posted on Feb, 5 2011 @ 10:06 AM
Recently there have been reports of “laws” (mandates, edicts, rules, bills, statutes, etc.) which are making it “illegal” to video police
personnel in public settings.
Given that each individual has a right to their own perspective, to make mandate the inability to record it becomes an issue of ethics. Also, it
brings to the fore the question of what we may do with each our own consciousness.
What right do we have to our conscious perspective? Unalienable is our right thereto, as well as to our flesh, and therefore not only is this
relevant to recording One’s perspective in public and in private (it being rudely unsocial to record in private something without making any others
present aware of the recording), it covers the right to alter One’s consciousness as One sees fit, with the substances One chooses to put
As long as the three Laws are kept, regardless of One’s altering of One’s conscious perspective, there is no problem except as it pertains to any
damage the drug may be doing to the One who chose the ingestion, and most of us, if given good, honest information, would likely choose wisely. (At
the risk of being yanked into the Alt. Sub. section, I will comment that cannabis has shown itself to actually induce behavior more likely to be
within the three Laws than even sober people tend to exhibit, making all “laws” against it wholly unethical, null and void; our right is
And therefore, “laws” against any public recording are wholly unethical, null and void. Our right is unalienable.
I look forward to discussion.
Thank you.
edit on 2/5/2011 by Amaterasu because: (no reason given)