posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 09:18 PM
The culture of the times in which the Bible was written reflectsa society primarily dominated by men... just as the Mid Eastern culture is today in so
many ways.
That being said, women played an important, pivotal, and powerful role in the Bible with examples previously noted in prior responses here. Further,
in the NT...there are more than a few examples of female deacons and leaders in the early church of Paul's being Aquila.
A couple of years ago, I was a deacon at my church. Our Pastor was moving to the mountains of NC and taking a new church there. As such, we needed a
new Pastor. The idea of possibly having a female Pastor was approached... I was against it.
HOWEVER, after looking to the Bible...I realized my prejudices were based on man's traditions and not Biblical. No where could I find a law, or rule,
or statement against a woman Pastor. So, I apologized to my brothers and sisters and boldly agreed that a woman as Pastor was in order.
As for those that recall the passage that a woman is to remain silent in is intended in the context of a male dominated culture and to
maintain order during the service. Again, there are more than a few examples of female leaders in the early church.
As for woman submitting to their husbands... husbands are to love their wives as they love the Lord, as well as themselves. The burden is equally
shared by both man and wife... "hopemates" or help mates to each other...
However, the man is to have the final say on critical matters. On the other hand...if the wife does...I don't think God will condemn either to Hell.
Frankly, things I am good at and knowledgable of...I finalize. Things my wife knows more of...she finalizes. In all other matters...we talk and reach
a mutual decision...we are help mates...that is Biblical.
Now, as for my wife submitting to me...sexually or otherwise...I as a loving husband should love and care enough about her that I take her feelings
into consideration. After a long, hard day my wife is tired...her legs hurt...and I am horny... ya know, I kiss here...say "I love you." and go pop
some popcorn, grab a Coke, and watch a good western.... I might even prop her feet on my lap and rub her legs until she falls asleep.
Jesus demonstrated that to be a good leader, you have to be a good servant...although He was Master...he washed the feet of His followers....
A good example of a man/woman relationship.