posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Back in the '90's when I was in high school (what feels like an eternity ago), when the Internet was in its toddler years, we had these things
called BBSes, or Bulletin Board Systems--archaic versions of ATS. Most of these were locally-based, and one in particular that I was a member of used
to hold what we called GTs, or "get togethers". Members would meet up to put faces to the names. It wasn't officially endorsed by the BBS itself,
just thrown together by the members--of which I have fond (and some not-so-fond) memories. Do ATS members ever do anything like this? I'm relatively
new here.
The reason I ask this is that--because ATS has a worldwide membership--if its members ever were to do something like this, it may help if there were
regional forums to make it easier to find people in your particular area. I live in Arizona, so if there were an "Arizona Forum", or even a
"Southwest US" forum, it would make it easier for members out here to organize.
I realize this would be incredibly tedious and time consuming (not to mention resource consuming) for the staff to set up regional forums on a
worldwide level, but has this ever been considered? Is it even worth exploring, or would it just make it easier for men in black suits to give us a
hard time?
Maybe there's already a feature I'm not aware of that addresses this, or I just can't find them, but I thought I'd ask.