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The Quest for Physical Immortality

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posted on Mar, 7 2011 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Maxine1969

Wow. someone actually took me seriously. It's been a long time. Thank you for that. My passion/obsession is to analyze everything because I learned early that math never lies, so what better to listen to. I can’t say the same for many others that I have met about the lies, when the small ones add up too. (lol). Immortality is one subject I had spent much time with. The answer for that might not make much sense, and i'll be starting a thread soon that goes further into it, but it was that immortality was just a “state of mind”. The brain really is a muscle. Analyzing is a type of work out steroid for the brain, and it is scary what can be accomplished with just the right combinations. Amazing at times, but equally terrifying. If anyone can help, it will come from the type of people who frequent sites like this. It was smart to start your thread.

posted on Mar, 8 2011 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

have sent you a U2U

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Imhotepsol

See this is a text book example of the Tin Foil Hat briggade.

And here is an example of someone who probably doesn't really get the reason for ATS. But hey, thanks for sharing your opinion.

posted on Mar, 9 2011 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
reply to post by DragonriderGal

I believe that it all has to do with what I call T.A.A. or "Technologically Assisted Ascention" - that is, genuine alien beings that transcend reality as a result of billions of years of evolution vs the use of technology to alter genetics and warp timespace in order to try and ascend. I think the main thing that separates the aliens that are trying to reach the next level and the genuinley ascended beings, is that the genuinley ascended beings have at least died once, that is, died the second death in the afterlife, realised that there is an afterlife, realised what pure consciousness is, and thus have connected to thier true immortality. Its something that becomes increacingly hard to grasp as the level of technical knowledge on energy and vibrations increaces, as they are able to quantify thier souls, they forget that their true consciousness can never be quantified. In that way, faith in God or an extremely suicidal tendency (right hand vs left hand) are the ways that people attempt to find the answer to the meaning of life.

I mean, there could be beings out there that have never even conceived of building a space ship, that led happy and peaceful lives on their home planet, and eventually gained the ability to transcend thier reality, as nature intended. You never know, Earth could have been the home to such beings that were in the middle of thier transition, and were captured and experimented upon by envious aliens.
edit on 4-3-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

Actually I don't see any other alien species making enlightenment in it's fullest form aka mental and physical. And there isn't an after life, only a between life. When making enlightenment, such back and forthing becomes a thing of the past as we now will be able to be fully human and fully spirit all at the same time.

It takes a lot of balance between self and others as well, which is where most individual species hit the wall. They are either connected or self differentiated, with a minimal ability to go back and forth. Humanity, with it's blend of both kinds of species spirits, has that ability, and also, we don't have time to sit around and comtemplate this whole topic. We die and have to start over, so always we've had this sense of urgency about understanding and doing spirit stuff beyond what simply not knowing what's coming would cause. Well, that and the NWO bunch inciting us with all that heaven/hell crap.

And it isn't natural to reach enlightenment. From what I see in the racial unconscious, we are the species that the overarching sentience of the universe has been creating since the beginning to accomplish this feat... we are the species that will be the ones who can handle hanging out in the enlightened state but still have that curiosity and drive that makes us so unstoppable... We are the species that will help the universal sentience recreate itself aka create new universes.. making new 'big bangs' into new space. It's been waiting for us for a LOOOOOOONNNNG time! Since it first pushed thru to here, creating life/awareness in this new space.

edit on 9-3-2011 by DragonriderGal because: spelling

posted on Dec, 25 2011 @ 11:25 AM


posted on Jan, 13 2012 @ 09:50 AM
Ive been offline for several months for resons which I dont care to discuss here - so I admit that I am late in revisiting my old thread.

So, I appologize for repeating myself, but I'd like to revisit my original question:

"Assuming that someone acheived VASTLY extended longevity, what definitive test is there to establish that they are indeed "immortal"? Even if you observe someone for (say) 50 years, and they appear not to suffer from age-related deterioration, what proof do you have that they won't drop dead the next day? "

All comments welcome, serious ones preferable. I'd really like to try to get an answer to this

posted on Jan, 14 2012 @ 12:57 PM
if you're suggesting the futility of seeking answers, then I'd have to say that futile or not, I'm inclined to keep searching

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 05:30 AM
reply to post by sevenseas7
I'm not suggesting that it's futile, but I'm asking for suggestions about how to test the validity of a claim. If someone says "I am physically immortal" (or at least, they claim to have hugely extended longevity), how can we test this claim, apart from by sitting around for a long time to see if the claimant drops dead?

posted on Jan, 16 2012 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Maxine1969

I have a list of 7 things any one of which might do it. Watch me for future posts. I'm putting some things together.

posted on Jan, 17 2012 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by taxslave

This sounds interesting, I'll certainly keep my eyes open for your posts

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