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Area51 Break-in

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posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 06:46 PM
Note that this is not a real plan!!

I saw a post about breaking into Area51 (I can't find it though) can it be done? This is all this discussion is about. Here is one way they thought could possibly work:
Have hundreds of people drive RVs in that have bullet proof glass and steel plating, then they all just drive in. How could we not loose then (especially if we had guns too)? We could also have buses full of people following and everyone in the bus could run in once we get there. The biggest problem is getting the people for this.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 06:56 PM
I think you're looking for this thread

hope that helps.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 07:21 PM
I don't think anyone would or ever should try to do this.....Area 51 is a part of Nellis Air Force's just like any other military base - it's not open to the public unless the public are granted permission to enter - it's a black and white response - no ifs or maybes involved...people are lucy to be getting a view of this base from afar.

I grew up a military brat, and even on some of the smallest bases, civillian intrusion was not tolerated and met with punishment - If a renegdae band of 60 RVs made a defiant attempt to enter any US military base, each person would be caught and would probablly spend the rest of their lives in jail, and would probablly be spending it in Fort Leavenworth, not a pleasant place to be....if they were waving guns around they'd probablly be shot on site or setenced to death - this is a form of treason, either way you look at it

It's the same scenario, on a civillian scale, as if you were to try the same thing on your local gated community filled with mulit-million dollar homes - they want other people out, and there's nothing anyone can do to keep them from making that happen.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 08:01 PM
Good reference thread deeprivergal. The posts in it addressed a wide range of opinions on the subject.

I agree that RV-ing is the way to go about this; however, with a different acronym definition.

There is no way that hundreds or even thousands of civilians, even heavily armed ones, would be successful in invading a military installation. They would be mowed down by attack helicopters, fighter jets, surface-to-air missiles, etc., well before they got even close. The invaders would be killed and their remaining family members would be arrested.

In my opinion, the way to go about this is to get hundreds, if not thousands of experienced intuitives/remote viewers together, either on-line in private chat rooms and/or to meet somewhere, and have them do extensive intuitive intelligence of not only Area 51 and S-4, but of all the places on the planet that are suspected locations of Zetan-alien underground/underwater bases.

(This project would drive the covert psi-ops people in the government buggy. *L*)

That would constitute a perfectly legitimate experiment that to my knowledge is not illegal at present and no physically-based high-tech weapon or army could stop it from happening without causing a media frenzy and embarrassing publicity to the powers that be.

I've dealt with astral and psychic attacks basically all my life and can state from experience that there is nothing that the aliens or the humans have in our government that would be able to psychically stop hundreds of intuitives/remote viewers from working together and coming up with some pertinent data about that which the feds and the aliens wish to hide from us.

It would also be a good idea to ask some well-known psychics/mediums who are well-accustomed to working with large groups of people, to participate as group managers in facilitating this project.

One group could focus on S-4, another on Area 51, yet another on the probable alien base near Gulf Breeze, Florida, etc. Then you could switch assignments, collect the data and analyze the results.

In following this idea, it would also be smart to produce a film documentary of this project as it is happening and then make it available to the general public in both VHS and DVD formats -- sold online via secure pages from this website. This would serve to pay back the production costs of this project and it might in turn actually result in a substantial profit in the long run. However, all participants in the project would be on a volunteer basis.

The documentary could be called something like �ATS Extrasensory Expos� On Alien Bases Around The World.�

This form of investigation has a much higher probability of success than a physical invasion with inferior weapons.

[edit on 14-7-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
There is no way that hundreds or even thousands of civilians, even heavily armed ones, would be successful in invading a military installation. They would be mowed down by attack helicopters, fighter jets, surface-to-air missiles, etc., well before they got even close. The invaders would be killed and their remaining family members would be arrested.

Not to be rude or anything, but I pretty much just said that in the post right above yours

In my opinion, the way to go about this is to get hundreds, if not thousands of experienced intuitives/remote viewers together, either on-line in private chat rooms and/or to meet somewhere, and have them do extensive intuitive intelligence of not only Area 51 and S-4, but of all the places on the planet that are suspected locations of Zetan-alien underground/underwater bases.

Isn't that what ATS is?!?

I think what you've said has been done already, by big producers like Sci Fi, etc... who rely on these "experienced intuitives/remote viewers" and I'm pretty sure it's been done on the private level with less funding

The press have pushed the gov't, although not as hard as some may like, and the private sector have pushed the media, perhaps more than most would like

Short of some "UFO and paranormal coalition of the willing" gov't seige, we're all just gonna have to wait on uncle same to tell us.

Maybe some slew of skeptics a mile wide are willing to march in a wave onto Area 51 and get themselves killed in masse to have the gov't step forward - that's about what it would take

[edit on 7/14/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 08:25 PM
I was typing my response while you were posting yours.

Show me an extensive documentary of organized cross-referenced intutive and remote viewing data that corroborates an overview of aliens and their bases around the world.

It has yet to be done.

posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by Paul_Richard
I was typing my response while you were posting yours.

I'm sorry - I was just judging my statement from the time stamps

Show me an extensive documentary of organized cross-referenced intutive and remote viewing data that corroborates an overview of aliens and their bases around the world.

That's b/c they would need:

  1. cold hard facts
  2. gov't cooperation (which is as likely as the title of this thread)
  3. Insider tetimony from people without a mental disorder

And one other point - how would any self-respecting group of researchers ever make a film about "x" before explaining what "x" is and proving that "x" exists - to attempt to compile this information and the information you're suggesting would require a projector that will not blow a fuse on its internal lighting while attempting to show this 50 hour documentary.

And once it made it to a collector's edition DVD set with 50 volumes (sarcasim is intentional here), it would be ignored by the mainstream as a hoax, as a bunch of crazies, or as an assasination attempt (what's every anti-truth conspiracy to do without one of those?)

I'm joking here Paul_Richard, and please don't take my humor too seriously when you lambast me with 100 reasons why this would work - I've noticed that you sometimes seem incapable of volleying a joke here or there.....but it's not my place to judge you, only to post my opinion on your ideas, which I have done and which I'm sure I'll do again....and aagin....

[edit on 7/14/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

[edit on 7/14/2004 by EnronOutrunHomerun]

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 07:26 AM
I see your tongue and cheek humor.

Or in your case, gum and cheek. *L*

Despite the obstacles, any extensive psi-study would definitely be better than the civil rampage on military installations that others in this forum have suggested.

There are UFO groups all around the world that don't have governmental cooperation, as it is counterproductive and unnecessary.

[edit on 15-7-2004 by Paul_Richard]

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 08:49 AM
For the sake of exposing the truth I hope it does it happen some day - I know there are plenty of people out there who havn't lost there marbles and have a great deal of insight, like retired astronauts, Jimmy Carter, tenured professors and many foreign gov'ts that take this matter more seriously than the US.....they're the ones who are going to have to lead the way b/c they have the most crediblity, not that private researchers are wrong, but they can more easily be ignored - Of course then there's the whole "Disclosure Project" which seems to me more like a facade, but maybe they're reaching in too...And we live in the day of whistle-blowers as well, so maybe that could factor in - I'd love some answers before I leave this world.....I just don't know if we're ever gonna get any

posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 11:19 AM
I have to agree that the so-called "Disclosure Project" seems to be going nowhere.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 09:40 AM
The Best way I think would be to dig a secret tunnel into the base.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:00 AM
What you need to do is get about a half dozen people to get made up to look like aliens (by a very good make up artist from hollywood or something). Then stage a crash outside of area 51. For this you would need to build a very good fake space vessel then blow it up. When the gov't officials come to investigate, they will take the survivors into area 51 for further observation. You could have each fake alien hooked up with a live feed camera to video the whole thing. Of course all of this would take a massive amount of money and a few people who are willing to die if they are found out. Basically, the only way your gonna go deep enough into area 51 to see anything good is if your taken by someone with clearance.

[edit on 19-7-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 10:17 AM
I'm not sure I believe that there is anything at Area 51 of UFO size proportions. If the military once had a UFO or something there I'm pretty sure they would have moved everything if suspicions grew around the base. Look at it this way...its the perfect cover...

They have a UFO in storage, suspicions grow concerning the base, they moved it to an undisclosed location and let people think they have something at Area 51, then when people demand they show us whats there they open the gates and to everyone's amazement....nothings there! Meanwhile, military officials are poking and proding the UFO at some other location...

...seems like the best guise to me!

Of course, I could be totally wrong!

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 06:48 PM
A UFO crash with fake aliens? Maybe the government is telling the truth about aliens and they know we are fakes. But as for the tunnel idea: WHERE ARE THE SHOVELS!?!? We dig a huge tunnel and pave it like a 8 lane freeway and detour the traffic on highways to las vegas in there and we use the people to help us, yes perfect, my plan is comming together!
We accidentally dig into an underground nuclear storage facility and we drop one of our tourches by accident and the whole place is up in flames.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 07:06 PM
Boy, I should have put on my sarcastic hat when I wrote that cause I thought it was obvious enough
My point was that unless you have authorization into the area you aint getting.

posted on Jul, 19 2004 @ 08:45 PM
why dont you just get many many people and rush the base with news crews there with live feeds to video tape it. if the guards fire into the crowd it will be all over the news then. besides if you bring a small army and way outnumber the guards they gotta run out of ammo soon. LOL. its the same thing i always wonder about POW camps. ah well we will never know what goes on there for that i have to give


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