posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 01:46 PM
I have gotten the feeling too...
but after years I realized what was causing it.... and I guess if your interested, how to stop it.
Living your life on these type of websites, always searching out "the truth" and hearing about all the bad things in life and atrocities committed
across the globe.
You do learn about a lot of things on here that are true and are happening around the world even if you can't do anything to stop it. but you also
"learn" about a lot of things on here that are not true and are the musings of border line crazy people that for some reason everyone just eats up
like candy.
Whether it is true happenings going on that you can't do anything about or insane made up stuff you can't let it eat at you. Even though I am not
religious there is a plaque I have seen around through my life that makes a ton of sense.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Stay off the internet for a couple of weeks, go outside and just soak in nature.
Take walks in the woods, visit loved ones (not email) ,
Don't listen to the news or political stuff. Don't worry about UFO's, 2012, or conspiracies or any other crap.
After 2 weeks of doing this, post again on how your feeling.
I am an internet junkie like everyone else but every once in a while I have to take a break, re-connect with the real world and you would be surprised
how it will clear the mind.
One day even. Go into the woods, find a comfortable spot and just watch the world around you. watch the critters scampering about and watch how they
act, what their doing, how they interact with each other, watch the clouds floating over head, watch the leaves falling, look at the leaves on the
ground, see how many forms of life you can find on the ground......just soak it all in.
All this other crap will just melt away, you will feel more grounded and more a part of the earth.