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The "we are god" theory

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posted on Feb, 19 2011 @ 10:47 PM
reply to post by Abovo

Thank you for your support and comfort.
Indeed what you said about Moses is true, and at times I wonder how to keep going, as many are quick to mock and laugh at the things they find difficult to understand.
I often find comfort in the PSALMS, and occasionally by those who follow faithfully in Jesus Foot Steps.
But the battle is Not forever, but only during the twinkling of an eye, then return to Paradise once more.

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
But if we rotate the Letters A D A M we get in ZIONic (The Language of the Soul) The House of 666 or the House of Flesh also known as "The Beast" which Wares against the Soul...

Which wares against The House of Σ in "The MAN Child" and thus an Anti Christ.

i.e. Two "Alpha Stars", One "Delta Star" and "Σ" the House. These Three 6 Pointed Stars are the 666.

In The MAN Child i.e. in "The New Jerusalem" there is "The House of Σ" which Our Lord rules out of.
This is Not mentioned in The Revelation but when you pas through this Book you then come to know these things also within "The New Jerusalem".

In the book of revelations it’s states that the Anti Christ will come to dwell in the temple and set himself up as God. Most Christians see this as a literal future event. I’m guessing you see this as more of a battle taking place in the spiritual realm.

How do you view this?

The reason I ask is because it is closely tied into the topic of the OP.

By this modern day idea, that people believe “we are all God”, they are in effect setting them selves up, as God.

- JC

edit on 20-2-2011 by Joecroft because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-2-2011 by Joecroft because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 20 2011 @ 02:12 AM
reply to post by Joecroft

In the book of revelations it’s states that the Anti Christ will come to dwell in the temple and set himself up as God. Most Christians see this as a literal future event. I’m guessing you see this as more of a battle taking place in the spiritual realm.

How do you view this?

The war has been between Flesh and the Soul.

The Flesh is the result of a Program/s

Just as Jesus said in The Gospel of Thomas”… Quote;

56. Jesus said,

“Whoever has come to understand the World
has found only a corpse,

and whoever has found a corpse
is superior to the World.”


52. His disciples said to Him,

“Twenty-four prophets spoke in Israel,
and all of them spoke in You.”

He (Jesus) said to them,

“You have omitted The Living One in your presence
and have spoken only of the Dead.”


50. Jesus said,

“If they say to you, “Where did you come from?”

say to them,

“We came from The Light,
the place where The Light came into being on Its own accord
and established Itself and became manifest through their Image.”


19. Jesus said,

“Blessed is he who came into being
before he came into being.
If you become My disciples
and listen to My words,
these stones will minister to you.

For there are five trees for you in Paradise
which remain undisturbed summer and winter
and whose leaves do not fall.

Whoever becomes acquainted with them
will Not experience Death.”

More about the 5 trees later.

Part of Verse 64...

64. Businessmen and merchants
will Not enter the Places of My Father.”


84. Jesus said,
“When you See your likeness, you rejoice.
But when you See Your Images,
which came into being Before You,
and which Neither Die Nor Become Manifest,
How Much You Will Have To Bear!”


From “John’s Preaching of the Gospel The Acts of John 87-105

45. I will that there be prepared
Holy SOULS for Me.

Note; Souls Not Flesh!


Also from “John’s Preaching of the Gospel The Acts of John 87-105

“John, for the people below in Jerusalem
I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds,
and given vinegar and gall to drink.

But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak.
I put into your mind to come up to this mountain (ZION)
so that you may hear what a disciple should learn from his Teacher
and a man from God.”

98. And when He had said this
He showed me a Cross of LIGHT firmly fixed,
and around The Cross a great crowd,
which had no single form;
and in It (The Cross) was One Form and the Same Likeness.

And I saw The Lord Himself Above The Cross,
having No Shape but only a kind of Voice;
yet not that voice which we knew,
but one that was sweet and gentle and truly
The Voice of God, which said to me,

“John, there must be one man to hear these things from Me;
for I need one who is ready to hear.

This Cross of Light is sometimes Called LOGOS by Me for your sakes,
sometimes MIND, sometimes JESUS, sometimes CHRIST, sometimes A DOOR,
sometimes A WAY, sometimes BREAD, sometimes SEED, sometimes RESURRECTION,
sometimes SON, sometimes FATHER, sometimes SPIRIT, sometimes LIFE,
sometimes TRUTH, sometimes FAITH, sometimes GRACE;
and so it is called for men’s sake.

But what It Truly is, as Known in Itself and spoken to us, is this:

It is The Distinction of All Things,
and The Harmony of Wisdom,
being Wisdom In Harmony.

But there are Places on the right and on the left,
Powers, Authorities, Principalities and Demonds,
Activities, Threatenings, Passions, Devils, Satan
and The Inferior Root
from which The Nature of Transient things Proceeded.

99. This Cross then is that which has united
ALL things by The WORD
and which has separated off
what is Transitory and Inferior,
which has also Compacted ALL things into ONE.

But this is NOT that WOODEN CROSS
which you shall see when you go down from here;

nor am I the man who is on the Cross,

I whom now you do not see but only hear My Voice.

I was taken to be what I am NOT,

I who am NOT what for many others I was;
but what they will say of Me is mean and unworthy of Me.

Since then The Place of My Rest is neither to be seen nor told,

much more shall I, The Lord of this Place, be neither seen nor Told.

And also from The Gospel of Thomas”…Quote

1. And He (Jesus)said,

“Whoever finds the interpretation of these sayings
will NOT experience death.”

2. Jesus said,

“Let him who seeks. Continue seeking. until he finds.

When he finds, he will become troubled.

When he becomes troubled, he will be astonished,

and he will rule over The All.”

And look at this Regarding The ALL

From "The Gospel of Thomas"….Quote;

77. Jesus said, “It is I who Am The Light
which is above them all.

It is I who Am The All.

From Me did The All come forth,
and unto Me did The All extend.

Split a piece of wood, and I am there.

Lift up the stone, and you Will Find Me there.”

The reason I ask is because it is closely tied into the topic of the OP.

By this modern day idea, that people believe “we are all God”, they are in effect setting them selves up, as God.

The Soul which The LIFE dwells in or lives in is immortal.

But the Flesh (descendants of A’Dam and Eve) is what is being experienced and is what invokes “The Metamorphoses of The Soul”.

This Species, Earth and little Universe is the Result of the WORD.

The WORD implies Communication but of What?


So the so called physical word is Just the result of a Program.

The Earth is Unique in that it is the experience which invokes “The Metamorphose of the Soul” which is the Birth and return of "The MAN Child".

The Earth is Not about the so called development to the Species nor is it about the Species achievements.

So to answer the OP We that is the Partitions of LIFE (Children) have come from the LIGHT and are of God.

A horse does Not give birth to an elephant nor does a descendant of A’Dam give birth to a cat so LIFE gives birth to LIFE and Not the descendants of A’Dam.

So we who are The Children of LIGHT, The LIFE of God, are therefore of God.

But the experience of the Flesh is only a story in the form of a Program.

edit on 20-2-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: added words

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Ralphy

Some would argue we can. If "god" did it, why can't we?

Certain types of magic claim that you CAN turn rock into food, and change matter. In fact, we CAN change matter. We can split an atom, we can create electricity with our own body.

It really depends what you choose to think.

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
The war has been between Flesh and the Soul.

The Flesh is the result of a Program/s

Reminds me of the parallel between the Matrix Movie, with the machines representing the Flesh and the humans representing the Soul.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
From “John’s Preaching of the Gospel The Acts of John 87-105”
45. I will that there be prepared
Holy SOULS for Me.

Note; Souls Not Flesh!


Also from “John’s Preaching of the Gospel The Acts of John 87-105”
“John, for the people below in Jerusalem
I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds,
and given vinegar and gall to drink.

But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak.
I put into your mind to come up to this mountain (ZION)
so that you may hear what a disciple should learn from his Teacher
and a man from God.”

98. And when He had said this
He showed me a Cross of LIGHT firmly fixed,
and around The Cross a great crowd,
which had no single form;
and in It (The Cross) was One Form and the Same Likeness.

And I saw The Lord Himself Above The Cross,
having No Shape but only a kind of Voice;
yet not that voice which we knew,
but one that was sweet and gentle and truly
The Voice of God, which said to me,

“John, there must be one man to hear these things from Me;
for I need one who is ready to hear.

This Cross of Light is sometimes Called LOGOS by Me for your sakes,
sometimes MIND, sometimes JESUS, sometimes CHRIST, sometimes A DOOR,
sometimes A WAY, sometimes BREAD, sometimes SEED, sometimes RESURRECTION,
sometimes SON, sometimes FATHER, sometimes SPIRIT, sometimes LIFE,
sometimes TRUTH, sometimes FAITH, sometimes GRACE;
and so it is called for men’s sake.

But what It Truly is, as Known in Itself and spoken to us, is this:

It is The Distinction of All Things,
and The Harmony of Wisdom,
being Wisdom In Harmony.

But there are Places on the right and on the left,
Powers, Authorities, Principalities and Demonds,
Activities, Threatenings, Passions, Devils, Satan
and The Inferior Root
from which The Nature of Transient things Proceeded.

99. This Cross then is that which has united
ALL things by The WORD
and which has separated off
what is Transitory and Inferior,
which has also Compacted ALL things into ONE.

But this is NOT that WOODEN CROSS
which you shall see when you go down from here;

nor am I the man who is on the Cross,

I whom now you do not see but only hear My Voice.

I was taken to be what I am NOT,

I who am NOT what for many others I was;
but what they will say of Me is mean and unworthy of Me.

Since then The Place of My Rest is neither to be seen nor told,

much more shall I, The Lord of this Place, be neither seen nor Told.

Wow, that is the first time I have read any part of the “The Acts of John”

I have just recently transferred all the Nag Hammandi Library and the Apocrypha from the gnosis website, to my computer, and I just downloaded some Gnostic lectures by Stephan A. Hoeller, who seems somewhat of an expert of gnosticism.

I have a lot of catching up to do.

Originally posted by The Matrix Traveller
So to answer the OP We that is the Partitions of LIFE (Children) have come from the LIGHT and are of God.

A horse does Not give birth to an elephant nor does a descendant of A’Dam give birth to a cat so LIFE gives birth to LIFE and Not the descendants of A’Dam.

So we who are The Children of LIGHT, The LIFE of God, are therefore of God.

But the experience of the Flesh is only a story in the form of a Program.

I can certainly concur with the above. I see the WORD as being that which expresses and creates Life, in the image and imagination of itself.

I agree with those verses in Thomas, long before I even read them; We are all part of the living God i.e. we are all sons and daughters of God. It is the Spirit that gives birth to Spirit and with it Life.

- JC

posted on Feb, 21 2011 @ 05:22 PM
reply to post by Joecroft

As the LIFE or a "Partition" of LIFE, Lives in Each Soul, then the "Spirit" is the Character or Entity of the "Partition" of LIFE in a Soul according to what each "Partition" has experienced, in its own particular way, influenced by the "Books" and the order of the Program Books, the LIFE in The Soul has Experienced.

Just as DNA determines our Physical make up and foundation for our Primate "Character" (which is modified by the experiences we have within the program of the Earth Environment) so to does the "Books" (Programs) we have experienced from the beginning, influence or is part of what makes our "Spirit" (Character) to be the Entity it is, Each LIFE Partition therefore has its own "Spirit", Character or Characteristics.

So even though each LIFE “Partition” starts out the same in the Beginning, each “Partition” of LIFE develops a different “Spirit”, identifying its own "Character" developed by what Books (Programs ) it has experienced and the order of the Books were experienced in.

When the writings speak of an "End" and it also mentions in other places “World without End”, Two different worlds are being referred to.

"The End of the World" refers to the End of a Book or Series of Books, which have a particular Function. In this case "The Metamorphoses of The Soul".
See in "The Revelation of Jesus Christ" (not the Carpenter) Mentions, no one could open the Books save "The Lamb of God". These Books are "Program Books".

But because this Book is involving the "Earthly experience" it has an End, just as all Stories do.

Incidentally "The End" of this Group of Books, ends approximately in about 1,000 years from now. But on the Completion of these Books concerning “The Metamorphoses of The Soul.” The LIFE in the "Soul Construct" then enters another Stage of Creation.

Because The Birth (rebirth) of The MAN Child has taken place, both Ends of the "True Mind" which refers to “The” Partition of LIFE, and its Spirit (Character) is able to open the Books and Edit them if one desires to.

This increases the area which can be experienced without having to die (exit the program) and can now be achieved within the program or experience without having to die. In other words through the Birth of The MAN Child (Return of The Son of MAN) death has been overcome (That is to experience death within a Program or Experience)

And the "World without End" refers to The World of "The True Mind" or LIFE.

The "Heavenly Books" or "Program Books" are opened using a Component of the Soul called "The Lamb" recorded in the ancient writings.

Jesus is Not "The Lamb of God" as He is "The Good Shepherd".

But The Lamb is in The Christ’s Soul or The MAN Child.

A Shepherd looks after the Flock and is definitely Not a Lamb.

A Baby does Not look after its Parents….
Nor does a Lamb look after the Shepherd.... LOL

The Lamb of God is a "Disc" which Rotates in the Soul.

This "Disc" comprises of 144 Octagonal holes, which contain "Glyphs" (a Glyph in each Octagon) So it is this Disc of Octagons, which is loaded continuously with "Glyphs" and Empties them at the same time, as the "Disc" Rotates. The Mind or "Partition" of LIFE Reads these Glyphs as the Disc (Lamb) Rotates.

These Gliphs are the Instructions which produce anything, and is Known as The WORD of God, i.e. The Program Language of the Soul.

If the "Disc" is taken out of Focus, it has the appearance of Wool of a lamb or Sheep…. LOL.

edit on 21-2-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: word change...

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Ralphy

First I'm not a religious person and second I don't have an answer for everything but if god is everywhere and everything wouldn't that in turn mean we are god?

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by ThirdI
reply to post by Ralphy

First I'm not a religious person and second I don't have an answer for everything but if god is everywhere and everything wouldn't that in turn mean we are god?
You exist because chaos does not make you become diffuse as the particles that make your physical body depart to become the elements of other things and are replaced by particles that were elements of something else.
God holds that spiritual identity of you, which is similar to God, who is an identity without particles being necessary. We are not even aware of this constant process, much less able to defend ourselves from it taking our souls along with it. God who counts every star and every grain of sand on every shore, also knows every spiritual entity who depends on His spirit to sustain it.
So God is not those grains of sand but the nothingness which drifts between the grains, that holds all His fellow nothings into being somethings.

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