I joined ATS in the summer last year, but I have been lurking around here longer then that.
I've always been interrested in predictions but nothing predicted here on ATS ever seem to be accurate.
Some examples from the last months:
* Baba Vanga predicted WW3 in november last year. That was heavily discussed and N korea actually attacked S Korea with a few shells in late november,
but that didn't cause WW3. So that prediction was false.
* Webbot and Timeline predictions stated that some big event should occur early november last year. Nothing at all happened and the date was moved
forward in time for whatever reason. Still nothing happened. This was also discussed alot here on ATS but turned out to be false.
* Some people predicted a terrorist attack on Superbowl (some even linked it to the locked down Dugway military base and VX nerve gas). The only
people that had a bad feeling and was accurate on this Superbowl prediction must have been Pittsburgh fans
False again.
Those were just some examples of very actively discussed predictions lately, that were false.
MEANWHILE alot of big events occured around the world.
Mass dieoffs of animals around the globe.
Flooding in Australia.
Uprising in Northern Africa.
Those were all really big events but not a word about them in the predictions here on ATS.
Surely, if some people claim they can accurately predict the future those events would show up in one way or another you'd think?
The predictions posted here at the moment are so bad, that I actually start to worry more when nothing is predicted. Thats when things seem to
I might be wrong since I haven't been around on ATS for that long but can you please give me some predictions that was posted here on ATS that was
actually precise in date and spot on?
I can't find any and I'm about to considering to stop wasting my time reading any ATS posted prediction at all from now on. They just seem to be a
big waste of time...