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Change your PAST, and you will change your FUTURE!

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posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:25 PM
Awesome thread, ive always thought of time as something we never really understood and you kinda have the same outlook as i have on it. let me tell you what i think.

i think everything is written. Everything you do, heres where it gets confusing. i believe that we can change whats written for us by certain actions and breaktroughs in your mind. Just like you said it doesn't change until we become aware of it. So its like There are millions and millions of scenarios in which we can change our lives daily and each of those scenarios is already written in stone. Its up to you on which scenario you will choose and just like you said it depends on awareness. I believe the end of the road is being grateful, you cant change your past physically, but you can change your reaction to it and be happy because everything happens for a reason! When you understand that then you see how it all makes sense. Everything happens so you can learn a life lesson, nothing happens by accident, you just got to be aware of that and find the lesson that is trying to be taught instead of self pity. and with that in mind you can change your future. Thats what ive come to understand. any thoughts?
edit on 7-2-2011 by lifer201 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
reply to post by LargeFries

I'm not coming at this from the viewpoint of wanting to change my past...
but rather, I think I've might have been in contact with a future self, or selves...
and well, they have worked with me, to change THEIR PRESENT....our future.
I've never really had the gumption to get into my past lives, ect. although, I am finding myself remembering things long forgotten, randomly in quick order, like someone accessing the data from me, so who knows...maybe it's in my future.

Would you be willing to share some more details about this? how do you know that you are altering their present? how do you know it is you? how is communication done?

Thanks again for sharing!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:57 PM
My father did this very same thing. He physically hurt his children, but now he claims he never hit us (it was the wall or whatever else that bruised my body and broke my ribs). He tortured his children emotionally, now he thinks he only Loved them and Protected them. He interfered with every possible accomplishment with ridicule and disgust, but now he says, "he is so proud of all of his children"; I have never heard him actually say it, only others tell me this is what he tells them.

Perhaps he is right about his children, because the last time we spoke he told me "you are no son of mine". He finally changed his past once and for all and now I do not exist.

I have tried to forget the past in my attempts at building another future for myself, I really have, for me it has been a daily recreation. I have the future part working for me now, now that I refuse to allow this monster, I called "Dad", into my life. I am saddened about losing my brothers and my sister, even my mom, but I have to keep them out as well since they too have rewritten the past for themselves. They don't understand why I cannot just forget and forgive, but how can you forgive someone that has no memory of such a past? You cannot!

I am officially an orphan in my mind now and I do feel wonderful about it, I know I didn't do anything wrong. I cannot rebuild the childhood I had but I can remember the fun I managed to create on my own, this much I can do. I even changed my name. The pain is always there for me and often I see the results of my torture first hand when I realize that I am facing yet again another block from the past! Sometimes it is a daily struggle but I keep trying no matter what. It is not as simple as making a wish, but, I keep making wishes and they keep coming true; it is just hard sometimes as the past is my Demon and it finds a way to creep into me when I least expect it.

If I could go back with what I know now, there would be one less Monster in the World today, and I am not talking about my own Demon, I would kill him and face a different Demon entirely. Killing him now would only destroy something that did not exist in the past, so I say this without fear, because I am better than he is and I won't ever forget, my Demon won't let me.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by chocise
ahhhhhhh rrrrrrrright,
sorry m8, dream away, the unequivocal fact remains: the past is unchangeable. Time moves forward, not backwards.

The very idea of an "arrow of time" isn't what we think. The new physics is bringing that into question

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:08 PM
reply to post by Greensage

If you need someone to chat with U2U me!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

That's not true, the really 'new' physics isn't. least the WSM Theory [Wave Standing Motion] implies it isn't possible, and that would fit with both the observable & experienced... so at present, WSM does it for me.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:20 PM
Interesting read, OP, and thank you.

We should all be careful what we wish for, though. Sometimes, changing the past may not be all it's cracked up to be. Remember this old flick?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by Greensage

Thank you for your sharing Greensage. You raise the spectre of the very crux of the problem with this injustice, but I would like to point out that there are still many different ways available to you as to how this could be resolved, none of which need involve killing anyone, or anything. What might forgiveness look like to you, in a perfect world? Try simply imagining that, and getting into that space of freedom. No need to reply here, feel free to U2U however.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:10 PM
This really puts a new spin on the concept of reincarnation and the path of the soul, especially the notion that the soul chooses the family we are born into in order to be set upon a particular path and be met with specific obstacles, challenges, traumas throughout our life, in order to deal with past life karma and subsequently move towards an intended and/or destined life path. So if this life intention is already being lived out in the future, then I suppose that in itself would guarantee certain life altering incidents, hardships, mistakes to be also taking place in our past, because without them we wouldn't get to where we need to go.

Does this mean that we can do a "Neo" and consciously make the choice to not follow our already written calling in life - our prophecy? Would make the necessity for karma suddenly not necessary at all. Wow, imagine that - karma as a CHOICE!

Great post - nothing like a good mind boggle in the morning

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by Gseven

The past is set in stone in that the physical actions that happened cannot be changed. However, the quantum effects of the past that have been left inside of your being can be changed, and there for, effect and change your past influences

So what you're telling me here is that I can't actually change anything physically but I can use Quantum Physics to change how I FELT about something in the past?

Isn't that what counseling is for?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

I am sorry, you may have misunderstood, I cannot kill him because that man I spoke of exists only in the past. I can only prevent him and anyone like him from entering my world (my present and future).

You see, this is the argument I have for Capital Punishment. Our system does not work because by the time they do execute the Monster they have given it/him/her the opportunity to cleanse themselves of their Evil deeds. I believe that Justice should be swift, that execution should be 24-48 hours after a judgment is rendered. If in fact an innocent dies then I am comforted that the Jury could not see it and that GOD will witness them as an innocent and accept them with open arms.

Do I think that child abuse should be dealt with by Capital Punishment, no I do not; but, this Monster did change I just could not forget while I made my own changes.

I am thankful for the Demon I have, I have grown to know this Demon and his name is Dad, any other could be worse.

I will not be killing today or any other day, I merely wanted to show how easy it was for someone to change their past. I have seen it first hand.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:22 PM
Actually the op was trying to bring in into focus from a perspective that those who looking through the looking glass that can not see from past experiences. Not realizing the past is cloulding the direction of the furture.
What it boils down inside the bottom of the pot is ignorance the commonality of all people. Everyone is born ignorant it's life experiences that set's the furtures direction, forgiveness is love, not a weapon or a tool for revenge
Forgive the past and remove the crappy cloud, so you can see where the hell your going! It also gives one new set of eyes to see with, new perception's new realizations new thoughts new style of thinking, snowball effect turning into a gaint snowball, the more you change the more you see. The less ignorant you are to yourself and others.
and the more open you are to energies

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Greensage

I once knew a guy who had a demon for a dad, and his dad had passed away, but therafter lived in hell as far as my friend was concerned, his dad abused them and their mother severely and was an alchoholic. He even managed to seduce my friend's wife and lure her into adultery, can you imagine? My friend, who was really someone I was trying to help who'd I'd met through AA, he lived a tortured life having a demon dad in hell, and was unable to break free, when what he needed to do, but was unwilling to do, was to forgive his dad in spite of the evils, not even for his dad's sake, but for his own. Had he freed his dad, he could have freed himself, but instead he chose to have a demon dad in hell, and as such, there was always this hand reaching up to pull him down. Hatred and vengeance, even in the face of evil and wickedness, is itself an evil and wicked thing to engage in, and to feed - why not put an end to the whole cycle as a historical dynamic..?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by The Djin

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by The Djin

Evidence evidence, prove it prove it!

By chance, were you disappointed a LOT by false promises made to you as a child? Be honest.

Amazing how such a minor request draws such hostility, by chance does Santa still brings you goodies at xmas time ?

This thread is continuing to astound me with its synchronicity. This is not personal attack, mind you, but merely an observation.....

Your name is Djin. The definition of which is as follows:

Jinn (Arabic: جن jinn, singular جني jinnī; variant spelling djinn) or genies are supernatural creatures in Arab folklore and Islamic teachings which occupy a parallel world to that of mankind. Together, jinn, humans and angels make up the three sentient creations of Allah. According to the Qur’ān, there are two creations that have free will: humans and jinn. Religious sources say barely anything about them; however, the Qur’an mentions that jinn are made of smokeless flame or "the fire of a scorching wind".

[1] They have the ability to change their shape. Like human beings, the jinn can also be good, evil, or neutrally benevolent.

[2] The jinn are mentioned frequently in the Qur’an, and there is a surah entitled Sūrat al-Jinn in the Quran. Some research by the American Jewish Committee has shown that the belief in jinn has fallen compared to the belief in angels in other Abrahamic traditions.

I just found it ironic that with your stance and approach to this topic, your name is also Djin. Nothing wrong with it...just ironic.

Anyway, I don't care for Deepak Chopra, by the way, and I didn't ask for anyone's money, so I can't give you a money back guarantee!
Nothing wrong with Deepak....he's just not my cup of tea from the few things I've heard from him.

And there were directions in my OP, by the way. But if you're looking to take tangible ingredients out of your cupboard to make this recipe, you might disappointed. (I will try to find more sources to help everyone out a bit better, so hold tight.) I will state this for the record....we are ALL lost. That is a given, and it's stated many times in religious texts all over the world. We are born that way. The lost lead the lost, and everyone becomes more lost. But in the rare event that science, (in this case, Quantum Physics), can zero in on known facts, it changes the game dramatically, and in turn, changes the evolution of human consciousness. We are currently - all of us in this thread - entertaining news conscious ideas within our collective human consciousness. Where it goes from here, who knows? But I personally wish for this outcome rather than what's contained in countless threads all over this website. This is far more exciting and hopeful, is it not? What if I choose to believe it, and it comes true, yet you choose to not believe, and it never comes true? Will you have proven the overall concept to be true by your own disbelief? (Hypothetically, that is.) No one is saying that this entire subject isn't mind-boggling, because IT IS! Even scientists have difficulty wrapping their brains around it, but it doesn't make it any less real. Does it mean we should not open ourselves up to the possibility?

I don't believe we were ever meant to be dis-empowered. I don't believe we were ever meant to be the victim of anything, and therein lies the flaw of our thinking.

I will post more on this in a bit. I have to find a couple more sources that will help me out.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:40 PM
reply to post by Gseven

I think the truth, hidden from us for whatever reason, is that we are freer than we can possibly imagine.

Personally I rather like the idea of the little man getting ahead of the curve regarding issues of authentic empowerment because it changes the whole game, and moves the goalposts so far that the PTB won't even know were to begin once they discover that their power base simply vanished in the twinkling of an eye..

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by NewAgeMan

Yes, I believe I too was just like this friend, but I was not so lucky to have my Dad die as much as I wished it and I will admit I would have sold my soul to have see him die; but now, many years later I see the negative to that wish and had he died I would never have been able to forgive myself.

This is the path I took to help me. I started to forgive myself and I started to reach in and forgive that small child who did nothing wrong. The dynamics of the Monster can be unraveled and unraveled, but the saving is from within when we all come to realize that when that time comes we will all have a chance to view our Life as a Whole. This is what carries my actions and my thoughts in a better direction (from this moment forward), this is how I had the strength to finally say "No more" and to stop reaching out to a Family that did not deserve me.

I have since found many avenues to reach for a better tomorrow, and one way I prevent the past from happening again is by remembering. It is often harder to forgive oneself than it is to forgive others, so I manage without forgiving him.

It is interesting, I had him in my dreams last night and in those dreams I confronted him and of course he denied it and behind me stood my mother screaming at me to leave him alone. She loves him, so I forgive her, I just cannot let her into my life anymore as a result.

I am sorry about your friend, I could have been that person I can see that, I was lucky that he lived so that I could finally begin to realize how much I would have lost without finally saying goodbye and closing that door forever. Thank you for sharing about your friend. I do hope that he does find closure somehow.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:54 PM
reply to post by Greensage

I haven't seen my friend in a long time, and I wasn't able to help him no matter how hard I tried. He's an alchoholic (very very alchoholic). Let me put it this way, he got a tattoo of the Coor's Light label in full colour inscribed on the calf of his leg, now that's dedicated! Talk about carving out your future in stone.. in this case in flesh.
People are just NUTS when it comes to these issues, and I have to say that I think you're a little crazy too not to forgive your Dad, because if you knew HIS full story and that of his father and father's father's father ad infinitum, you wouldn't believe how absurd this thing is. Perhaps some neanderthal knocked another one over the head over a misunderstanding 10,000,000 years ago, and that dufus was your ancestor...! It's a sickness, these things are, which move down through the family of origin and the sins of the father.
You've done so well but you have yet to close the circle. I think you need to confront him but only AFTER you've ALREADY done the work of forgiveness, however hard that may be, and preferably before he passes away, so that you don't end up with a demon dad in hell. It wasn't ENTIRELY his fault either, he was a sick man, just a sick man, who's lying to himself and who may need your forgiveness, if not in this life then in the next, so why not close the whole circle now?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:55 PM

Originally posted by chocise
reply to post by Gseven

Sorry but that's nonsense. You cannot change your past, it's fixed - you did what you did, there is no re-run. You can, however, change your present. And that will affect your future. There's a big difference.

And that's exactly why this is so amazing, because what you just stated is what we all are conditioned to believe. But the Quantum world, with all it's weirdness, is proving otherwise. The past is NOT fixed, because time exists all at the same time. We simply view it in linear form, but it doesn't mean that the former isn't true. Half of what you said is changing our present, we change our future. But the other half that is not true, that Quantum physics is starting to prove, is that by changing one, you change all the others.

Past, present, future....God, father, son....body, mind, soul....salt, mercury, sulphur....and the list goes on. The three are inextricably entwined. While they can be separated and viewed independently of each other, they each exist and are tied to each other regardless. They are three in one, but yet they are still just one. When we change HOW we look at things, we will begin to see with new eyes, but it can't happen with old ideas that won't budge. Let me put it like this.....if I change my mind about something, could it change my body and even my soul? If I change my body, could it change my mind and my soul? If someone commits a heinous crime against the nature of their soul (like cold-blooded killing), then could that action change their body and their mind? The answer to all these is yes. If you want examples, I'll give them later.

The point being is that the past, present and future is exchangeable with body, mind, soul, and any other's the microcosm/macrocosm concept that is also a proven fact. Philosophers have long stated that if you want to understand the nature of the universe, study the intricacies of a leaf. Having said that, it is impossible for a human to make a choice and not have his/her entire being affected by that choice....all three parts. In the same way, the past, present and future are also connected. It doesn't have to make complete sense right now, but science is working on a way to understand it better and to explain it also doesn't make it false. When the light bulb finally goes on, we will see all that we've been missing.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:58 PM

Originally posted by NewAgeMan
reply to post by The Djin

Evidence evidence, prove it prove it!

By chance, were you disappointed a LOT by false promises made to you as a child? Be honest.

Now that was pretty childish, wasn't it? I mean really, the guy simply doesn't feel like butt-slurping the OP and his warmed over New Age/Quantum Insanity diatribe. Surely you can be more open to other people's need for even the slightest amount of actual verification. You're NewAgeMan for Chrissake. The name alone suggests an open and accepting nature.

Y'know, this is the kind of crap that really sets my teeth on edge. One astral-pioneer was going off about how he rockets around the universe (maybe after dinner, when the homework is done, I don't know) and I challenged him on it. And because I challenged him, I was the dickhead. So I invited him to OBE his little pink *ss over to my place and crash my computer. Hell, if he's soaring off to the 13th dimension, popping over here and running my computer into the dirt should be nothing. Not even an afterthought. So far, nothing. And I'll bet anyone here a year's salary that my computer is still up and untouched because he can't really do that stuff, and not because he's some enlightened transcendent astral god-boy. I'm sure he would've tossed me down the stairs as an added bonus if he could've even projected himself beyond the fact of being pissed off at me.

I want one of your rubes to change the past. Just go back and do it. Don't sit there and regurgitate urban folktales that have arisen out of one writer's misinterpretation of another researchers nebulous test results. Just freakin' do it. If you can do it, and if you do do it, let me describe how we'll know that you did it.

There will be a point - as soon as you've done it - when everyone will # themselves over a complete and unexplainable reset in the entire fabric of physical reality. And when I say a reset, I'm not being philosophical. I mean a complete reset that makes no sense between what was ongoing the split instant before and the split instant afterward. Within the minds of every living person on this planet, that schism will be a complete logical violation that may not ever be rectified at the sub-conscious level.

Even in the enlightened brains that you mahatmas obviously carry around in your skulls, the net effect of a complete realignment of progressive causality - from what it had already been, to what it would have to become as a result of changing anything within the whole of this ultra-dense web of interconnection - would be catastrophic. Then again, I suppose that the net effect would realign your brains themselves - all of them, all brains in fact - since it would strip out the permanent information within the Informational Continuum (not actually possible, but let's pretend) that emerged during the stretch of causal progression that you replaced with a new stretch of causal progression, when it rebuilt the entire stretch with information reflecting that new stretch, with all the trajectoral ramifications that would have to accompany such a complete and wholesale remove and replace job on what should logically have been a continuum of facts that can not be altered or destroyed.

But why let logic get in the way of all this great excitement. Some idiot saw three bands of photon marks instead of two. And for some reason, some other idiot was able to get a book deal that declares that we can all go back and rewrite the past because of the three bands of photon marks that the other idiot reported. Forget the overwhelming logical inconsistency of that ridiculous assertion. There were three photon bands. Not two. That means that we can go back and.....I don't God or something.

Christ, how do any of you get your checkbooks to make sense?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by The Djin

Hahahaha! That video was GREAT!! Thanks for sharing! And I was completely on the side of the physicist, by the way. I'm not sure where the idea came from that I got my ideas from Deepak....everything I've presented here has come from theoretical physicists/quantum physicists. If you'd like me post a few videos that I'm inspired by, I will. They come from the physicist camp. Can we agree to drop the Deepak idea? I don't watch/listen to him, so I really can't say one way or another that I agree or disagree with him. Based solely on what I've heard in the past, I find him difficult to understand and he makes no sense to me.

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