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How may one incite a meaningful revolution?

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:04 PM
I see tons of threads that talk about how we should all band together to "stick it to the man". How is that ever going to help? What are you going to do? Who's this man that we should stick it to?

Like minded people out there, post ideas that would actually help build the foundation that a SUCESSFUL revolution REQUIRES before it can engage the existing establishment. Here are some ideas that may help you get the jist of what REALLY needs to happen for such a change to take place:

1. Halt your trust in the mainstream media machine. I am sure many of you have noticed that the "news" is almost always of the depressing/fearful sort. Why? Fear sells. Are you afraid of being fat? Are you afraid of being ugly? Are you afraid of being robbed? No problem, just buy our product. But remember, results are not typical.(LMFAO)

2. Exercise. This is important, and easy. Make your body stonger. Improve your immune system. This will starve Big Pharma of your dollars as you begin to require less and less need for their harmful medications.

3. Tell your children stories of how oppressed people have risen against great odds to overcome their oppressors. These should be the last things they think about at night, not Dr. Seuss...

4. End your fasination with the American political machine. Don't vote. Do you really think that your vote means as much as a billionaires? Who do you think the world blames for the injustices commited by this once great Nation? The PEOPLE! Not the ones commiting the crimes. After all, we did vote for them didn't we?

Please, add your own ideas and tear mine to bits if you think that they are wrong. This is how great ideas are made. Take apart many diverse idealogies, and from them construct something that will serve you better than the sum of the parts.
Above all, stop your faith in the words of others. Do your own research. Form your own, unique ideas. That is what the "man" is trully terrified of.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:08 PM
Revolutions require change, and from experience most people are dead terrified of change. Even when they aren't change doesn't happen fast it takes a long time to manifest. Also your number 3 leads to conditions children; its just as important to tell them how terribly attempted revolutions have failed and the price that the inciters had to pay after the dust settled, just programming them that every revolution is a success is not a balanced viewpoint.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by molonlabe33

I definitely see what your trying to get at. Americans will never get themselves behind any one person or idea in order to incite change. Change must be a state of mind and not an action. Cool. S+F

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:31 PM
reply to post by Helig

I would say that the Greek Alliance at Thermopolaye failed horribly in their attempt to resist oppression, after all, they were killed to a man. It only served to make the cause stronger. A failed revolution is a revolution none the less, and that is worth telling your children. If I were you, I would be more worried about commercials and schools conditioning my kids than stories of revolts that failed gloriously. Peace

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by molonlabe33

I think that an ok idea might be to get ones local neighborhood together and have a BBQ or party once in a while. You could try to get people to see whats going on in this country much easier if they've a few beers in the belly.

I also think it would be cool to draw a V on every dollar bill right on Washingtons forehead. That might get people thinking.
Do you think that neighborhood propaganda could be effective, like leaving slips on doorsteps or something? I've always thought that some people would read em and maybe change. but yea

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 04:42 PM
I think any revolution is meaningful - even a failed one or one that installs the same BS with a different face because if a revolution is taking place it means the people have woken up and realised they hold the true power, so you may lose the battle but you have won the war.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:17 PM
It is already taking shape and is currently active now via the www as this medium is the undeniable single most powerful weapon the planet has ever known as this can do way more damage in a considerably less amount of time and resources.

As long as the www stays lit and up we are good and will continue to be good. Even without the web the knowledge we all gained must continue to be beneficial to not only us but for everyone out there today as that is who we fight for.

Major conspiracies have been uncovered, major policy items have been forced to either either been canceled, modified, amended due to the amount of intense continuous pressure by a bunch of web users, the power of this medium and it's potential has already been excersized
edit on 6-2-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Originally posted by molonlabe33
I see tons of threads that talk about how we should all band together to "stick it to the man". How is that ever going to help? What are you going to do? Who's this man that we should stick it to?

Sticking to the title question the best way for Americans to incite a meaningful revolution is to take a stand and say No Taxation Without Representation.

I'm sorry when I see things like this: Lockhead Martin Boeing and others defraud millions
I get very annoyed.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:33 PM
Make sure you wear nice clothes during conflict, for your image, which will be snapped and sent to cnn for phat cash, when you, as a patriot, are killed by taxpayer funded superweapons, concepts in technofascism you never dreamed of.

Or, in order to stave off battle, stop allowing the growth of the MIC. Start by driving over your cellular and not paying the discontinued service fee. I cannot describe just how far these kings of beasts have advanced in electroterrorism. I am fearful that in describing the latest installment, or download, I will give them insight into how to better cloak the rape of the brain. Lately they have resorted to placing a scrawl over my mind's eye, as to cloak what they now use, which enables and emboldens them. Make no mistake: a revolution is already in the pipe. They are counting on it. They too have earned it. But they have the house edge because none of you will believe what they can do. By abandoning the cancer causing cellphones, they will be forced to explain why the nation is still netted with MIC towers cloaked as cellphone relays. Imagine what is in space? Pray for satellite destruction from on High.

Still, wear nice clothes because there are photographers out there who side with the enemy of the Constitution, the government, and they are hungry for the day patriots are cut down like pigs.
edit on 6-2-2011 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-2-2011 by starless and bible black because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by starless and bible black

Thats not a very revolutionary attitude is it, starless and bibleblack? I know full well the weapons at their disposal. Even you are thinking to small when you attempt to estimate their tactical advantage. But their weapons will fail them.

If this sick system is to be re-forged as something more brilliant, it will have to first destroy itself. They, and they way they think will be the nail in the coffin.

Just as a poor person could not help that he was born poor, a rich person could no more help that he was spawned wealthy. I believe that some of them know this too, and seek to free those that are subject to their birth-right, instead of rule them.

If the people show enough courage, some of those that pull the strings will be ashamed. They will suddenly realize that they have been living a monstrous life, and will see to it that the system that has taken so much from them is destroyed forever. Who better to aid our cause? This is the ultimate Trojan Horse.

But first we must show sufficient courage. When they talk amongst themselves and call us sheep, they are most certainly correct. We blame the shepard for shearing his flock? There is no shame in taking what is given freely, and we most certainly hand it over on a fine platter. Every single person who claims to hate this system would gladly become part of it if they were given the chance. After all, there is wool to be had.

If we (the people) become instead a pride of lions, they (the fat rich ones) will find that the wool has run out. Whats more? They will find that they would rather like to be lions than the vultures that they presently are. So you see, it really is up to us. The revolution of the people in this age will not be as it was in 1776, it must take place individually within every person that wishes for change.

So, starless and bibleblack, turn your fear into anger. Turn it into the thirst for knowledge of great things and better times to come. But, above all, stop being afraid.
I am sorry if my reply has taken the form of a rant, I felt that what I had to say had to be heard.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:44 PM
reply to post by TheImmaculateD1

The web is helping some of who have eyes to see, and ears to listen. Do not forget that the internet is just as powerful a tool to the string pullers as it it is to us.
The internet can, and is, being used to suppress the truths and ideals that would form a more perfect world. However, it has an off switch. Become to reliant on your lightbulbs, and you will be in darkness when the power goes out.

I am trying to remind you to keep your candles handy, metaphorically speaking. The Hashshashin ( the original assassins) had a saying, "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." Keep that in mind when you treat the internet as your prophet of truth.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by molonlabe33
I see tons of threads that talk about how we should all band together to "stick it to the man". How is that ever going to help? What are you going to do? Who's this man that we should stick it to?

Like minded people out there, post ideas that would actually help build the foundation that a SUCESSFUL revolution REQUIRES before it can engage the existing establishment. Here are some ideas that may help you get the jist of what REALLY needs to happen for such a change to take place:

1. Halt your trust in the mainstream media machine. I am sure many of you have noticed that the "news" is almost always of the depressing/fearful sort. Why? Fear sells. Are you afraid of being fat? Are you afraid of being ugly? Are you afraid of being robbed? No problem, just buy our product. But remember, results are not typical.(LMFAO)

2. Exercise. This is important, and easy. Make your body stonger. Improve your immune system. This will starve Big Pharma of your dollars as you begin to require less and less need for their harmful medications.

3. Tell your children stories of how oppressed people have risen against great odds to overcome their oppressors. These should be the last things they think about at night, not Dr. Seuss...

4. End your fasination with the American political machine. Don't vote. Do you really think that your vote means as much as a billionaires? Who do you think the world blames for the injustices commited by this once great Nation? The PEOPLE! Not the ones commiting the crimes. After all, we did vote for them didn't we?

Please, add your own ideas and tear mine to bits if you think that they are wrong. This is how great ideas are made. Take apart many diverse idealogies, and from them construct something that will serve you better than the sum of the parts.
Above all, stop your faith in the words of others. Do your own research. Form your own, unique ideas. That is what the "man" is trully terrified of.

I agree with what you speak. Nothing frustrates me more than seeing people a political rally conventions cheering like its the best day of their life. It seems like every politician says the same thing as the last one, they say what ever they need to in order to get your vote. I have never understood the whole Democrat/Republican thing. To me it has always been the same no matter what political affiliation a politician belongs to.

People always seem to get hypnotized by a great speech that was written by a team of people that were hired to sell you on that politician. How come people don't see the cycle that continues. I'm not against government, democracy or capitalism. I just feel the ones we have had in power have broken the system. It can be fixed!!

We need to start marketing now. That means we need to raise funds for advertising on TV and Internet. This marketing needs to be everywhere.

The ads need to show what we as countrymen want this country to be in a non violent way.

We then also need to start touring this country and holding non violent rallies like pollutions do. This needs to be done on a consitant basis as well.

Once we have gathered support from every countryman and organization of this country we meet in Washington DC for PEACEFUL demonstrations to let them know they are FIRED.

We need people who are not controlled by money, yes they are out there. We need smart honest people who live by the highest levels of integrity. We need more than a figure head to run this country. Lets do away with a president so to speak. Of the council we vote into office, one could become a speaker for them but that is all.

I'm sure we could come up with a new organization structure of our government.

I'm sure there is flaws to my ideas, but its a start to help create other ideas.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:39 PM
We are currently engaged in a low intensity conflict in the United States and across the world. The power elite are on the run or are working hard to back-peddle out of their current situation. Awareness of the nefarious deeds of the global elites is becoming widespread to the point of revolution across the planet at this time.

Americans are the most prepared of any other nation for this type of conflict. We are in the early stages. The enemies of the republic are being outed currently. The sales of firearms and ammunition is at the highest levels in these last few years then ever in our history as far as total per capita is concerned. When I visit the range it is full of people with military style AK and AR variants. They often are also training their kids.

The intensity of the present conflict will turn hot I think if triggered by a number of factors. The first is if the government would turn off the internet. This would likely be a trigger event. Any move to sign an international agreement to restrict small arms would also be a likely trigger as well. America was forged in revolution against an aristocracy. The republic will likely do so again soon. There is little doubt this will end in a great deal of bloodshed. I wish it were not so but if that was enough then we would not have to worry about it.

The de-industrialization of the United States is entering its final stages. In the next few years it will become so bad here and so many jobs will be lost that the idle young will take up arms and they will likely get their direction from the generations of patriotic warriors that have fought this nation's wars that will be instructing and equipping them for this phase of the revolution.

I am a student of history. This nation is the most aggressive and well armed of any in the world. We have more guns in private hands then most other nations standing armies. You can also bet that we will exhaust all other means before this present conflict really goes hot. Until the last peaceful means for affecting the restoration of the republic has been tried things will stay rather peaceful as well as a bit smoldering and tense.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
We are currently engaged in a low intensity conflict in the United States and across the world. The power elite are on the run or are working hard to back-peddle out of their current situation. Awareness of the nefarious deeds of the global elites is becoming widespread to the point of revolution across the planet at this time.

Americans are the most prepared of any other nation for this type of conflict. We are in the early stages. The enemies of the republic are being outed currently. The sales of firearms and ammunition is at the highest levels in these last few years then ever in our history as far as total per capita is concerned. When I visit the range it is full of people with military style AK and AR variants. They often are also training their kids.

The intensity of the present conflict will turn hot I think if triggered by a number of factors. The first is if the government would turn off the internet. This would likely be a trigger event. Any move to sign an international agreement to restrict small arms would also be a likely trigger as well. America was forged in revolution against an aristocracy. The republic will likely do so again soon. There is little doubt this will end in a great deal of bloodshed. I wish it were not so but if that was enough then we would not have to worry about it.

The de-industrialization of the United States is entering its final stages. In the next few years it will become so bad here and so many jobs will be lost that the idle young will take up arms and they will likely get their direction from the generations of patriotic warriors that have fought this nation's wars that will be instructing and equipping them for this phase of the revolution.

I am a student of history. This nation is the most aggressive and well armed of any in the world. We have more guns in private hands then most other nations standing armies. You can also bet that we will exhaust all other means before this present conflict really goes hot. Until the last peaceful means for affecting the restoration of the republic has been tried things will stay rather peaceful as well as a bit smoldering and tense.

Sorry that this is off topic, but since I've been on here I have noticed the term elite is always used, how much wealth makes one elite?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:49 PM
You can't change a thing concerning our freedom without suffering or dying for it. The injustice of our justice system screams for an uprising, yet tomorrow will be another day and anyone who walks in attempting to dismantle the police state will be killed and spinned on the news. Go ahead, go tear down the DHS televisions in Wal-Mart, wreck up federal property or some other attempt at actual change and you will see how deeply hopeless the situation actually is. There is nothing you or I can do and people are too comfortable to care about real freedom.
edit on 6-2-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:53 PM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
You can't change a thing concerning our freedom without suffering or dying for it. The injustice of our justice system screams for an uprising, yet tomorrow will be another day and anyone who walks in attempting to dismantle the police state will be killed and spinned on the news. Go ahead, go tear down the DHS televisions in Wal-Mart, wreck up federal property or some other attempt at actual change and you will see how deeply hopeless the situation actually is. There is nothing you or I can do and people are too comfortable to care about real freedom.
edit on 6-2-2011 by SmokeandShadow because: (no reason given)

So you're saying you will not help??

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by topdog30

It is not about wealth as much as connectedness to the ruling class. If someone is worth billions for instances and that person controls some valued resource he is approached to join the club. If someone is worth only a few hundred million but she has a large following or fan base she may be approached. Of course if they have a royal title they are in by default. If they are the CEO of a fortune 100 company well you get the picture.

Connectedness and a basic disregard for your own nation is important. If you are not invited to speak at the CFR for instance you are likely not in the club or even a candidate for that matter. This is not new information. How do you not know this stuff. It seems so self apparent to many of us I guess. Globalist elite are not patriots. They are citizens of the world and as such very much think they are above the rest of us.

This short book gives some good clues to how this will likely turn out.
A Lodging of Wayfaring Men
edit on 6-2-2011 by wayouttheredude because: added link

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by wayouttheredude
reply to post by topdog30

It is not about wealth as much as connectedness to the ruling class. If someone is worth billions for instances and that person controls some valued resource he is approached to join the club. If someone is worth only a few hundred million but she has a large following or fan base she may be approached. Of course if they have a royal title they are in by default. If they are the CEO of a fortune 100 company well you get the picture.

Connectedness and a basic disregard for your own nation is important. If you are not invited to speak at the CFR for instance you are likely not in the club or even a candidate for that matter. This is not new information. How do you not know this stuff. It seems so self apparent to many of us I guess. Globalist elite are not patriots. They are citizens of the world and as such very much think they are above the rest of us.

This short book gives some good clues to how this will likely turn out.
A Lodging of Wayfaring Men
edit on 6-2-2011 by wayouttheredude because: added link

I don't know this stuff because I'm not absorbed by it. I'm very busy growing my investment company and raising my family, thats a full time job.

I personally don't believe in secret groups that control the world. I know others do and thats fine.

So you feel that people who have more wealth than you look down on you?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by topdog30

Not all of them do of course. I have considerable wealth compared to 95% of the world but I am not in the top 2% category. Even I can see that some people just have no soul in them that can be detected.

A good read to obtain an understand of these people I am talking about is a book called Political Ponerology it is about the Pathocracy that has been at the helm of world affairs for a long time. It is worth a read.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by wayouttheredude

You have the right attitude, but you hold a fools belief if you think that Americans will free themselves through armed conflict. The string pullers have devoted hundreds of years to develop the technology that would be able to eventually suppress the proloteriat for good. They have pretty much succeded. It doesn't matter.

The puppeteers have more powerful weaponry than you could ever imagine. They would pray for the people to attempt an armed revolution so they could unleash unspeakable horrors in the name of bringing peace to the disillusioned majority who just want to be sheep forever.

Start marking bills. Put a V in a circle on Washingtons or Benjamins head. This will get people thinking, and will let them know that there are others who desire a change in the way life is lived currently. It's a steal from the film V for Vendetta, and its message is a good one. People are doing this right now all over the country, look it up. This is something you can do. It's an easy way to take part.

Start being part of the revolution right now! We are its leaders and our children are it future. It is a revolution that has only a begining, because who can stop a movement that seeks to always better ourselves and the way we think?

Remember the Fifth of November.

edit on 6-2-2011 by molonlabe33 because: (no reason given)

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