posted on Jul, 15 2004 @ 12:40 PM
Thanks for answering my question, TheBandit795 and Faceless. I guess there is another level of being above the one I used to get into.
I will keep trying. I'd really like to experience that.
To be honest, I'm still not convinced it's anything more than a mental state. I'd need somebody to be able to describe something they could only
know if they had actualy been out of thier body, like some detail about something that happened elsewhere at the time that could be verified. Does
your experience offer any 'proof' that it is real? I ask this from a positive point of view, I'm not trying to question your honesty here in the
slightest, I ask this because I took acid once a long time ago, and I really had some vivid visions that looked hyper-real, which is what you guys
describe. Couldn't it just be some amazingly rare, hard to reach mental state that only a few people can access, due to different wiring of our
Let me ask you another question. Are any of the people who experience this of a scienfitic nature, or are you guys more spiritual? I mean no offense,
I ask this question in all honesty, because I have an (almost) purely scienfitic mind, and I don't belive in god as it is thought of in our
religions. I wonder if my mind stops me from having anything 'paranormal' or spiritual happen to me, as that could damage my core beliefs?
Too many questions, I know, sorry about that. I wish I could talk to you guys face to face, as I know nobody personally who has experienced this, and
I could ask questions for hours about it.
xxKrisxx, I appreciate the advice, but I do read every one of the posts about this, as it is something that's always interested me. I used to have
the ability to control my dreams, and go back into them at will. Sadly, this power has been lost since I was about 20. I always wondered if an oobe is
an extension of this, or if it is something completely different. If I ever find out, I'll be sure to post it here.