posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 01:41 AM
You're telling me that JAPS are talking about US actions as war crimes?
Are these the same Japs that engaged in the rape of Nanking? Sticking kids with their bayonets, shooting civilians in the back of the head, chopping
off civilian head with samurai swords, engaging in horrid medical experiments on Chinese civilians, shot US POW's, raped the hell out of Phillipino
women and girls?
The same Japs?
My personal message would be that they can take their kangaroo court, hold hands with the court members, pucker up and French kiss my ***.
Depleted uranium! Right here on the beaches, we have more radioactive isotopes with larger levels of active decay than DU uses.
Just because it has the word "uranium" in it doesn't make it bomb quality.
And as a matter of fact, had they not attacked the US, and had they surrendered when told to, Nagasaki and Hiroshima would never have occurred.
Sounds like these guys need a radium enema.