posted on Jul, 14 2004 @ 06:24 AM
Why on earth would any of you post ill of the NWO here if you really believed in it?
This is the internet, there is no secrecy here. If there is this big malevolant organization trying to take over the world, then they would easily be
able to grab all your info as you post to these forums and track you as the opposition.
If you really think you are annonimous here then you could be out earning Muti-million dollar salaries for private companies doing tech security
instead of just hanging out talking about symbols on money.
I'm not trying to debate the existance or non-existance of the NWO with this thread, rather just wondering why you would post opposition in such a
trackable catalogable way.
The only thing I can imagine is that the NWO "supporters" here are the real anti-NWO people trying to lay down a track record of being pro-NWO in
their eyes while running a secret offline anti-NWO campaign.