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Alex Jones? AndreaPsorasPDF, & NSA smearing Jeff Boss?!?!?!

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:56 AM
So there has been all these posts about AJ cutting off some caller and the pole shift and a mysterious PDF... well I googled the author(?)Andrea Psoras. Her linked in profile has a wealth of info regarding her has knowledge, education, and experience. Then I looked at her other hits....she think she is under scalar she is also she makes various comments on various forums stating this and that conspiracies. Then I came to she is running for VPOTUS on the Democratic ticket for New Jersey 2012 with a guy named Jeff Boss POTUS this is where it gets really bizarro world. He claims he has an NSA list with all the names of their agents 9/11conspiratorz videos so on so forth. Check it out and tell me what you all think. If AJ did cut them off maybe he is familiar with those two in more ways than one. I felt like I was ink bizzaro world because the two AP and JB seemed to be educated affluent people who may be getting smeared or made to look like like babbling brooks. Thanks
Andrea Psoras no stranger to Prison Planet

edit on 7-2-2011 by sirjunlegun because: Psoras is familiar with Prison Planet and CS

edit on 7-2-2011 by sirjunlegun because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

You should add the source for your information for others that might want to see what your talking about.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by sirjunlegun
So there has been all these posts about AJ cutting off some caller and the pole shift and a mysterious PDF... well I googled the author(?)Andrea Psoras. Her linked in profile has a wealth of info regarding her has knowledge, education, and experience. Then I looked at her other hits....she think she is under scalar she is also she makes various comments on various forums stating this and that conspiracies. Then I came to she is running for VPOTUS on the Democratic ticket for New Jersey 2012 with a guy named Jeff Boss POTUS this is where it gets really bizarro world. He claims he has an NSA list with all the names of their agents 9/11conspiratorz videos so on so forth. Check it out and tell me what you all think. If AJ did cut them off maybe he is familiar with those two in more ways than one. I felt like I was in bizzaro world because the two AP and JB seemed to be educated affluent people who may be getting smeared or made to look like like babbling brooks. Thanks
google their names please.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by sirjunlegun

Hey everyone! I found Jeff Boss's website and looked at the list he provided. The list included a dynamic range of people and/or persons. He lists ALL employees from Target, Walmart, and Staples in a particular part of NJ. What the heck? The NSA is trying to keep these people quiet for knowing about the "so called" 911 conspiracy. I have an open mind, but I just find this hard to believe! He also has some videos on YouTube talking with some NSA agents. The acting is not convincing. I think his drive for Presidency is a fraud. If he thinks I would vote for someone claiming what he is claiming, he is 100% on drugs.

Have a great day!!

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:55 PM
Jungle Gun, I didnt call into Alex's show not on that day and regarding that subject. It's also unprofessional for Alex to let the incorrection/error to proliforate, but then again the ciansa does a great deal of mind control on many people and in effect controls the media. the ciansa are fourth reich nazi organs any way so understand what you're dealing with in the continued commercial and social war waged by the fourth reich/nazi international.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 12:59 PM
911, Jeff Boss, Andrea Psoras and the NSA
again, understand what Jeff Boss has said about the NSA. It is natural that they'd smear him and attempt in virtually any possible way to descredit him, after they'd been a part of the fourth reich's reichstag under the bushes and jeff's family member talking about 911 at a point 6 months before it happened and that family member had/has top security clearance at the nsa, that organ would smear Jeff. Actually they waste billions stalking him, hounding him, surveilling him and while he stayed with my help, what we got put through again, it's disgraceful and quite nazi-esque.

posted on Jul, 15 2011 @ 01:01 PM
Actually Alex has me on one of his DVDs while he was in NY at the Republican National Convention in 2000, we were at the WTC site. I was a 911 'survivor' and thank God didnt have to be dragged from one of the buildings but was evacuating from the WFC and passed accross the vicinity of 6WTC and 7WTC, just before 6WTC was blown UP. I emailed Alex not much after that. He and Ruppert ignored me but Ruppert is heavily NSA controlled by ciansa mindcontrol technology.

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