posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 04:14 AM
For some reason I keep trying to upload a video but I am not given the option to upload.
I go to the ATSVideo: Upload Media, already signed in with username and password, but I really get no option to upload.
There is nothing on "General information" at ATS Video : Upload Media
Under 'Sharing Options" I click "choose options but all it does is hide the following "Toggle various options such as privacy, embedding, comments
and ratings."
Under Terms there is nothing.
To the right I get the following message "UPLOADING MEDIA
Uploads will usually take between 1-5 minutes per MB on a high-speed connection, so please only click the submit button once.
Allowed File Types: gif jpg bmp png swf wmv mpg avi flv mpeg rm mov 3gp mp4 asf mp3 wav midi mid pdf php
Max File Size: 50MB"
But I get no option whatsoever to upload a video.
What am I doing wrong?