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Enigmantic Discovery in 2003 in the Bucegi mountains Romania...Linked to underground world,hidden kn

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:40 PM
So correct me if I am wrong (Hard to understand the articles, because the translation is rough, and reads almost like gibberish) but is the tunnel connecting to the outside? Can anyone go to the Bucegi mountains and find this tunnel?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 05:49 PM
Funny story, I was once hiking in Bucegi, it wasn't a very touristy trail, and we stopped at some point to rest, right on top of a peak. It was quite high, over 2000 meters in any case. I don't know why I jumped, probably to set my backpack to a more comfortable position. In any case the ground beneath me made a hollow sound. I jumped again, same thing. I moved a few meters away, jumped again, it sounded normal, muffled.

I know there are caves in those mountains, but right under a peak, that seemed weird. I never knew just what to think about that.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by DevilDog0311

Those mountains are crawling with tourists, no matter the season. I used to go camping and hiking there every weekend, it was 2 hours away from me by train. Even the normally inaccessible areas have plenty of rock climbers visiting them.

Don't really know what to say about this whole story. I read the book by that Cinamar guy, and it sounded quite scifi to me... Somebody must have noted at least heavy military presence there if any of that stuff was true.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 06:29 PM
hey this would make a great tomb raider movie

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Please someone tell me where I can buy the book on this absolutely facinating subject - Please please!
Name of Book and author at least.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 07:07 PM

Originally posted by Wallachian
reply to post by DevilDog0311

Those mountains are crawling with tourists, no matter the season. I used to go camping and hiking there every weekend, it was 2 hours away from me by train. Even the normally inaccessible areas have plenty of rock climbers visiting them.

Don't really know what to say about this whole story. I read the book by that Cinamar guy, and it sounded quite scifi to me... Somebody must have noted at least heavy military presence there if any of that stuff was true.

Please point me in the right direction for the best book on this topic - I can't wait. I want every single detail.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:01 PM
i'm reading a book called the Necromonicon and it's a book that was found with no known author and talks about that very area and it was a place the ancients originated from and they were able to travel back and forth. The book tells of a casting out of an evil one to be banished to this area and the secrets hidden for fear of someone calling the evil one back. The original bloodlines and their main activist in the occult Aleister Crowley came across this book and opened up a world of # not knowing what he was calling upon.
Not sure if this has anything to do with it but it seems there is a connection with this place and the secret of the Ancient ones the motive of the NWO.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by laslidealist
i'm reading a book called the Necromonicon and it's a book that was found with no known author and talks about that very area and it was a place the ancients originated from and they were able to travel back and forth. The book tells of a casting out of an evil one to be banished to this area and the secrets hidden for fear of someone calling the evil one back. The original bloodlines and their main activist in the occult Aleister Crowley came across this book and opened up a world of # not knowing what he was calling upon.
Not sure if this has anything to do with it but it seems there is a connection with this place and the secret of the Ancient ones the motive of the NWO.

Do you know of any other books/sources that I can get my hands on?

Where did you get the book you are reading?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by DevilDog0311
So correct me if I am wrong (Hard to understand the articles, because the translation is rough, and reads almost like gibberish) but is the tunnel connecting to the outside? Can anyone go to the Bucegi mountains and find this tunnel?

It is very difficult to follow re the poor English but I get the impression (not sure yet) Romania (strangely where the war and unrest developed) that these tunnels lead right across the world thousands of miles long and there are three main tunnels with viens runing from them.
Exiting in areas like Tibet, (china has taken over the Tibetans)
Iraq, just outside Bagdad (Americans have taken over there)
Egypt now I wonder who was behind the riots. (Mubaraks regime stopped all archeology under the Great Pyramid of Gizza where tunnels have been picked up on satalite and Western Science and Archeologist have been trying for years to access without success)

Now I'm probably joining dots before there are any commas but this is so exciting and if it's true the whole world should demand full knowledge - we've had enough of all the secrecy. Also if my connections are correct I hope the US PTB don't get their hands on it or it will be covered up well and truly and ofcourse will be attacked with ridicule which always works.

The guy who wrote the article must have spent hours/days struggling with his English trying to get this out to the world - for a start I didn't and I'm sure many other people didn't even know about the existence of that sphinx over there. Why?

Hopefully we can get access to some more solid info on this. I'm off to connect some more dots and reread all the posts. I will be so dissapointed if this isn't true!

I have read most of David Ickes Books and he has a huge following however, the usual ridicule accompanies him but he just lets it bounce off his head. He has a mega amount of research under his belt - I started reading his books 15 years back and everything he has said has come exactly how he said it would.
So anyone listening to ridicule about this guy just ask yourself why he has so many followers, lectures all over the world and provides evidence for everything he claims.
Read first - 'the height of ignorance is refusing to look at the evidence'.

Anyone knows of a book on this thread /topic please advice.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:13 PM
Just to add to something the OP mentioned, there have been countless discoveries of "Giant" bones throughout the ages. They're usually swept under the rug or labeled mutations. The most interesting finds, of course, being the ones found next to gigantic weapons. I remember reading of a skeleton buried next to an axe the size of a cadillac or something crazy like that. I know Steven Quayle does a lot on this...Here you go...

It's interesting stuff. I'll have to check it out myself. Could use a refresher.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Seekeye2

Originally posted by DevilDog0311
So correct me if I am wrong (Hard to understand the articles, because the translation is rough, and reads almost like gibberish) but is the tunnel connecting to the outside? Can anyone go to the Bucegi mountains and find this tunnel?

It is very difficult to follow re the poor English but I get the impression (not sure yet) Romania (strangely where the war and unrest developed) that these tunnels lead right across the world thousands of miles long and there are three main tunnels with viens runing from them.
Exiting in areas like Tibet, (china has taken over the Tibetans)
Iraq, just outside Bagdad (Americans have taken over there)
Egypt now I wonder who was behind the riots. (Mubaraks regime stopped all archeology under the Great Pyramid of Gizza where tunnels have been picked up on satalite and Western Science and Archeologist have been trying for years to access without success)

Now I'm probably joining dots before there are any commas but this is so exciting and if it's true the whole world should demand full knowledge - we've had enough of all the secrecy. Also if my connections are correct I hope the US PTB don't get their hands on it or it will be covered up well and truly and ofcourse will be attacked with ridicule which always works.

The guy who wrote the article must have spent hours/days struggling with his English trying to get this out to the world - for a start I didn't and I'm sure many other people didn't even know about the existence of that sphinx over there. Why?

Hopefully we can get access to some more solid info on this. I'm off to connect some more dots and reread all the posts. I will be so dissapointed if this isn't true!

I have read most of David Ickes Books and he has a huge following however, the usual ridicule accompanies him but he just lets it bounce off his head. He has a mega amount of research under his belt - I started reading his books 15 years back and everything he has said has come exactly how he said it would.
So anyone listening to ridicule about this guy just ask yourself why he has so many followers, lectures all over the world and provides evidence for everything he claims.
Read first - 'the height of ignorance is refusing to look at the evidence'.

Anyone knows of a book on this thread /topic please advice.

I starred you for saying something nice about David Icke. haha. He takes way too much crap on ATS. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for him. You can argue til you're blue in the face about reptilians and things, but you're exactly right...everything he's been saying for 20 years has come to pass. He isn't given enough credit or respect. People prefer to judge him without actually reading his incredible body of work/evidence. I don't know why someone calling for love and the understanding that we're all one is so polarizing, but it is what it is.

Interesting topic, OP. I've always particularly enjoyed the hollow earth theory in relation, which seems to grow stronger everytime a new report pops up about the structures below the surface. I'm not looking to argue one way or another, I just find it fascinating.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:42 PM
Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this thread! A fascinating read to be sure. Does anyone else have any information on this???

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:08 PM
I first read "the omega project and the bible codes" by Brandon levine but wasn't able to get it in the USA so had to order from overseas and thought it was rather odd that the book was banned here.
After doing more research and somehow always having a feeling that Crowley was very influential in the NWO and he uncovered a lot of secrets so came across this book called "Dead Names" the dark history of the Necromonicon and simply published by a guy called Simone and it's by Avon books 2006 and got it at barnes and noble.
It's very interesting and was only like $8
edit on 11-2-2011 by laslidealist because: REPLY TO SEEKEYE2

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 10:19 PM
in regards to giant skeletons supposedly excavated, or found and removed or whatever, that whole premise has been proved over and over again to be a (excuse the pun) giant wives-tale...

that link is to the page dedicated to the myth of giant skeletons.

the reason I posted this, was to point out that regardless of whether or not this whole energy in the mountains thing is true, or not, mentioning the giant skeletons as part of the description or as evidence for or an aspect of, or relating to, in any way shape or form, takes away any and all credibility this story might have had, almost immediately...I'm not saying the whole energy spot is real or not, but the part about giant skeletons is absolutely not real, and including it definitely takes away from your credibility almost to the point where most people immediately write off the whole story and dismiss anything else you had to say.....

I'm just trying to help, because who knows there might be something to this story, but the giant skeleton thing is total bullocks and complete bunk.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:08 PM
reply to post by smokecrops

I Agree with you completely the Giant Humans it total bullocks there is no way that there used to be humans Giants when we've proven time and time again that we were descendents from the Apes the chimpanzees being our close relatives proven FACT via DNA. please stop with the Giant humans it makes the stories credibility go away

I totally can believe everything in this story but the Giants and stuff is just nonsense peace

Maybe an alien species came to earth or something or ancient humans built these tunnels and holographic displays etc and they were wiped out by something... Interesting read if real. Where does this guy get his info from about this story?

+1 more 
posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:43 PM
Oh, snopes posted something about a case so it must not be true...

Get real. What Snopes had on their page didn't cover a single case I've read about in countless books by myriad credible writers...

Also, I never said a thing about humans.

Also, why not think for yourself and do some actual research? The stories featured on that Snopes page are ones I've NEVER heard about...probably because real researchers who write about these things knew it was bunk. I never said there were pictures of these bones (a majority of them having been found hundreds of years ago and all throughout history), so again, nonsense.

I love that you think you know something because you went to Snopes, though. hahaha. It's pretty funny.

You can find actual accounts in books by authors ranging from the legendary Charles Fort, to John Keel and David Icke. Unlike you, I don't just go to snopes and assume if one case is false (again, not even one I'd ever read anything about), then they all are. I suggest you actually do some research before you say how much nonsense something is. There are countless ancient texts, not to mention peoples still alive, who speak of the subject an awful lot. The giant bones found in various indian mounds would be another good place to start. But, I'm sure you're quite determined to stay away from any actual facts on the subject, instead believing your conditioned view is somehow more legitimate than people who have studied these things for their entire life. You probably believe the official 911 story, too.

ha ha, good game.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:44 PM
Here, I can help get you started...

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

You believe we evolved from monkeys over the course of millenia, but Giants is too far fetched? hahahahaa. Wow. You should probably look into the theory of evolution, specifically how far off it is. I'd suggest Velikovsky.
edit on 11-2-2011 by thektotheg because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:02 AM

Is another good one. Or, maybe you'd like to give me your credentials versus this Author and Professor Emeritus. Funny, though, he doesn't mention snopes as one of his research tools.

Of course, you could've actually checked out the other links I posted originally. But, that's not important. I mean, after all, you were able to google one clearly ridiculous source covered by Snopes.


or again, any of what I already posted and you admittedly ignored...

But, nevermind. Snopes is on the case.

edit on 12-2-2011 by thektotheg because: Linkage

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by thektotheg

We are 99.8% genetic deviation from Chimpanzees and look at the size difference we are only taller not much heaver than them because we grew taller to see over the tall grass etc in Africa and to look out for predators which is widely known fact. You need to read up on the theory of evolution because even mentioning the fact of people 12+ feet tall is just ridiculous because the earths environment doesn't support it the only reason the dinosaurs became so large was because back then the earths atmosphere had alot higher percantile in oxygen which allow the dinosaurs to become so large in size.

I'm sorry but i won't believe in Giant human stories because theres no fossil record of it and until you can show me credible evidence of Giants it ain't happening.

Look Humans were never Giants and even if at one time there were giant apes they wouldn't be closely related at all to homo-sapiens. They've found countless old ancestors of humans and all of them are smaller and brawnier than humans most of them. There is a few different types of humans that existed on lost isles etc that became dwarf humans. But humans becoming Giants just doesn't fit any of the archaeological evidence. It just makes the story lose credibility. People will discount it as fallacy.

If this race of Giants ever did exist it was 100,000's of years ago cause thing don't just evolve overnight get real.
And so far there is absolutely no evidence that giants existed. There is only bizzaree genetic mutations in normal humans that caused some humans to become 7-8+ tall. End of the Giant BS

Oh and also i might add Neandrathal genes are in Humans we interbred with them 1000's or 10,000's of years ago and the Neandrathal race went extinct/merged with us they decoded the genome of neandrathals and recently discovered this fact. If there were any Giant Humans.? wouldn't the superior Giants squish the little humans and takeover everything or wait.. no they never were giant humans and if there ever was any tall race of humans isolated somewhere they probably were never averaging higher than 7ft per person

edit on 12-2-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-2-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

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