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Freemasonic Symbols Sheffield England

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:13 PM
Ive been in sheffield since september now and straight away i spotted masonic symbols on a pub called the Graduate, it is tradition to go to this pub after one has finished graduation, this is just the start of my search for the freemasons in sheffield as my aim is to confront them about several issues, maybe even join if the rumours ive heard are not true!!!,

These symbols are not subliminal and are situated in a bottle neck, when u get off the station and walk straight up towards the centre of town, you are almost forced to go a certain way, so most people who enter sheffield from the train station and park hill area cannot avoid walking past the graduate!!! Enjoy,

im very sorry that there i was unable to embed the video im a total noob and didnt know where to find the Youtube Video Number!!! if some1 can help me i can edit the video annd embed it,, Thanks

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:40 PM
I'd like to have a drink there. We have a place like that where I live, they could serve better wings.
edit on 2/6/2011 by WraithXV because: I can.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:45 PM
lol ive had many a drink there, and ive eaten there also,,, i love it when a lovely "Satan loving" wannabe coughs up a witty comment like that,,, your spreading the wrong image by even pretending your all dark and mysterious!!! Im not sure the freemasons have anything to do with "Satanism or the illuminati" that we see today!!!

i might think that there image has been hijacked, by whom?? well the masons were Scientists, theologists and thinkers of the days when the church was busy brainwashing and calling every1 satanists.

Did you get the chance to watch Flight 6 6 6, iron maiden documentary the other week,,,,, youd love it
edit on 6-2-2011 by Desolo because: added link and comment

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:49 PM
So you go from being a paranoid little man, posting videos up about some spooky building, to wanting to attack me because you judge too much with your eyes?

What is it the nerds always say?

Obvious troll is obvious?

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by WraithXV

did u reply "id love to drink there", and look at your image that your casting, so when i reply you would like to dine there and i see your "Satanic" avatar i assume that your quite feeble in your attitude,

and everybody likes iron maiden's music ,,, its your persona buddy not mine,, paranoid lol this video is merely a representaion of what i see around me,,, the time now is not to be ironic, the time now is to enlighten and thats what i was doing,,,, sorry if i offended you brother!!!!

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:19 PM
I looked up the pub you linked and it would appear that it occupies a former Masonic Lodge from what some of the reviews mentioned and this would explain the overt symbolisim. I would be curious to see the inside.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:20 PM
No offense taken friend. We're all part of the same being. I just happen to want to harvest the negative side.

As for your video, I thought the building had a beautiful exterior. I like you, recognized most of the symbols there.. I did notice the Pyramid symbols had different symbols within them.. Ones I'm not familiar with, whether they had any relevance is beyond me.. As I said, I would very much enjoy having a drink there. I bet it has a rich history.

But truly, I wouldn't be able to judge much more than that.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by WraithXV
I did notice the Pyramid symbols had different symbols within them.. Ones I'm not familiar with, whether they had any relevance is beyond me..

The video is a bit jumpy but it looked like it might be the York Rite symbol. I would need a clearer image to be certain.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 05:01 PM
ill take a high res picture of the trianglular symbol, im guna go for a drink in there tomoz actually and see if i can see any more symbolism but im sure it must have been decorated,
do you guys know any masons? theres quite a lot of rumours flying about, between the church and the freemasons and the illuminati ive become somewhat confused, cant imagine the priest giving me any decent information lol

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 05:12 PM
Ive lived in sheffield all my life and ive been in the graduate a few times, but theres many signs all around the city like the ones in the video you posted, thats because the buildings are very old, its not some new age cult that have just popped up that are taking over. The only newer buildings in the town centre are just to replace the ones that the germans destroyed.

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by Spinster

nothing we see nowadays is "New age" everything stems back from way back when!!!! there's loadsa old buildings, my rent office has MOUNT ZION written on the top of, the town hall and the theatre, the library even very old SOLID fortresses!!!!! Would just love to know where the new location of the freemasons is!!! Guna continue my search for symbols anyway!!! seen an old couple talking about the symbols on the grad, made me laugh, "good to know some people are still awake!!!!

posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:42 PM

Originally posted by Desolo
Would just love to know where the new location of the freemasons is!!!
Call me crazy, but I'd wager might be a good place to start.

And yes, there are a dozen or so Masons on ATS, Augustus Masonicus and myself included.

One of the symbols in the video was the Triple Tau

I didn't recognize the triangle within the triangle.

Also, a bit hard to tell, but in the shot of the doorway, I saw the sun, the square and compasses, a third symbol, and then the moon. I couldn't really tell from the video what the third symbol was... If you're going back and taking stills, a good shot of that would be nice.


posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

right listen me mason yh,,,,, ive got a serious question,

if i want to join the masons then i must fill in an application form right?? what type of person are freemasons looking for?
and if i join will the masons steal my soul coz obviously i heard that on the grape vine andddd because i just asked such a question does that mean im not aloud to be a mason???

thanks for the link brother, i dont mean to be an ignorant idiot but you hear lots of bad stuff about the freemasons and you dont find many freemasons arguing aganist the accusations??? just want to know the truth and finally spread some light on my brainwashed mind???

edit on 7-2-2011 by Desolo because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Desolo

I think it's just fine to ask those questions. In fact, before I joined, I met with the master of the lodge and he asked me a few questions. Then he asked me if I had any questions. the one that was sticking on my mind, I just had to ask. I asked "do you guys worship Satan?" He laughed a little and said, no, it's nothing like that at all. I have been a mason for almost 5 years now, and I can assure you that you will not have to sell your soul, or anything like that. Freemasonry has brought me closer to God and helped me be a better person. If you are interested, find the lodge in your area, and find out what night they meet. Go and meet them before the meeting. Ask them any questions you have. Even the ones you think you shouldn't ask. Most of them time, they have heard all the rumors and will not be upset about being asked strange things.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by network dude

who do you think is responsible for most of the "Propoganda" against the freemasons? and if th freemasons are an organisd bunch of do-gooders whay dont they rise against the apparent capitalist regimes that seem to be draining the world rather than supporting unity and peace|????

thanks for your information brother, its very reassuring!!!!

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by Desolo

The church. Historically, the Fundamentalists have been very much opposed to "free thinking" as it might draw people away from the church and ultimately severing financial ties with it. If you search for anti-masonry information, you will see that most, if not all is put out by fundamentalists Christians. Ironically, masonry is not against their message, we love God too, and many are Christians just like them, but we are tolerant of other peoples choices and religions. We don't claim any one choice is correct. A person's choice of who God is to them is a very personal thing. I hope that was what you were asking.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by network dude
reply to post by Desolo

The church. Historically, the Fundamentalists have been very much opposed to "free thinking" as it might draw people away from the church and ultimately severing financial ties with it. If you search for anti-masonry information, you will see that most, if not all is put out by fundamentalists Christians. Ironically, masonry is not against their message, we love God too, and many are Christians just like them, but we are tolerant of other peoples choices and religions. We don't claim any one choice is correct. A person's choice of who God is to them is a very personal thing. I hope that was what you were asking.

hmm its funny that you knew exactly what i was asking and and im not surprised you blame the church, im scared to talk out against the church sometimes, i feel like im diggin on jesus or something, i have no doubt of the supreme being but i dont feel as tho ive not been given the true story of god!!!

are you saying that freemasons are tolerant of ANY choices or paths that people may go down??

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 09:05 AM
reply to post by Desolo

we as a group, believe that we have no right to judge any belief as right or wrong. We simply don't discuss religion or politics in lodge so we can continue to promote harmony. We require a belief in a supreme being for admission into our fraternity.

I personally don't see having problems with organized religion as any slight on God or Jesus Christ. Of course the ones who are trying to keep you from thinking outside of the box will scream "Blasphemy!" but that only goes to prove my point. Access to God doesn't have to be done through a mediator. He listens when I talk to him all by myself.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Desolo
if i want to join the masons then i must fill in an application form right?? what type of person are freemasons looking for?
Well, one of the goals of of Masonry is "to make good men better". We're looking for good, honest men. You don't have to be a saint, but you can't be a felon. There has to be the potential for growth, morality-wise. The symbols and allegories taught in Masonry show you how to be a better man, a better husband, a better part of your church and your community.

and if i join will the masons steal my soul coz obviously i heard that on the grape vine andddd because i just asked such a question does that mean im not aloud to be a mason???
Souls are the domain of God. Masons are only men.

thanks for the link brother, i dont mean to be an ignorant idiot but you hear lots of bad stuff about the freemasons and you dont find many freemasons arguing aganist the accusations??? just want to know the truth and finally spread some light on my brainwashed mind???
Searching for that light means you'd probably make a good Mason. Once you start down that path, you'll find you never stop learning more, because there's always more to learn, as long as you continue to have a thirst for knowledge.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Desolo
reply to post by JoshNorton

if i want to join the masons then i must fill in an application form right?? what type of person are freemasons looking for?

Men of mature age, strict morals and sound judgment (to paraphrase Masonic ritual). Mature age is usually 21 years old and up and the other two are self-explanatory. And you have to believe in a Supreme Being. Beyond that, nothing special.

The Master of my Lodge is Sikh and the brethren are a mishmash of Catholic, Protestant of all stripes (our Tyler is Latter Day Saints), Muslim and Jewish. I think it's telling that men of such disparate faiths have no trouble at all working together for personal moral growth and helping society in general.

Speaks volumes about actual Masonry practise as opposed to Internet Masonic CT urban legend.

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