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Victory in Britain!! Prime Minister says multiculturalism has failed

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posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 05:58 PM
down dude why have you spent the thread arguing you should be agreeing by your previous statement

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by Doomzilla
AND i repeat its the governments fault , not the fault of the spanish people or British migrants .

So why are you complaining about british expats in Spain then? I agree, it's not their fault, or that of the Spanish, but it doesn't change the fact that in the UK today, there is a growing problem with islamification and the unwillingness of anyone to do anything about it, because anyone who speaks is branded as a racist and a bigot!

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by Doomzilla

Thanks brother. Im of mixed decent. I see a lot of people happy that this so called multiculturalism has failed. Ive heard on this forum,those who say the Muslim faith is evil. How Muslims are the bane of British Society,cause they are not conforming to British principles. Leaches on society. Everything I have heard,I have heard before. A country that says they are tolerant,but in reality,are nothing more then the same extremists that occupy their land. Its not the Muslim faith. The Christian faith is just as devious. Look to History,its all there. If Britain wants to fix its problems,they need to change their laws. Immigration laws,Welfare laws,etc. Targeting a minority religion or race,makes Britain look like a bunch of racists.But remember,for every freedom you give up,you will never get that freedom back. You cant even own a firearm in Britain. You are constantly watched by surveillance. All these things the average citizen of Britain didnt fight for,but let happen. And now,when the SHTF,they are quick to find a convenient scapegoat. Remember,when you point your finger,their are three pointing back at you. Good luck with segregation,because thats what it really is.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by sonnny1

Like you say when shtf i will be there with you bro , there is no need to get sucked into these arguments 99% of us want peace , its the ones that govern us that don't .People were having these arguments 50 years ago

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by stumason
Very late to this thread and only got to about 8 pages in before skipping to the end...

Originally posted by sonnny1
So,at least your right about one thing,like Ive said all along.Its the MUSLIMS the British people are worried about. Maybe conquering their lands,fighting in their lands,and then integrating them in to your homeland wasnt such a good thing after all.

How quickly people like you and the Muslims themselves forget the fact we spent the best part of a decade in the 1990's defending Muslims from persecution and genocide in the Balkans and elsewhere.

Originally posted by sonnny1
And now they conform,or else what? You deport them? Make laws forcing them to conform?

Not at all. This whole thing is about if people come to our country, they adopt our values. If they don't and continue their policies of trying to push their values on us while eroding our own, groups like the Muslim Council of Britain, which is very vocal about "Muslim" rights while running roughshod over anyone elses, will stop receiving funding from HMG.

Originally posted by sonnny1
Or do you go the old fashion route,and hold them in Ghettos,or liquidate them? Put a patch on them,to keep tabs on them? I just dont get it. Its the EXTREMISTS,not Muslims that are scaring you into a relapse of history.

They have already largely ghettoised themselves. And the fact the Muslim Council and other groups do not make any effort to try and root out extremists, and other groups go so far as vote rigging local elections so they can get their own way, is what the problem is.

I have no issue with immigration, as long as it isn't a flood and the people that come want to intergrate and become part of the fabric of this great country. I do have a problem with those that come here and try to turn it into somewhere else.

And here is a post that is worthy of a Star,without the rhetoric,and bashing that most on here have done. I think some of the problems could be fixed immediately. In America, they enacted laws to fight White Supremest. Infiltrated,and taking down some of the biggest in that movement.If you enact laws that curbs this kind of hate,you can get a desired effect. I commend you,for not spouting the hate filled mantra of all Muslims are evil. I also believe no public funding for those groups that preach hate. It would be like America funding the KKK.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by tiger5

In other words - a truly liberal society forces people to be liberal.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:14 AM
reply to post by Haydn_17

if they live on ur land then they must pay taxes am i right? so why do u care what the hell they do with their own time...they dont want to come in town and buy things so what thats their choice they have their own religion who gives a damn oh and elections there all fake and staged so why does it matter if they vote

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:29 AM
reply to post by Dock9

u actually hear how stupid u sound....bow to me do as i say or u get the boot laff!

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:27 AM
Remember governments deploy tactics, such as distraction techniques and damage limitation, and often 'announce' things for a purpose, such as before damning reports, like the soon to be shown C4 undercover documentary and the furore about the Lockerbie bombers release to a heroic welcome.

There is always a motive, it is advisable to look beyond any government statements for the reality, as most probably there is something being released that requires a little distraction / softening up / blame shifting etc.

This documentary, to be shown on C4 UK 14.02.11 and then soon on 4oD shows certain religious schools in the UK forcing extremist views.
edit on 9-2-2011 by theabsolutetruth because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:32 AM
Well if god wanted us to be all one colour creed ect , then why did he make us black white yellow? Wouldnt it have made more sense to make us all one colour?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
reply to post by tiger5

In other words - a truly liberal society forces people to be liberal.


posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:22 AM
if we think about it like this , the law of the land is common law ! Muslims in the UK are pretty strict with women and muslim women appear to have their inalienable rights suppressed, which is an offense under common law.

As far as i am aware muhammed was an abdicate of womens rights and made changes to arabic islamic law which gave women more rights . Arent we now seeing these same rights removed where the women of islamic communities are forced to do as their men say especially in the UK .
Muslims wishing to move to the UK should embrace our own laws , the law of the land , common law , just as everyone else has to abide by it.

If they wish to have their own legal system then they should move to a country which already has an established islamic state.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:25 AM
reply to post by sapien82

How often do you think christians who goto mass follow the 10 commandments?

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
if we think about it like this , the law of the land is common law ! Muslims in the UK are pretty strict with women and muslim women appear to have their inalienable rights suppressed, which is an offense under common law.

As far as i am aware muhammed was an abdicate of womens rights and made changes to arabic islamic law which gave women more rights . Arent we now seeing these same rights removed where the women of islamic communities are forced to do as their men say especially in the UK .
Muslims wishing to move to the UK should embrace our own laws , the law of the land , common law , just as everyone else has to abide by it.

If they wish to have their own legal system then they should move to a country which already has an established islamic state.

This thread is beyond absurd, vague references to 'a growing problem of islamification', mentions of the existence of MCB as proof that all Muslims want to establish Shariaa law, its unbelievable. Who says that women are being forced to do as their men say especially in the UK? What proof do you have of that? Here is an article that states the contrary: Such opinionated drivel. That is not what is happening in the world. Why do you just regurgitate what other people tell you without critically analysing the statements? That's what consciousness is for! The BNP exists, it is probably also growing in correlation with the population, does that mean that there's a significant growing problem of Nazism in the UK? No it doesn't. Does it mean that all British people with slight nationalist tendencies, or national pride, are anti-semitic Nazis? No. Evidence please, crunch some numbers and prove it before you start spouting a load of generalised sweeping statements as facts. You all really need to start distinguishing between a very minute number of nutty fundamentalists and the masses who are normal people, who happen to have been born into a particular religion. It's just as absurd as saying 'all Catholics are paedos because they're priests are - I SAW IT IN THE NEWZ INNIT'. Yeah, IF the average Muslim population all wanted to introduce Shariaa law then get annoyed - but they don't. So what is all this stupid 'Y DONT THEY LEAVE IF THEY DONT LYKE IT' crap going around over and over and over and over. Everyone is just taking the opportunity to voice their true opinion about Muslims as a whole, the opinion that they've let mass media drill into their heads without even making the effort to investigate in an unbiased manner. It's the 21st Century, Muslims born in the UK are really, really well integrated - they often even drink, they aren't that religious at all, let alone fundamentalists. Why would they want shariaa law? Anti-Islamic sentiment is enforced so that you'll support your government's foreign policies, don't let yourselves be spoon-fed nonsense.
edit on 9-2-2011 by arollingstone because: one of links didnt work

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 07:06 AM
And another thing - the fundamentalists going on about introducing Shariaa to the UK don't care about Islam in itself - they use it as a tool to manipulate the uneducated into helping them achieve their own personal ambitions, usually power. This has been going on since the dawn of Civilisation. It is exactly the same as when the US or UK use fear of 'them' and ideology (such as saying that they are delivering democracy to Iraq, which they clearly have not yet done) to justify their foreign policies, because no one will go along with it if they just say 'we want to expand our sphere of influence'. The same way most Medieval Monarchs used Christianity as a justification for war, or the US used to use the fear of 'the scourge of Communism'. Why would it be any different in this case? The vast majority of Muslims despise fundamentalists for giving Islam a bad and incorrect public image and going against many of the very principles of the religion. Yet, you still have the nerve to put it on the majority - it isn't rational and it isn't fair.
edit on 9-2-2011 by arollingstone because: typo

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by andy1033

Originally posted by SmedleyBurlap
reply to post by tiger5

In other words - a truly liberal society forces people to be liberal.


Nope. Is Britain or America forcing people like the EDL and Evangelist Christians to tone down their nonsense that they spout via free speech, No. They are not forcing it. But a liberal country does believe in taking affirmative action against regimes such as Nazism, part of the main reason we opposed Hitler's regime.

Liberal does not mean forcing everyoen to be liberal nor does it mean letting fascist evil regimes get away with despicable acts against humanity, or acts of racism.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by arollingstone

it takes Consciousness and self awareness to have clear thoughts and intelligent thought processes, which mostly involves removing oneself literally and / or metaphorically from and above the restricted reality spheres of the current society in the UK and many other places.

The current and recent historical mainstream education system has been for the purpose of creating a nation of non thinkers, taught to look no deeper than the surface of things they are told and to follow media led rationale and view points.

This has culminated in a population of mostly unintelligent, work horses paying into the tax system without a second thought as to the structure of civilizations, and any deeper, more meaningful realities of a significant universal nature. These workhorses are displaying learned behaviour, reacting to trigger words and spouting 'learned' rhetoric as displayed in media and purposely limited educational teachings. The reality spheres such a culture has created are small and the population mostly 'in neutral' auto pilot, reactionary in a controlled verbal manner, consistent with such learned behaviour.

Such reactions and behaviour is a control method deployed by governments.

The reaction displayed in this thread are completely consistent with such behaviour and if these words were thrown out to any discussion forum of the average population, the same reactions to the same key words would be shown.

One could almost rewrite a dictionary with the format of:

word: meaning; typical reaction.

multicultural is a key word that produces specific reactions, in this instance it is a distractionary word from the supposed 'point' of the statement. I believe this word was used purposefully for this reaction.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by longwinter
This is hilarious in itself, in the fact contained within history that the English have traveled the world and tried to conquer it, just so it will bend to English culture.

You are a moron if you believe that the English did the conquering.
It was the royalty and governments that call the shots. The poor soldiers and navy just did their dirty work for them.

Similar to the brainwashed hordes of howling Islam in the 7th century who swept across the middle-east and Africa...

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by theabsolutetruth

That sounds like a form of brainwashing and if that was true then everyone would be reacting in exactly the same manner. As they aren't, I would respectfully disagree with you.

I have been unable to traverse down streets in this country because of seggregated communities that are incredibly unwelcoming because said communities cannot speak this language and therefore cannot intergrate themselves with their host nation. I think if the language issue was addressed first and foremost before they even attempted to come here it would solve a lot of the initial problems and allow immigrants to mingle with natives in a more confident manner. If they have travelled here with no intention of taking heed of this culture, then really, what is the point in coming here in the first place? I'm not suggesting that anyone leaves, but I am suggesting that a painfully small immigrant minority have come here for nefarious purposes, and the non-intergration only makes natives paranoid.

I'm not too pleased that people consider this failure to live with each other as a victory, but I do see where they are coming from as it is quite frustrating to have areas of this country effectively out of bounds because of religious, cultural and language barriers. I wish it wasn't so, and it would be great if we could all get along, but the issues need addressed.

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by invetro

That is exactly the point! If you are to move to a country, you are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to be in that country! Say if I were to move to Japan... I wouldn't move there and expect the Japanese nation to accept me and allow me to have all of the rights and style of life I have here in Canada. I would learn the speak the language, learn to adapt to their culture, and respect the heratige of the land. Its rediculous to expect them to conform to my desires. Its really an issue of intergration. If you live in said with the nation, not against them. To do the contrary is a form of subtile takeover.

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