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The real terrorist was me - A US Soldier

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posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by MarineSniper12Kills
reply to post by SLAYER69

I appreciate it, it helps to have someone you can actually relate to. I sent you a U2U bud, hope to see you soon.

Done deal.....

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by Ghandi

Thank you for bringing awareness to the situation. To go to their land and shed their blood just because we are the occupying force. Because we were there, thousands of lives were lost. I hope most can learn the error of their ways and make changes for the better. $&F

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:40 PM
This is one of the most heart felt posts I've seen on here since I started my membership on this site. I've always been an avid reader and the military was always one of my favorite subjects. I have come to understand that no matter how stongly you feel or how many books you have read. It doesn't matter how many people you have heard speak of accounts that had happend durring war. Nothing can come close to preparing you for the real thing. I can only imagine how soldiers feel when they come home and are left to fend for themselve despite the sacrifices they have made for their country. There is no way I can understand but I sure can try. Thanks for this post and in helping to spread the truth. These men and women diserve all the help we can get them. Lets take care of our own first.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:41 PM

Originally posted by Crazybangz
reply to post by onehuman

What branch is she serving?
I'm considering in joining the United States Air Force. Studying for the ASVAB right now since I scored low at the recruiters office.

These kind of threads make me reconsider joining though.

Doesn´t this post looks like somebody trying to minimize what everybody is saying and still convince to sign up and go to war to suffer all that and make people suffer all that?

And everybody should think also about the thousands of civilians who have died in a war that was not theirs for real, and the thousands of civilians in Irak who are suffering traumatic, really traumatic experiences and the loss of all their belongings.
and again, your soldiers are not the villains, but the people who sent them, but sadly, many soldiers are victims of the adoctrination that most americas suffer (and it is not your fault, is the culture you have been force to live at): every middle east person is a terrorist, every people in the middle east wants to attack the usa, and usa most attack, and have every right to, any country that consideres a threat, even if is because of a single person, or any excuse, because, of course, usa is the world police and the only country that knows better, and the only country that is in danger...
I´m glad to see that so many people is seeing the reality.
please, notice that your soldiers are only humans, but muslims and middle east people, as well as latinamericans or africans, are only humans too. Not just "targets". Most of your soldiers notice that while they are in war. be scared of those who doesn´t care.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by Char-Lee

Im so sorry to hear that. Do you know your sons branch, bn div?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:42 PM
reply to post by beezzer
My only two grandchildern are in the military, so I definitely support our troops. When a soldier is sworn into service, it is to defend and uphold the "Constution of the United States" from threats foreign and domestic. That is what they fight for. Not for the Politicians or Presidents, but to up hold that that give us freedom. What he is trying to say, is that it is not a soldiers duty to fight for the wealthy to get richer and a government that is trying to destroy our freedom and rights.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:46 PM
Both of my older brothers were in the Air Force for 4 years. My oldest brother did one tour in iraq, and lives in the UK now. My other brother (who currently drinks alott) was told if he served two years in The Azores, Portugal that he wouldnt have to do a tour in the middle east, so he did. Once back they sent him to Iraq for 6 months and then he came back for 6 months and repeated that for one more year. They are both safely out of the military now, and I am 20 years old. I got decent grades in school and was very athletic. I have been working fulltime since i graduated highschool to support my mom, due to my dad passing this year from liver failure. I live paycheck to paycheck and am thinking the military is my only option...Kinda off subject but i dont know who to ask for help. Thankyou to anyone who responds.


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by MarineSniper12Kills

Hey man, when you talk about liking to help others you seem to really lighten up
I have an Idea, bring in a stray, help it get back on it's feet. Care for the little bugger maybe it'll help you get back in touch with your old self, and who knows, you might end up with a new pet
Hope you get back on you own feet and thank you for your insight.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:53 PM
I found this video a while back when I was doing a music course and needed to write a ambient song using samples.

The line "The real terrorist was me, and the real terrorism was this occupation" was the line I used.

Very powerful stuff here.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by XLR8R

I appreciate it man. I have 2 boxers, both are my babies. They don't care how poor I am, how crazy I am, how screwed up I am, they always love me and always are there to greet me at the door when I get home.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by coolottie
reply to post by beezzer
My only two grandchildern are in the military, so I definitely support our troops. When a soldier is sworn into service, it is to defend and uphold the "Constution of the United States" from threats foreign and domestic. That is what they fight for. Not for the Politicians or Presidents, but to up hold that that give us freedom. What he is trying to say, is that it is not a soldiers duty to fight for the wealthy to get richer and a government that is trying to destroy our freedom and rights.

And that issue, whether right or wrong is waaaay above my pay grade to determine. The truth is, people are shooting at me. I am going to fire back. The political/idealogical reason they are shooting at me is moot. Patton said it best when he said. . .

No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.

Why wars are fought? *sigh* I wish for a place where buildings aren't bombed, where markets aren't bombed, where ships, people, children aren't bombed.

Tell me where that perfect world is and I'd PCS there in a second!

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:57 PM
That's what you call a true soldier. Its not about how many frags (kills) you get, what a fierce fighter you are, if you complete a mission, how many bullets you took, if you follow orders or if you can turn a nation into your nation.

Its about humility, admitting when you are wrong, and making amends

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:57 PM

Originally posted by MarineSniper12Kills
reply to post by the_0bserver85

No it doesn't take awhile. Two months ago I had my 40 caliber pistol to my head. I was drinking 750 ml of vodka and crown a night. My wife was so scared of me and what I had become, that she would either stayat my sisters, or sleep in the closet. Some big man I was. 2 months later I have been completely sober, on anti depressants, talk to a psychiatrist multiple times a week, spend every second I can holding my wife, and will never pick up my service weapon for this country for a long time. All of this because one lady on here cared enough to spend so much of her time encouraging me and seeing me for who I really am. Her name on here is lostviking, what a blessing she's been. It doesn't take a long time, it takes a couple of people who really care. If you don't believe me read my thread about my disease which I wrote while I was in a slum. OP im so glad you made this post. Not trying to derail this thread but people need to know, we can't do this by ourselves.

Semper Fi brother, but from your old threads and posts you seemed to have issues going way back before the Marines that were catalysts for this episode.

In your older posts you talked about depression at 13 and alcoholism for a long period of time. I don't think you should now suddenly turn the sails on that to fit this particular item.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:03 PM
reply to post by MarineSniper12Kills

One of my favorite breads. That's the beauty of animals, no discrimination and they don't pass jugement, all they have is appreciation and unconditional love. We can all learn from our furry little friends.

Peace and take care

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:04 PM
Amazing speech. Well worded and a great point. I like his last line, "we can stop this war, we can stop this government, and we can have a better world", it's good to see that even soldiers recognize the need to stand up to the government, and I hope more follow suit.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:06 PM
reply to post by coolottie

With all due respect sir this is bullcrap. The United states of America as any country for a matter of fact does not need to go to other countries for any situation what so ever. They are not god and who made America the World Police that it is now?

Their presence everywhere is not good at all sir because they are not helping anyone. They are just taking from the people wherever they are and go.

No violence is an excuse to correct another violent act.


posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:09 PM
Daughter of a Nam vet and a war refugee here. I'm too emotional to type much now too after reading posts from fellow children of vets. I got my own endless loops of hideous images playing in my head since I was old enough to walk, because of listening to my parents screaming their nightmare stories and taking it all out on me, so even though I never served, I know what it's like not being able to relate to the rest of the fat and happy world when you've got nightmare images running through your head of what your parents saw humans doing to other humans. Having said all that, I will only add thank you soldiers for your service and thank you to your families, too, for what they endure. If you all didn't serve and we didn't have a strong military then our women and children would know what it's like to have invaders pull us out of our houses and torture us. So, whatever you think of what you had/have to do in our current wars, at least know you are still our best defense against the horrors you witness coming to visit us in our homes. May God bless and keep you and heal you, as I'm sorry and disgusted our government isn't doing its part. We the citizens will keep trying to make then answer for that.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:09 PM
Im from New Zealand. We have troops in Afhganastan. Having a good portion of our miliarty helping villages over there makes me pretty proud. I know this because a friend of myne has got back home. Saying that they are really doing a great job looking after the locals rebuilding. But as having our SAS over there fighting and god knows what else. Thats a different story.
I think everyone should share this video. Its very moving.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by MarineSniper12Kills
OP, read a couple of my posts. I came back an alcoholic, mental illness, and tried killing myself a couple of months back. For what?

So you can name yourself MarineSniper12Kills and use Semper Fi as your signature?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:11 PM
To any US Soliders out there who have killed... Reverse what you have done. Dedicate your lives to saving others and restore your honor! The families of those that have lost deserve nothing less.

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