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Obama folds to Conservative Anti-Humanism--Cuts Energy aid to Poor

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posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by inforeal have examples in history like Abraham Lincoln and Calvin Coolidge and you picked Nixon? Nixon also imposed price controls that devastated the economy and led to 10% inflation rates year over year throughout the 70s...Carter exacerbated the problem leading to what was known, by then, as stagflation.


edit on 12-2-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

My argument would be that higher education aside * government should regulate and not subsides industry . If you have a proper regulatory frame work in place then price gourging gouging the likes of New Zealand electricity company's have done to us Kiwis . Things like subsidies can also suppress demand if the basic cost of making an object is not meet so the cost to the tax payers goes up . The same people who subsides are spouse to help end up paying for them one way or another thou there tax bill .

* Investing in a free higher education for young people clearly sets up a country future . In the US the WW2 era GI Bill proves this . Other off topic thoughts on subsides and government regulation are for another thread . The key thing to remember is that government can over and under regulate .

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 08:58 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1

You really need to educate yourself and stop regurgitating the lies you are told and/or hear/read in certain mainstream medias. You, me and every other American citizen has an obligation to educate ourselves to the truth.

Please point out where there is, or has ever been, a "Conservative dictatorship." The Democrats have held Congressional majority far more times than the Republicans since the end of World War II. Refer to

Of the last 33 Congresses (the 79th in 1945 through the 111th ending 2010), the Democrats have held the majority TWENTY-TWO (22) times, compared to Republicans holding the majority a total of SIX (6) times and a split Congress resulting five (5) times.

22 times versus 6 times? Yet you see a "Conservative Dictatorship?" Really?

As far as a refusal to compromise, consult any number of polls conducted during the lead up to the passing of the Health Care Bill. The vast majority of Americans were against it. While i am neither a Democrat nor a Republican, i can honestly say that the Republicans DID offer many options to make health care affordable without the necessity of an unConstitutional mandate. The Democrats refused to consider those options and the President ridiculed them. Pelosi, then Speaker of the House, told us (the citizens) that we would have to wait until it passed in order to know what was in that Health Care Bill. To ME, that sounded like "you'll find out when WE tell you and then YOU will do as WE tell you." To me, THAT sounded dictatorial.

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
The GOP will protect with life and limb the following industries :
Energy, Big Pharm, Banks, Anyone with an account worth more then $10 Million.

Energy? Look at what this Administration has done for GE. Look at the multiple passes this Administration has given BP.

Banks? Who bailed them out?

Anyone with an account over $10mil? Go research who has been given passes by the current Administration from the laws created under the Healthcare Bill. Then go look up how much those companies are worth.

Big Pharma? Really? I'll even give you the information on that issue. Please notice that the majority of these stories are carried by decidedly liberal (and, in two cases, progressive liberal) leaning sources. In fact, i think only Newsweek could be possibly considered 'conservative.' ~ "Sen. Barack Obama is still number one. He has taken in $636,000 from the "pharmaceuticals/health products" sector. Sen. Hillary Clinton is in second place with $568,000. " ~ "The White House deal with Big Pharma undermines democracy" ... Obama's agreement with Big Pharma may help healthcare reform pass, but it may also mean higher drug prices for you" You REALLY might want to read this entire article. ~ "Barack Obama ran on the claim that he would be the new sheriff in town, that he and his posse of fresh-faced Rhodes Scholars would tame the capital's ruling class. But the first thing that he and his tacticians, Rahm Emanuel and Jim Messina, did on health care was to strike a bargain with Tauzin. Big Pharma, it was agreed last June, would kick in $80 billion over 10 years to help shrink the "donut hole" in seniors' Medicare prescription-drug coverage and would spend $150 million on a pro-reform ad campaign. In exchange, the White House would oppose congressional attempts to extract more, and would specifically fight two common-sense, long-overdue reforms that Big Pharma fears most: allowing imports of cheaper drugs and empowering Medicare to negotiate directly with the industryto keep prices down, as the VA long has done. The administration has similar understandings with other stakeholders, such as the hospital and doctors' groups—and still hopes to engineer one with the health insurers." ~ "Big Pharma opens wallet to Dems" .... "Democratic senators Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the top recipients of donations from the pharmaceutical industry, according to The Center for Responsive Politics, a non-profit, non-partisan research group in Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, donations to Sen. John McCain, who was recently endorsed by President Bush as the official Republican candidate, pale in comparison.
Obama maintains a slight edge over his Democratic rival, with $181,000 in Big Pharma donations through Jan. 31, compared with Clinton's $174,000, according to the center. McCain is far behind with $44,000. This is in spite of the fact that all three candidates have consistently bashed the pharma industry and vowed to lower drug prices, which would take a bite out of corporate profits." ~ "A memo obtained by the Huffington Post confirms that the White House and the pharmaceutical lobby secretly agreed to precisely the sort of wide-ranging deal that both parties have been denying over the past week." ~ "In closed-door negotiations with President Obama and his top aides throughout the spring, Big Pharma offered its support for comprehensive health care reform and pledged to cut $80 billion in costs over the next ten years. Just exactly what Obama promised in return wasn't made public and was the subject of intense debate on Capitol Hill Thursday, as senators wondered aloud if the White House had tied their legislative hands."

But, at the end of the day, it is necessary to note (and for you to learn) that our political 'system' (Dems vs Repubs) is really only two sides of the same coin. BOTH sides have spent us into an unsustainable situation. That certain members of the GOP (and most of them first-timers) are now trying to pull back on the spending is a result of the demand of the majority of American citizens.

We have no hope at all if everyone doesn't educate themselves of the truth.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 09:03 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
These people may be poor, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. It gets cold in the winter, and you have to prepare for it.

We feed them, do we have to keep them warm too?

This is a disgusting statement. Yes you do or you are the darkness.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:16 PM
Deregulation has caused this mess that we are all in today and it was all spearheaded by the entire Neo Conservative wing of the GOP whose seeds began to be planted during the Nixon admin as the last real GOP Pres was Eisenhower as at least he put nation above politics.

When Reagan was in who nowadays is being ran as the Second Coming of Christ or something kicked it in to overdrive in the 1980's and saw the crud get kicked into high gear.

The current radicalia sect of the entire GOP is seemingly to be in solid control of the party and are moving it so far out there that it is no longer making sense.

They also want to undo every single peice of legislation that either enhanced or reiterated protections that guaranteed or enhanced freedoms dating back to the implementation of the 14th Amendment and Reconstruction. Heck, even a few radicalia elements mainly rooted in the Bagger caucus wants to go as far and erradicate The Constitution and rewrite it to exempt LGBTI, All minorities and Women from possessing rights

When the Banking Dictatorship used the GOP to takeover in the 1980's brought forth the Neo Conservative Dictatorship that we currently remain under. When one side dominates both the discussion and policy then there is a dictaitorship.

Reagan was an actor and was installed to "Act the part" and do what he was told to do. The only upside and good thing he did was keep Amb. Leo Wanta employed and entrusted him with a vast wealth held in retainership on behalf of the American people and at last report all money remains accounted for. This is why the Global Banking Dictaitorship overseen by the Rothschilds clan wants to get a stonghold in Switzerland as The Swiss have what is undoubtedly the strongest and most stringent privacy laws on the planet.

Look at the episode of truTV's "Conspiracy Theory With Jesse Ventura" 's episode pertaining and covering The JFK Assassination. Clinton, Carter, Obama all do not hail from these groups inner circle but Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Reagan and 41. 41 ran point on behalf of TPTB during the entire 1980's who can be cited as one of the architects of this mess.

Every President since Johnson has been under their thumb and have been dictaiting policy using means via economical and mass murder terrorism. The moderates in the Conservative party are being phased out in favour of the more radicalia Baggers and just like how 43 manipulated the entire Evangelical movement to his caucus and when it became convient for him politically he threw them under the bus which tells me only one thing will happen, the Baggers enjoy your moment in the spotlight because as previously seen it will be short lived as the GOP will turn on you at the drop of a dime and make no mistake the entire Dems will be here to welcome you in as at least the Dems don't demonize people and will not ever throw someone under a bus for political gain just for being or thinking differently.

The real and only reason why the GOP elected a black man to be it's Chair was to try and show how diverse the GOP was but as of late Steele has been coming out as a more of a centrist then anything as of late, look at his appearances on MSNBC's "The Rachel Maddow Show" and you'll see he isn't as radical as the entire movement is becoming.

The greatest threat to our nation is when politicians put party and politics above and before nation as they will always create a recipe for disaster and will always leave the nation shortchanged while keeping the nation held back.
edit on 13-2-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
Deregulation has caused this mess that we are all in today and it was all spearheaded by the entire Neo Conservative wing of the GOP whose seeds began to be planted during the Nixon admin as the last real GOP Pres was Eisenhower as at least he put nation above politics.

When Reagan was in who nowadays is being ran as the Second Coming of Christ or something kicked it in to overdrive in the 1980's and saw the crud get kicked into high gear.

The current radicalia sect of the entire GOP is seemingly to be in solid control of the party and are moving it so far out there that it is no longer making sense.

They also want to undo every single peice of legislation that either enhanced or reiterated protections that guaranteed or enhanced freedoms dating back to the implementation of the 14th Amendment and Reconstruction.

So, then, you contend that the Republicans with their combined total of SIX Congressional session majorities are SO powerful that they overcame what the Democrats did in their TWENTY-TWO Congressional session majorities?

Do you have anything ... any links from reputable/respected sources ... any legislation up before House or Senate for a vote ... anything at all that definitively proves or even remotely supports your claims?

Do you truly believe that if they (the two parties) were nothing more than two sides of the same coin we would be in the predicament that we're now in?

Do you truly believe that you even know what you're talking about? Because, to be honest, i believe you're doing nothing but regurgitating unconnected bits of information that you've half-gleaned from sources you don't even fully understand.

Do you want to be part of the solution? Then LEARN to learn. Stop listening to the rhetoric of either side. Start by choosing an issue or two that really bothers YOU ... as in YOU ~ not some group;YOU personally ~ and research those issues back to their very inception. Look at voting records; find out who started it; find out WHY they started it. Begin to LEARN.

As long as you simply regurgitate, you do nothing but fuel the madness we find ourselves in.

posted on Feb, 13 2011 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by SeesFar

Which side attacked Motor Trend magazine for naming the 2011 Chevrolet Volt it's " highly coveted and respected "2011 Car Of The Year" award and how flipping dare The GOP come out and demonize and attack Chrysler for it's 2m03s commercial for the 2012 Chrysler 200 featuring rapper Eminem "Imported From Detroit" as it signaled the return of The Great American Automobile Industry from the ashes of deregulation and deconstruction of labour laws.

Common sense and logic grounded in reality and intelligence and a clear picture is all I need to cite what I cite as my IQ makes me a Top 25%'er which makes what I say absolutely correct and roughly less then 1500 or so members on this site out of the roughly 215,000 are actually as smart or smarter then me. I am rarely ever second guessed or challenged as what I say can usually be taken to the bank as fact. I know and have seen way more about how things really go then most.

People that require sources and proof sicken me as honest and good faith is never enough and people have to constantly prove themselves as that has the hallmarks of TPTB all over it as they play that game and we do not. Remember, the ones who require sources lack the understanding of a higher intelligence plane so it's up to people like me to inform the lesser intelligent and to show them the error of their ways.

Most every person who replies to my posts usually hit reply instantly without letting all the information sink in as they are quick to defend the party and that sickens me and should sicken all of us.

I've gotten 3 Commendations from the Mod Staff here for the manner in which I have presented my information and that in itself is not an easy task to accomplish given the nature of the topics here.

I've used common sense, reality and logic to get like a couple hundered disinfomation threads stopped cold with the lies being shut down. The entire GOP is celebrating this as they just scored a victory to aide in the destruction.

As to being apart of the solution listen, I may be only 31 years old but by most standards in this game of power I am a veteran as I've been battling them unofficially since around 1998 and officially since about 2002 as I do backchannel work and have used most every law they use against them effectively stopping a multitude of projects cold. I know more about how things really go on then most do. What I know would truly make you wet your pants and have a nightmare. I am one of the few people that they truly fear as I do not fear them and will and have already knocked a member of TPTB out cold just because I felt like it and to prove a point. They were told about me eons ago and were told I'd be the one that would bring forth their demise. I will break a limb of them and think nothing about it afterwards. I've had my neck under the guillotine on behalf on this nation on more then one occasion and will gladly continue to do it.

Look at my posting history and it paints the picture how the end of TPTB and their spiderweb of control will occur. You think that these recent dieoffs and attacks of every principle family of TPTB is coincidential, HA HA HA, that is bieng staged and systematically directed, this uprising in The Middle East, the end of The Federal Reserve is all occuring now. A multi pronged, multi faceted wave of attacks via multiple fronts will only increase in size and magnitude. Idiots think the greatest threat facing this nation is Americans keeping thier jobs and Muslims really have no clue.

My work orders have led me to meet and converse with a literate who's who of national politics over the last 2 decades or so and allowed me to meet at least 40 current and former Senators, at least 125 current and former Representatives, NJ's last 5 straight Govenors going back to Kean, all NY Govs going back to M. Cuomo and at least 25 or so former and current Govenors. I've met and had face time with people that others dream of and have threatened just about every single one of them.

These people cringe and shake in their boots when my name is mentioned. I am a protector as that is what my life path is. I'm in this until the day I die. They attack me at least 25 times a day as they don't know how to handle me as they've never seen anyone like me before and probally will not ever.

If they say, put a hit out on say you, I can get the hit stopped and cancelled.

I love how deflection and diversion attempts get stars but truth remans gets no stars as cold, hard dose of reality is always hardest to take in and isn't always pretty dressed up in a pink bow. Reality is cruel and heartless.
edit on 13-2-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by SeesFar

Which side attacked Motor Trend magazine for naming the 2011 Chevrolet Volt it's " highly coveted and respected "2011 Car Of The Year" award and how flipping dare The GOP come out and demonize and attack Chrysler for it's 2m03s commercial for the 2012 Chrysler 200 featuring rapper Eminem "Imported From Detroit" as it signaled the return of The Great American Automobile Industry from the ashes of deregulation and deconstruction of labour laws.

Common sense and logic grounded in reality and intelligence and a clear picture is all I need to cite what I cite as my IQ makes me a Top 25%'er which makes what I say absolutely correct and roughly less then 1500 or so members on this site out of the roughly 215,000 are actually as smart or smarter then me. I am rarely ever second guessed or challenged as what I say can usually be taken to the bank as fact. I know and have seen way more about how things really go then most.

People that require sources and proof sicken me as honest and good faith is never enough and people have to constantly prove themselves as that has the hallmarks of TPTB all over it as they play that game and we do not. Remember, the ones who require sources lack the understanding of a higher intelligence plane so it's up to people like me to inform the lesser intelligent and to show them the error of their ways.

Most every person who replies to my posts usually hit reply instantly without letting all the information sink in as they are quick to defend the party and that sickens me and should sicken all of us.

I've gotten 3 Commendations from the Mod Staff here for the manner in which I have presented my information and that in itself is not an easy task to accomplish given the nature of the topics here.

I've used common sense, reality and logic to get like a couple hundered disinfomation threads stopped cold with the lies being shut down. The entire GOP is celebrating this as they just scored a victory to aide in the destruction.

As to being apart of the solution listen, I may be only 31 years old but by most standards in this game of power I am a veteran as I've been battling them unofficially since around 1998 and officially since about 2002 as I do backchannel work and have used most every law they use against them effectively stopping a multitude of projects cold. I know more about how things really go on then most do. What I know would truly make you wet your pants and have a nightmare. I am one of the few people that they truly fear as I do not fear them and will and have already knocked a member of TPTB out cold just because I felt like it and to prove a point. They were told about me eons ago and were told I'd be the one that would bring forth their demise. I will break a limb of them and think nothing about it afterwards. I've had my neck under the guillotine on behalf on this nation on more then one occasion and will gladly continue to do it.

Look at my posting history and it paints the picture how the end of TPTB and their spiderweb of control will occur. You think that these recent dieoffs and attacks of every principle family of TPTB is coincidential, HA HA HA, that is bieng staged and systematically directed, this uprising in The Middle East, the end of The Federal Reserve is all occuring now. A multi pronged, multi faceted wave of attacks via multiple fronts will only increase in size and magnitude. Idiots think the greatest threat facing this nation is Americans keeping thier jobs and Muslims really have no clue.

My work orders have led me to meet and converse with a literate who's who of national politics over the last 2 decades or so and allowed me to meet at least 40 current and former Senators, at least 125 current and former Representatives, NJ's last 5 straight Govenors going back to Kean, all NY Govs going back to M. Cuomo and at least 25 or so former and current Govenors. I've met and had face time with people that others dream of and have threatened just about every single one of them.

These people cringe and shake in their boots when my name is mentioned. I am a protector as that is what my life path is. I'm in this until the day I die. They attack me at least 25 times a day as they don't know how to handle me as they've never seen anyone like me before and probally will not ever.

If they say, put a hit out on say you, I can get the hit stopped and cancelled.

My bad. Obviously I had no way of knowing you were Superman, Hulk, Rambo, and the Vendetta guy all rolled into one, foretold eons ago as coming to bring forth the demise of TPTB. You're here to save the world and you picked ATS to do it?!
Was that part foretold as well or was it a surprise? And upwards of 25 attacks against you per day? My, my, my.

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1I love how deflection and diversion attempts get stars ... (snipped)
edit on 13-2-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

I can't argue because you did THAT exceedingly well
.... though i seem to have missed the stars? ... no matter, probably my fault again. I am compelled to ask: did you have to knock anyone out to do it? Stop any hits? Break any limbs, dodge guillotines, or beat up any politicians? Because, seriously, dude, you performed a LOT of deflection. Bravo!

You met with a literate who's who of national politics? Now, see, i find that intriguing because, when combined with your top 25% IQ, you should now be able to easily tell us which of them are illiterate. I've had my suspicions and so, i'm sure, have others on this site.

Emmmmmm, actually, yes, you do have to provide reputable, credible sources if you want anyone to believe that you truly do know what you're talking about. Mere mortals such as myself have no access to your (surely) top secret file that contains the astounding results of your IQ tests, all your awards of merit, and your glow-in-the-dark decoder ring and cape certifications.

It's a two-edged sword, this life you lead, because since we can see neither your heroic actions, nor your credentials, nor your seemingly magnificent self, we must presume you're just an Average Joe like everyone else on here which, unfortunately, puts you into that "put up or shut up" realm in which we lesser mortals reside. It's in the SuperHero handbook, i believe. Page 403, maybe? Superman had to do it; Spiderman had to do it; i'm telling you, it's in the Handbook! You are obligated to pretend to be mortal for a certain percentage of time. Unless you got a waiver when you were foretold? We'll need to see the waiver, please.

Well, then, don't let me keep you from your cringing of people, shaking of boots and award acceptances. Off you go to save the world!

Bless you heart. Oh, and i hope Eminem gets his car, too. Really!

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 09:59 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
These people may be poor, but that doesn't mean they are stupid. It gets cold in the winter, and you have to prepare for it.

We feed them, do we have to keep them warm too?

I don't mind my tax money going to help the less fortunate, It's 1 million times better then it going to some fat cat owned corporation that is in need of a bailout.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I did not read every reply, but thought I would throw in my two cents worth.

I can only comment on the heating assistance program in my county, but the biggest problem that I see is that it takes two or three $80,000 a year jobs to hand out a few $600.00 assistance checks.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:11 AM
I know a great way to save money.

We aid the elderly, the handicapped. It's charitable, and a nice thing to do.

But we cut ALL aid, ALL welfare to able-bodied men and women under the age of, oh say, 55. Sweep a floor, wash a plate, create your own business!

But do it yourself and stop whining about the government not giving you enough of MY damned money!!!!

Sorry, rant over. Go back to bashing people who work for a living. . . . .

edit on 14-2-2011 by beezzer because: because I have issues

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 11:20 AM
The major issue in Michigan and probably other states is people get money to pay the bills but they don't. Then when things are going to be turned off they go for help and it's almost no questions asked. I've been to a couples home that does that and they keep it nice and warm compaired to my place that cost me 130$ a month on the average. They get charged 500-600$ a month but don't think about it because they always get somebody else to pay for it same with theeir electric and water bill.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by SeesFar

The actions done by me are all kept under wraps as the idiots and morons of society will think that no one cares and will try to impose their will upon items it knows clearly nothing about.

The avenues that remain available to me to this day are the ONLY groups guaranteeing that this great nation will be great once again. It got me privvy to certain info that I typically wouldn't've gotten and have since used said avenues to block draconian legislation cold.

A small sampling of what I've done for democracy and freedom :
This is the avenue that was used to order financial reform that decreed the end of The Federal Reserve, healthcare reform, eliminate "DADT", stopped the NAU and NAFTA, eliminated and ended Codex Aluminatrius, ordered the nuclear weapon drawdown as no nation shall have enough nukes to effectively wipe the planet out, forced non petrolchem powered transportation into production, investigated the claim of "Iraq, wmd and 9/11" for which none could be found effectively ending the Iraqi theatre, investigated 9/11 and while investigating every single secert society in the US and determined without a shadow of a doubt that bin Ladin and al-Qaida had nothing to do with the attacks leading to identify TPTB as perpritraiting the attacks, ordered an investigation into the shootings that were committed by members of The Lousiana National Guard during Katrina, looked into the indiscretions of at least 6 Congresspeople, 3 Governors and proved that all were fraudulent, identified the "Forclousuregate" before it became news and ordered items done to correct it to soften the blow, ordered the bailouts of the auto industry, banking industry (looking at it nearly 2 1/2 yrs on that this was a real bad idea and should've let them collapse) while ordering that the taxpayer not be on the hook for a single cent, ordered the total and complete restoration of The United States Constution, the Sovereignty of The USA, ended the Bush Dictaitorship by sequencing with The Pentagon that if he did not leave willingly on Jan 20 2009 they were to send 4 armed Humvee's with 4 soliers armed to the "t" to the WH and to remove him and his family by force if need be (thank God it never came to that, imagine how the msm would've spun that to see Humvee's at The WH?), changed policy pertaining to how we deal with Islamic extremisits groups whereas we used to go after the end result and would never go after the causes which has led to a decrease in global acts of terrorism because the root is being addressed as we are now addressing economical and social issues. - All done while most cared more about mindless things like American Idol and sports.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by TheImmaculateD1
reply to post by SeesFar

The actions done by me are all kept under wraps as the idiots and morons of society will think that no one cares and will try to impose their will upon items it knows clearly nothing about.

The avenues that remain available to me to this day are the ONLY groups guaranteeing that this great nation will be great once again. It got me privvy to certain info that I typically wouldn't've gotten and have since used said avenues to block draconian legislation cold.

A small sampling of what I've done for democracy and freedom :
This is the avenue that was used to order financial reform that decreed the end of The Federal Reserve, healthcare reform, eliminate "DADT", stopped the NAU and NAFTA, eliminated and ended Codex Aluminatrius, ordered the nuclear weapon drawdown as no nation shall have enough nukes to effectively wipe the planet out, forced non petrolchem powered transportation into production, investigated the claim of "Iraq, wmd and 9/11" for which none could be found effectively ending the Iraqi theatre, investigated 9/11 and while investigating every single secert society in the US and determined without a shadow of a doubt that bin Ladin and al-Qaida had nothing to do with the attacks leading to identify TPTB as perpritraiting the attacks, ordered an investigation into the shootings that were committed by members of The Lousiana National Guard during Katrina, looked into the indiscretions of at least 6 Congresspeople, 3 Governors and proved that all were fraudulent, identified the "Forclousuregate" before it became news and ordered items done to correct it to soften the blow, ordered the bailouts of the auto industry, banking industry (looking at it nearly 2 1/2 yrs on that this was a real bad idea and should've let them collapse) while ordering that the taxpayer not be on the hook for a single cent, ordered the total and complete restoration of The United States Constution, the Sovereignty of The USA, ended the Bush Dictaitorship by sequencing with The Pentagon that if he did not leave willingly on Jan 20 2009 they were to send 4 armed Humvee's with 4 soliers armed to the "t" to the WH and to remove him and his family by force if need be (thank God it never came to that, imagine how the msm would've spun that to see Humvee's at The WH?), changed policy pertaining to how we deal with Islamic extremisits groups whereas we used to go after the end result and would never go after the causes which has led to a decrease in global acts of terrorism because the root is being addressed as we are now addressing economical and social issues. - All done while most cared more about mindless things like American Idol and sports.

Bad news. Codex Alimentarius passed right along with s510. Don't believe me? Check it out for yourself right at the source:

You stopped the NAU and NAFTA? Really? You'd better sit down for the next part, then:

In a ceremony designed to remain below the radar of national public opinion, Obama and Harper bypassed Congress to sign on the basis of their executive authority a declaration that put in place a new national security vision defined not by U.S. national borders, but by a continental view of a "North American perimeter." It happened Friday, the day the Obama administration usually pushes through issues that it prefers the media ignore. By signing the declaration, the Obama administration has implemented without congressional approval a key initiative President Bush began under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, moving the United States and Canada beyond the North American Free Trade Agreement, commonly known as NAFTA, toward a developing North American Union regional government. Read more: Obama signature creates 'continental perimeter'

Would you just look at that? He not only bypassed Congress ... he bypassed YOU! Now what?! I guess you're going to have to go break some more limbs or fly guillotines or whatever it is that you do.

Now, i realize that WND is considered by many to be, at best, a 'dicey' source. Sometimes, though, it's those dicey sources who are the only ones willing to sneak some truth out. I would be absolutely delighted to provide you a more reliable, mainstream source for this news ... but it's just the darnedest thing that there appears to not be any. So, to balance out the questionable nature of the source, i offer you these links to very reliable sources as supporting citation:

You decreed the end of the Federal Reserve? Did you tell anyone yet? I'm compelled to ask because everyone else thinks the Fed is still in business ... including Bernanke and the President. Did you know that Bernanke got rid of the biggest QE2 opponent today, which is going to make it a lot easier for him to keep printing money and buying bonds? No, it happened. Just a few hours ago. Really, really:

Enough of your foolishness, please. If you would like to discuss the issues and can provide credible sources to prove your points, I am glad to debate you. However, if you're going to continue in what appears to be your own delusion, i shall not waste another moment of my time or ATS' space.

If you truly believe the things you're portraying as your abilities and accomplishments, you might need to seek the services of a mental health professional. I'm not saying that to be unkind or sarcastic. If you really believe you've done those things you've listed, that you were "foretold eons ago," etc., then you likely need a mental health assessment. Please don't be embarrassed to seek the opinion of a mental health professional; a lot of people are overcome by stress-related illnesses these days.

If you are only making this stuff up to be seen as important, then you have failed ~ utterly and completely.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:41 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

That is an ignorant and fundamentally racist statement. There are far more poor whites below the poverty line than minorites and to suggest that non-whites are typically poor is insulting.

The issue here is what is the definition of poor. Is a person who receives free housing, food, medical care, education, transportation, poor? Perhaps they are, it depends on your definition.

Is someone who has cable TV poor? If they live in an apartment which to heat would be, say $100/month if they are paying that amount for cable are they entitled to a heating subsidy? No they are not. If they have access to a bus route and have a car, are they entitled to a heating subsidy? No they are not. If they have a cell phone are they entitled to a heating subsidy? No they are not.

The challenge with all of these programs is that there is little if any qualification regarding their distribution. There is no obligation on the part of the recipient to do what they can do avoid getting the subsidy. I have absolutely no problem with giving free heating to folks who are doing what they can to cut costs and can not afford heating. I'm not willing to support giving someone with the items above free heating.

Are the elderly and handicapped different? Yes they are

The able bodied poor don't need any additional subsidies. let them work for them. Plenty of parks need cleaning, grafitti needs to be painted over, floors in government buildings that need to be swept and mopped, all kinds of things that need to be done that folks should have to do if they are able to get a subsidy.

There is also the option to move somewhere where it is not super cold. Oh, I forgot that places an inordinant amount of burden on that person. Detroit's job market gets hammered and suggest that folks relocate to a place where there are jobs? No can do.

There was a time in this country where when things weren't good folks packed up their stuff and headed to someplace where they could better their circumstances. Today its too much to ask for folks to get on a train.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:45 PM
Well they wanted to send grandma home to die with no treatments in the health care bill.. This way she can die at home from exposure to extreme heat or cold.

The republicans can kill granny cheaper. Obama is a wise man.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by SeesFar

Codex died in 2008 and was ordered off the table permanently as a few people myself included decreed the USA our corporation and decreed the citizens the nations employees and exempted the nation from participation in Codex using Corporate Personhood laws against the very entities who tried to get it implemented as well and can assure you that roughly the top like 50 or so food conglomerates including the likes of ConAgra Foods, PepsiCo, Inc., KFC, Burger King, Wendy's, White Castle, Purina, Ralston, Wakefern Foods, A&P, Hershey's, M&M's/Mars, Table Talk Pies, Malt O Meal Foods, Quaker Corporation, Domino Sugar, Pepperidge Farm, Arnold's Breads, The Pillsbury Company, LLC, General Mills, Inc. and quite a few dozen others are already on board and have firmly taken a stance against Codex.

Read the following thread called, "Codex Implemented, Oil Spill"

Legal loopholes allow states and smaller governments to opt out of it. Participation is optional and not complusory. The end result is they want to make it compulsory but too many obstacles and hurdles stand between them and global implementation. The NAU could in effect tell the Global hierarchy that quite simply it will not participate and the global structure has no choice but to abide.

Also, how Corporate Personhood can apply to people means that if you get enough "corporations" together and acting under the guise of a conglamerate can in effect deny any global entity the autourity to implement Codex in thier hometown or home nation. The "conglamerate" can in effect demand that it be excluded and have its employees not be subjectable to it.

That kills NAFTA/NAU and Codex right there.

How the end of The Federal Reserve is occurring is look at how we are going to China and Saudi Arabia as of late for money and aren't asking these morons for a single penny. They crashed and almost obliterated the economy and the entire world is waking up to the con.

It's already happening and expect for the first year or two from now that not much will be known but do trust by mid decade the floodgates open. Cannot expand on much at this time beyond now.

You know how a dog will chase it's tail for apparently no reason (Some say it's symbolic of something but am unsure of what), well we gotta make sure that TPTB/NWO continually chases theirs. Keep them on their toes, keep them looking over their shoulders, make them lose sleep at night, the fear of "We are everywhere and nowhere all at the same time" rings forever like a tape on a permanent loop as a reminder. As long as we maintain this all the while remaining non hostile they will keep their attention on us and not on it's work so effectively we've got them defeated and are beating them there. Relentless assault. Never give up! We are winning. This is how non violent revolution is conducted. Typically psychological and hallucinagenical with a dose of the paranormal.

The groundwork for something like this is under construction as we speak as the days of Fed control over this nation is over and done. That was a focal point of the financial reform bill. To erase Fed control and since very few actually read it they signed themselves into oblivion.

There has been a mass exodus as of late with regards to the mainstays. This is the flock fleeing before TSHTF. This decade everything changes but will change for the better.

Hence why any violent action now committed by a member of the populous now would be the absolute last thing we would want now as that will mess everything up.

Since the Federal Reserve masters have little influence in China currently this is us kicking them to the curb. However do not expect to hear much regarding this topic unless you got a direct source to the negotiations even via that avenue do not expect to hear much as something like this will tilt the balance back into our favour.

History is Being Made Right Now - World Global Settlements and Asset-Backed Currencies

Defactowise we are on unofficial Def Con 4 now so that whatever happens we are prepared for it. Another terrorist attack is very likely now unfortunately as these psychotic douchebags will blow up another building or two just to prove a point. Let's keep a very close eye on as much as possible because my friends we are living in some very interesting times. It is all apart of a strategic multi pronged attack from as many avenues in as possible at once for maximum effectiveness which thus far continues to be working and will increase in size and magnitude as time passes eventually apexing and concluding suddenly.

This is how war is fought without firing one shot!

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 05:24 PM
Remember the Anthrax attacks of 2001 and how they first tried to pin it on Ft. Deitrick, Maryland scientists Dr. Ayaad Assaad then Dr. Steven Hatfill both of which were exonerated and had both records wiped clean and after seeing a YouTube video about the events presented by Discovery Channel entitled, "Who was behind the anthrax attacks of 2001" and investigated it to learn that Dr. Bruce E. Ivins became the principle suspect and later offed himself because he could no longer deal with the guilt. As the anthrax strain used was one of 79 known strains and the only strain that is under the complete control of The USA.

I served as the mediator during the backchannel negotiation to clear Dr. Hatfil of any and all charges and got his medical license reinstated and got him a nice payout for being scapegoated.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:20 PM
link Ahh the Greedy Old Party. If Ebeneezer Scrooge was a real person he would be in the GOP.

posted on Feb, 14 2011 @ 06:54 PM
The proof that Republicans are anti-human, hate the poor, and love the rich is that rarely do they criticize the Wall Street banksters, who aught to be in jail, who got the most welfare than all the welfare given to anyone else in history combined!

But you never hear them condemn them, do you? Even if they do its never followed up by voting in a law that would control these thieves. They were almost 100 percent against the financial reform [even watered down by the wimpy democrats] bill that would prevent another catastrophic depression like in 2008.

Not one Republican in the Senate voted for the bill!

It is a miracle that lower and middle class people vote for Republicans who 100 percent don’t give a dam about you unless you are a millionaire, near millionaire, or billionaire.

Thats demonstrated every day.

Yet people still vote in these Republicans, who do nothing for the ordinary Americans, love the rich, hate the poor, are inhuman, selfish, often racist, often ignorant—Sarah Palin for example, often mad—Glen Beck for example, to the detriment to themselves!


edit on 14-2-2011 by inforeal because: typo

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