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Freemasonic Symbols Sheffield England

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posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by Desolo

Originally posted by excelents
reply to post by Desolo


I just wanted to say as this refers to Sheffield in the UK, that is where my Masonic Lodge is located and I am the Worshipful Master of my Lodge which is located at Tapton Hall on Shore Lane.

Maybe you can explain then,
why when the governments seem to be in peril and all morals decaying, degrading and turning into a vile sesspot of dirty sly evil logic, does your "almighty" all charitable group not stand up in your thousands, maybe millions turn the table and actually make a difference. "Your" unemployment benifits only counter balence your apparent ignorence to the FACTS..... unless; masons, the vatican and the "greedy" self worshipping, brainwashing tools, are all in the same sinking ship.?? i am not a secular, i have the good gods coursing through my blood, if your so "masterful" compared to my feeble weak mind tell me the truth???

""im sorry if i seem angry or frustrated or even mis-informed, but everyday all i see is sad wrongs, i am sickened by the state of the world right now" i dont see order, i see corruption from sheeple up to the very top of the masters!!!""
edit on 4-3-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

Apologies for not answering straight away but you appear to have from the start been a little angry and frustrated from your OP. I do not consider myself "masterful" as you put it but I look on it merely as a title conferred on me having reached the most senior position in my Lodge which as taken me just short of 10 years to reach.

I most certainly do not consider you nor anyone "weak or feeble minded" and as another poster pointed out I am only the Master of a local lodge at local lodge level, the reason that you have been given websites is so that people / senior ranks can give you a more fuller, better informed opinion, look on it as an official source and not that of personal opinion of one Mason such as myself.

After all I am in my early 40's and tonight I shall be at Tapton Hall to see a member of my Lodge presented with a certificate of 50 years service and as a vaster amount of answers and experience than I have.

You may be surprised to learn that I don't always agree with what I am informed of in Freemasonry and on occasion have said I do not agree or declined to do something when I have been informed of my "duty", does that make me a bad Mason, not necessarily but at the same time I will not be a Masonic Sheep.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Desolo

Maybe you can explain then,
why when the governments seem to be in peril and all morals decaying, degrading and turning into a vile sesspot of dirty sly evil logic, does your "almighty" all charitable group not stand up in your thousands, maybe millions turn the table and actually make a difference.

What is it that you think a fraternal group can do? If we were "almighty", as you suggest, I suppose we could snap our fingers and make everything better. Unfortunately, however, we are not genies, and have no such power. We can continue to teach the truth, and attempt to make the world a better place one person at a time. But we have no such influence over the masses, who had much rather sit around watching yellow journalism about Charlie Sheen than to listen to any sort of Masonic arcana.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by excelents

Originally posted by Desolo

Originally posted by excelents
reply to post by Desolo


I just wanted to say as this refers to Sheffield in the UK, that is where my Masonic Lodge is located and I am the Worshipful Master of my Lodge which is located at Tapton Hall on Shore Lane.

Maybe you can explain then,
why when the governments seem to be in peril and all morals decaying, degrading and turning into a vile sesspot of dirty sly evil logic, does your "almighty" all charitable group not stand up in your thousands, maybe millions turn the table and actually make a difference. "Your" unemployment benifits only counter balence your apparent ignorence to the FACTS..... unless; masons, the vatican and the "greedy" self worshipping, brainwashing tools, are all in the same sinking ship.?? i am not a secular, i have the good gods coursing through my blood, if your so "masterful" compared to my feeble weak mind tell me the truth???

""im sorry if i seem angry or frustrated or even mis-informed, but everyday all i see is sad wrongs, i am sickened by the state of the world right now" i dont see order, i see corruption from sheeple up to the very top of the masters!!!""
edit on 4-3-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

You may be surprised to learn that I don't always agree with what I am informed of in Freemasonry and on occasion have said I do not agree or declined to do something when I have been informed of my "duty", does that make me a bad Mason, not necessarily but at the same time I will not be a Masonic Sheep.

Good insight, thanks for your patience. it is clear to me that we as a society have been divided, so i expect that organised groups such as yourselves, might have a better chance of changing things, it seems time to make a real change is coming to an end, evil is growing stronger. Our governments are corrupt to the bone, and nobody can do anything, when the masses protest, they are treated like cattle. im trying to provoke a reaction to the wrongs that i can see, which others seem to ignore.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Desolo

To be honest, if we did not question Masonic issues, we could never evolve and FM would stagnate and die. By continually questioning and through debate, we are able to postulate as to the deep and ancient teachings. By the way, you will always have Worshipful Masters and IPMs (Immediate Past Masters) at loggerheads.
Nature of the beast. LOL

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Desolo
Good insight, thanks for your patience. it is clear to me that we as a society have been divided, so i expect that organised groups such as yourselves, might have a better chance of changing things, it seems time to make a real change is coming to an end, evil is growing stronger. Our governments are corrupt to the bone, and nobody can do anything, when the masses protest, they are treated like cattle. im trying to provoke a reaction to the wrongs that i can see, which others seem to ignore.
I think your misunderstanding is the belief that we're organized. We're not. There's no overarching, pyramidical structure driving the direction and future of all Masons on the planet. That's the pipe dream of conspiracy theorists. There's the lodge, and the Grand Lodge which governs it, and that's it. And there are a few hundred Grand Lodges in the world. Nothing to tie them all together. They answer to no one authority. They're all sovereign and independent of each other. The Grand Lodge of Texas could perhaps deal with issues in Texas, but would have no authority to make change on the United States as a whole, much less other countries.

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:12 PM
Here is an answer you were looking for earlier. As I mentioned I went to Tapton Hall tonight which is now the central meeting point for most of the Lodge's in the Sheffield area.

Tonight as been a presentation of a certificate to a member who has celebrates 50 years service to Freemasonry and whilst he was giving his after dinner speech he went through some of his Masonic career which included that in 1961 he was initiated into Freemasonry (after a 4 year wait as it was back then) in the building that is now "The Graduate" which I believe is on Surrey Street hence the masonic symbols on the external facade, before it was The Graduate I believe it was a pub called "The Surrey" as it stood on Surrey Street.

I am told from various people that it was a very interesting building back in the day so on your behalf without knowing you I went in search of some answers for you.

Hope that helped

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by Desolo

I would just like to say i appreciated the video, Thank you i might take a trip into town ( Liverpool ) and take a look around at some of the old buildings : )

S & F from me as i think it was a good, original find

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by johngtr
reply to post by Desolo

I would just like to say i appreciated the video, Thank you i might take a trip into town ( Liverpool ) and take a look around at some of the old buildings : )

S & F from me as i think it was a good, original find

If you're interested in Liverpool try Hope Street for starters...

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by CholmondleyWarner

Ill look into it thanks for any advice
2nd line : )

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 10:41 PM

Originally posted by excelents

I am told from various people that it was a very interesting building back in the day so on your behalf without knowing you I went in search of some answers for you.

Hope that helped

ok this is the real me here in this one post.
Let me start by saying that i am greatful when people go out of their way to help me, i apprecitate your information and your efforts,
2ndly i am sure that im on my way out, my health has taken a turn for the worse in the last year, and im on a mission to learn and better me as much as possible before my time comes to an end. it involves finding the true words and wants of my god, and to expose what i have been for a long time, that is evil and im-moral. The conspiracy path has gone hand in hand with that.

It has come to my attention that, 5% of people own around 60% of the worlds wealth in form of resources. People are used as a resource now, they generate large amounts of wealth at the masses expense, through religions, loyalty or false democratic dictatorships, this totalitarianism ideology plagues the earth through the recents centuries.

Now oil is peaking, population exponentially growing and morals degrading rapidly (Many factors). Someone once said .... is it so hard to believe the government have a plan? , if the world gets turned into an orwellian planet, which is what i believe to be the plan (NWO) then this age will be marked by the end of human kind, de-population is a solution, one that i believe they will happily take, "For the greater good".

Before my light go's out, i want to let my family know the things i do, but i dont want to leave them with, myth or mis-information, so i must do what i can to find the facts that will break my family from their brainwashed spell.

I seek the kingdom of our gods, and i want to meet my family there. Im not attacking "Freemasons", i just want the truth. I think celeb style freemasons have givin your group a bad name, and obviously a good secular liar, could infiltrate your group quite easily (Aleister Crowley), but the general aura of the freemasons i have had the pleasure to speaking to shows me that there is "good" left in the world, for how long, i dont know.

i hope and pray, for my families health and happiness, aswell as yours

peace and love, always
edit on 4-3-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 4 2011 @ 10:54 PM
First i would just like to say , I am Truly sorry to hear you are in ill health and I respect what you are doing for your family as you clearly have their best wishes at heart. I Wish you all the best.

Sorry if my post seems insignificant now but i just wanted to say i found this picture of a strange symbol in a place called vilnius in lithuania , Here is a link 62632969&usg=__yTCAKgX6AhdJQBX3vFIPFAqoq-I=&h=375&w=500&sz=117&hl=en&start=79&zoom=1&tbnid=43iTDU3fMGYMzM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=165&ei=1L5xTfepOY-I4Ab7moDpDA &prev=/images%3Fq%3Dilluminati%2Barchitecture%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dubuntu%26sa%3DX%26channel%3Dfs%26biw%3D1006%26bih%3D569%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C2326&itbs =1&iact=hc&vpx=401&vpy=256&dur=4324&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=157&ty=133&oei=wr5xTYDHJ8yAhQec6clB&page=6&ndsp=15&ved=1t:429,r:12,s:79&biw=1006&bih=569

Sorry the link is so huge - its a really good picture though.

Once again - All the best

posted on Mar, 5 2011 @ 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Desolo
I think celeb style freemasons have givin your group a bad name, and obviously a good secular liar, could infiltrate your group quite easily (Aleister Crowley)

The fact that you named someone who was never a Mason is probably negated by the fact that someone who was (Steve Wozniak) works just as well.

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 12:10 AM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Do you deny freemasonry is linked to the knights templar??? opus day, golden dawn, maybe the same thing!!!

posted on Mar, 6 2011 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by Desolo
Do you deny freemasonry is linked to the knights templar??? opus day, golden dawn, maybe the same thing!!!

It is quite possible that Masonry predates the Templars in some form as the Regius Poem dates from the 10th Century and makes mention of it at that point.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by Desolo
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

Do you deny freemasonry is linked to the knights templar??? opus day, golden dawn, maybe the same thing!!!

There are two schools of Masonic history: the romantic school, which extrapolates from a piece of convergence here or there to link Freemasonry to any number of historical groups; and the authentic school, which deals exclusively in what is documented. Generally, historians and the various Masonic research societies are aligned with the authentic school, but the romantic school carries the bookstore, and the average Mason probably believes a theory from them when he thinks about it.

I split the difference: while I do believe that convergence is an important factor in studying history, it can't be called causative either. So no, I do not deny it; neither do I believe it.

That said, Opus Dei has nothing to do with Freemasonry, the Golden Dawn has very, very little to do with Freemasonry, and they have no relation whatsoever to each other.

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