The article is actually from 25 June 2004, but I saw it tonight in the ad section of MSN Messenger. It talks about how an abductee recalling the
events of the abduction causes a reaction similar or identical to someone recalling childhood abuse. It then goes on to say that people who claim to
have been abducted are more likely to "experience alterations in consciousness, to have a rich fantasy life, and to endorse unconventional
beliefs.", and that recalling the memory and having the reaction does not necessarily make the memory real.
I can't disagree that some abductions probably are works of the mind, but some abductees are left with physical evidence, such as scarring or other
marks or implants. Things like these aren't addressed in this article though.
the human mind both conscious and sub conscious is excellent in burying thoughts
in the deep and dark expanse of the mind and to compare one thing to another in this instance
would simply bring about the same feelings of fear, hatred and so one
but to think they could be one and the same is total rubbish, child abuse is fact
alien abduction has yet to be proven to the same extent
Of course the obviously non-mind things are not included in the article. To the scientific community at large, alien abductions are only the mind.
I wouldn't expect them to give a fair shake at anything else.