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Video: Alien Teleportation Caught On Video?

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by Moose318

No, there is no Proof that is a Hoax! But, as I said before, it´s easy to human mind always find a "explanation" or a joke about they can´t understand. It´s really "creative" to say it was just a piece of cloth, magic paper, or something else. So, the ones telling here it´s just a cheap trick hoax are being frivolous about what they DON´T KNOW! They were there to see it and exposed it?! No! But I´m from Brazil, I have been there in Portal Project and if you could see what I have seen you´ll understand why there is so many "serious" investigations trying to destroy their reputation. If you say you saw strange things in the sky the "serious" ones always laught: "You were High!", And don´t dare having a contact !NEVER! Cause you know what this supposed ufo- friendly people will say about!
You gonna see a lot more about Bilu this year. believe it or not he said he´s going to show up, let´s say, in a more clear way later!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by isawthesea

This is the individual named Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira IN JAIL accused and condemned
for the fraud Project Portal in Brazil. This is the individual that you are defending and endorsing
Mr. isawthesea? Where did you meet him, in jail?

This individual known as Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira is a con man, despised, denounced
and condemned many times in Brazil, look at him serving time in jail for fraud. It's clear you
are a member of his Hoax Cult and now you come here to make false claims and deny the
facts. Look at him IN JAIL. What are you going to say now.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by free_spirit

It´s so easy destroy (or try to destroy) someone reputation, isn´t it? Even in a land like America we can always read about some guy living decades in jail until "Oops! Sorry (Justice guys)! We made a little mistake"! So, you are miles and miles from what really happened in that situation, but reading some internet lines or putting a photo of that guy (yeah,it´s a real Urandir pic in jail, but could be me, as you said) do you think you can put a end to this thread? Excuse me if you are not, but it´s like a poor debunker work. Cause, we know, not brazilian people (and even brazilians) don´t know s### about this case, but if someone says "Retards! He is just a lier!! " people will be embaressed and walk away from the topic. Urandir was proven innocent of all that allegations. He didn´t stay in jail for more than x hours (I don´t know), but the picture gonna stay - I presume - forever.

posted on Feb, 18 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by free_spirit

Anyway, it doesn´t matter his, mine or yours "reputation"/ image/ fame, cause here we were supposed to know the basic little dirty works coming from debunkers and detractors. Or any contactee have been taken seriously by the press in these 60 years? Nowadays "everybody" believe in UFOs. But it´s not to easy to find someone believing in real contact. Listen: from now to the next years you gonna hear more and more and more about that Portal Project. Why?
Because we have a partnership with "Then". Laughing? The Hyenas will cry over a incredible lost opportunity sooner or...sooner (times are changing and "they" said we have not more than 1 year and a half to the BIG BIG events coming. So, if some of you "feel" in the air that we really are in the last days of the old paradigm, is not logical that "they" would be working since long ago with us? Of course they are!

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by isawthesea
Nowadays "everybody" believe in UFOs. But it´s not to easy to find someone believing in real contact.
That's easy to explain.

A UFO is just something in the air that people cannot identify, while believing in contact with aliens (I suppose that's what you're talking about) is a little more difficult, because there aren't any real evidences for the existence of extraterrestrial intelligence, and, obviously, there aren't any real evidences of their presence on Earth.

The Hyenas will cry over a incredible lost opportunity sooner or...sooner (times are changing and "they" said we have not more than 1 year and a half to the BIG BIG events coming.
If that means that we just need to wait no more than an year and a half, I will wait, I'm not in a hurry.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 09:40 AM
Hey! It seems you have a good Forum Moderator here! Someone sounding neutral and doing the job he was supposed to do! What a relief in these days where professionals hyenas from the Fake Skepticism are so good avoiding people from the real clues with their canned laughs. So, I agree why people are so careful about believing in contactees. But there is a paradox here: At the same time people know the UFOs are real they must know by now there is a massive campaign to discredit anything or anybody alleging have some kind of partnership with "ET"s. There´s plenty of evidences all over the world that UFOs and Star Visitors (or Guides) have been present since the Antiguity and older than that (in ancient art, paintings, egyptian, greek, biblical, indian or indigenous accounts,... etc.). So, if we are in the last days to that MAJOR announced changes take place in these planet , I ask you: It was not supposed The Helpers be present "again"?! Some say they are coming back until 2012! Well,they (different origins, different kinds of approuch and intentions too) have been here with us ALL the time! Maybe for you or me they have been more subtle. So, I understand that the "Coming Back" times are like more of the same for the few, but the big news for the rest of Humanity.

posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by isawthesea
But there is a paradox here: At the same time people know the UFOs are real they must know by now there is a massive campaign to discredit anything or anybody alleging have some kind of partnership with "ET"s.
I don't see any paradox.

UFOs are just that, unidentified objects. There's nothing showing that they can only be extraterrestrial, and, without any evidence that extraterrestrial beings exist and are here on Earth, the ET explanation doesn't have any real supporting evidences.

There´s plenty of evidences all over the world that UFOs and Star Visitors (or Guides) have been present since the Antiguity and older than that (in ancient art, paintings, egyptian, greek, biblical, indian or indigenous accounts,... etc.).
I don't think so.
The fact that some of the people that believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life interpret things they do not really understand (like art) as evidence of ET presence on Earth doesn't mean they are right, it's just their interpretation.

So, if we are in the last days to that MAJOR announced changes take place in these planet , I ask you: It was not supposed The Helpers be present "again"?!
I don't believe in "helpers" in any way, regardless of the names people give them.

I only believe in things for which there are evidences, and even then I always have doubts about it.

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