyway that you can. lol It's kinda funny really. Goes to show where you truly are in life and keep staying focused on the negative if that's where you choose to be and surely the negative will continue to show up and find you.You never did get the other thread anyway 547000 I guess I wouldn't expect that frequency channel to pick up on some of the light squares. But I do sincerely hope that you receive more positivity in your life because it's quite sad honestly to see someone like yourself so dedicated and for such a long time on simply following up and going after ET_MAN. I must assume you are getting some kind of kick out of all of this or it helps brighten up your day going after people, gratification pleasure of some kind maybe or just plain boredom and entertainment. lol Whatever you are into I guess and if you ever need anything for real seriously feel free to ask me and I'll still be here willing to help you through thick and thin.

Love & Peace!

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Hi Ladyinwaiting,

I'm surprised at you. You are head and shoulders above the rest.

I don't mind playing arcade games with the kids when they need a little attention, I do have a history with 547000 and polarwarrior somewhat and hopefully they can get back on gear and maybe start discussing some good topics that we used to discuss. I'm open and game for the weekend!

You don't have to do this. Let the harassment go this time.

I've been letting it go but every now and then kinda pick and choose what I want to follow up on. In polarwarriors case there are many things polar has to work out I feel (just have to be honest) and I would be more than happy to continue with our past discussions polar. After all you did come to me and I don't believe in coincidence, but then again which is which and who is who, you and me and I?

I always learn something from you. Lots of things. The "date" is just an aside, as far as I'm concerned. There's too many other things you share, and teach for anyone to dismiss you.

Well I'm glad to hear that you took something positive from what I've shared. I've tried to mix it up sometimes but where there are light squares there can also be the opposite. It's really up to the discerner/viewer to distinguish and interpret/recognize one from the other.

My best to you.

Thank you and all the best to you as well.

Love & Best Wishes!

edit on ECST1111FebAM71 by ET_MAN because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Uh, who exactly do you think you are that my only passion is to get you? You know why I never replied to your posts? Because they were long, rambling sermons of your philosophy in life. Who is going to argue with that, when obviously my inquiries are related to the flawed science and other reasonable problems. Pole shifts DO NOT happen instantly. If you think my criticisms with some of your posts has to be with my passion out to get you, you must think very highly of yourself. You deflected again what polarwarrior said about your thread, which--far as I know--were valid points (I don't know since I basically nodded of and ignored the thread, and I've only opened it again out of boredom). I think I'll do the same here. May your posse someday realize merely talking about love and how bad ego in quasi-spiritual ways is does not remove ones ego or pride.Good luck polarwarrior! I agree with your reasoning, but if you criticize someone on those grounds they think it's your ego speaking, not their own for deflecting. Look forward to getting patronized and schooled by this vain poster.
edit on 20-2-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I do understand. There is a time to step-up, and a time to step-back.

If it's your time to step up, so be it.

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